Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday, 8 December 2006 in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.

In the Chair: Jim Wells

Present: Dominic Bradley
Jeffrey Donaldson MP
Barry McElduff
David McNarry
Caitríona Ruane

In attendance: Debbie Pritchard (Principal Clerk)
Stella McArdle (Clerk)
Valerie Artt (Assistant Clerk)
Jim Nulty (Clerical Officer)
Tony Marken (Research and Library Services)
Eleanor Murphy (Research and Library Services)

Observing: Brian Crowe (UUP Researcher)
Eilis Haughey (SDLP Researcher)
Grainne McEvoy (SDLP Researcher)
Philip Weir (DUP Researcher)
Richard Bullick )DUP Researcher)

Apologies: Sammy Wilson MP

The meeting commenced at 9.41 a.m. in closed session.

1. The Chairperson informed the members that the BBC had asked to be allowed to film the beginning of the meeting. The DUP, SDLP and Sinn Fein were content but the UUP was not and as there was not consensus the request was refused.

2. Apologies

An apology was received from Sammy Wilson, MP. Members noted that deputies could attend sub-group meetings if members were unable to do so.

3. Sub-group Procedures and Terms of Reference

Members noted the procedures for the sub-group as determined by the Programme for Government Committee.

Following discussion the sub-group agreed by consensus that all evidence sessions would be public and recorded by Hansard and that all other meetings and parts of meetings would be closed.

Members agreed to accept the terms of reference for the sub-group, as determined by the Programme for Government Committee.

4. Declaration of Interests, Transitional Assembly Privilege and Sub Judice

Members noted that the Transitional Assembly’s Standing Order 29(f) states that before taking part in any debate or proceeding of the Assembly, a Member shall declare any interest, financial or otherwise, which is relevant to that debate or proceeding, where such interest is held by the member or an immediate relative.

The following interests were declared by members:

Mr Bradley advised that he is on the staff of St Paul’s High School, Bessbrook, a member of the Board of Governors of Bunscoil an Iúir, Newry, a member of NASUWT and receives payment as the editor of the education pages of the Irish language newspaper Lá.

Mr Donalson advised that he is a member of the Board of Governors of Parkview Special School.

Mr McElduff advised that he is a member of the Western Education and Library Board and of the Boards of Governors of St Patrick’s Primary School, Garvallagh, St Patrick’s Primary School, Eskra and St Lawrence’s Primary School, Fintona.

Members noted the information in relation to privilege as set out in paragraph 8 of Schedule 1 to the Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) Act 2006.

Members noted the information provided with regard to sub-judice.

The meeting was suspended at 10.08 a.m.
The meeting reconvened at 10.20 a.m. in public session

5. Presentation by officials from the Department of Education

The sub-group took evidence from Dr Robson Davison, David Woods, Leslie Ashe and John Leonard representing the Department of Education.

The meeting was suspended at 11.40 a.m.
The meeting reconvened in closed session at 11.50 a.m.

6. Work Programme

Members discussed the draft work programme and agreed by consensus to invite a number of organisations to give oral evidence to the sub-group at the next meeting. A number of other groups should be asked to provide written submissions for members’ consideration.

It was agreed that the Assembly’s Research and Library staff would prepare a paper on the post-primary education system in the Republic of Ireland

7. Any Other Business

Members agreed that a press release should be issued following the meeting. The wording of the press release was agreed.

8. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

Subject to a decision by the Programme for Government Committee on future chairing arrangements, members agreed that the next meeting will be held at 9.30 a.m. on Friday 15 December 2006 in the Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings. A further meeting will be held at 9.30 a.m. on Friday 22 December 2006 in Room 144 Parliament Buildings.

The meeting ended at 12.16 p.m.

Jim Wells

December 2006

Menu / 15 December