Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 29 January 2007 in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

In the Chair: Jim Wells

Present: Jeffrey Donaldson MP
Derek Hussey
Danny Kennedy
Alban Maginness
Mitchell McLaughlin
Ian Paisley Jnr
Peter Robinson MP
Caitriona Ruane

In Attendance: Debbie Pritchard (Principal Clerk)
Damien Martin (Assembly Clerk)
Joanne Adair (Assistant Clerk)
Pauline Hunter (Clerical Officer)

Observing: Richard Bullick (DUP Researcher)
Emma Lyttle (DUP Researcher)
Jackie Mc Mullan (Sinn Fein Researcher)
Mark Neale (UUP Researcher)
Dara O’Hagan (SF Researcher)

The meeting commenced at 1 08 p.m.

1. Apologies

Gerry Adams MP (Mr McLaughlin attended as the SF representative in place of Mr Adams MP)

Mark Durkan MP (Mr Maginness attended as SDLP representative in place of Mr Durkan MP)

Sir Reg Empey (Mr Kennedy attended as UUP representative in place of Sir Reg Empey)

David McClarty (Mr Hussey attended as the UUP representative in place of Mr McClarty)

Martin McGuinness MP (Ms Ruane attended as the SF representative in place of Mr McGuinness MP)

Margaret Ritchie

2. Minutes of the meeting of 22 January 2007

The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting of 22 January 2007.

3. Minutes of the meeting of 23 January 2007

The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting of 23 January 2007.

4. Matters Arising

(a) Response from the Chancellor of the Exchequer

Members noted that an expected response from the Chancellor of the Exchequer to the Committee’s letter of 3 January had not yet been received.

(b) Response from the Secretary of State

The Committee noted, without prejudice to party positions and subject to detailed consideration of the proposed amendments to the Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Bill, the response from the Secretary of State to its request for further information on issues that arose during the sub-group on Policing and Justice evidence session with the Secretary of State on 9 January 2007.

5. Paper on Lifetime Opportunities Strategy

The Committee considered the revised paper on the Lifetime Opportunities Strategy and agreed the paper, as amended.

The Chairperson proposed that the Committee should write to the Secretary of State encouraging him to establish the Ministerial Forum on anti-poverty as a matter of priority and asking that the Committee’s recommendations be brought to the attention of the Forum at its first meeting. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

6. Paper on Victims and Survivors

The Committee considered the revised paper summarising its discussions on victims and survivors issues and noted legal advice on the potential implications of a recommendation regarding public inquiries.

The Chairperson proposed that the Committee agree the paper as amended. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

Mr Donaldson proposed that the Committee should write to the Secretary of State regarding its conclusions on victims and survivors issues and that a copy of the Committee’s paper on victims and survivors issues should also be sent to the office of the Victims’ Commissioner for the information of the incoming Victims’ Commissioner. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

Ian Paisley Jnr left the meeting at 1.50 pm

7. Paper on Priorities for a Restored Executive and Preparations for Restoration

Members discussed a paper summarising the Committee’s work to agree priorities for a restored Executive and to make preparations for restoration.

The Chairperson proposed that departments should be commissioned to provide updates on action taken to progress the recommendations and conclusions of the Committee for consideration after the elections. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

Caitriona Ruane left the meeting at 2.05 pm

The meeting was suspended at 2.05 pm

The meeting was reconvened at 2.55 pm

8. Report of the Sub-Group on Economic issues on the Government’s responses to the reports on the Economic Challenges facing Northern Ireland from the Preparation for Government Committee

Shane McAteer (Assembly Clerk) and Victor Hewitt (Specialist Adviser) joined the meeting at 2. 55 pm.

The Committee considered the report and discussed issues relating to corporation tax in Northern Ireland with Mr Hewitt.

The Chairperson proposed that the Committee should accept the report. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

The Chairperson proposed that the report should be published. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

The Chairperson proposed that an open letter to the Secretary of State pressing for a serious and proactive response to the Committee’s recommendations on the economy and a covering press release should be published. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

The Chairperson proposed that the question of a debate on the issue of an economic package for Northern Ireland should be considered after the elections. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

Members were advised that no direction had as yet been received from the Secretary of State in relation to access by party advisers to Parliament Buildings to continue work on the draft Ministerial Code and the economic package for Northern Ireland.

9. Any Other Business

The Chairperson proposed that the draft press release should be issued. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

10. Next Meeting

Members agreed that the next meeting of the Committee on the Programme for Government should be scheduled to take place following the elections when members had signed the Roll, with the date and time to be decided by the Committee’s Chairpersons.


The meeting adjourned at 3.18 pm

23 January / Menu