The meeting began at 11.35

The Speaker (Chair)
Mr PJ Bradley
Mr J Dallat
Mr P Maskey
Mr K McCarthy
Mr D McNarry
Ms C Ní Chuilín
Lord Morrow

Present (secretariat):
Mr A Moir The Clerk
Mr J Reynolds Deputy Clerk
In attendance: Mr P Moore Clerk of Business
Ms C McGivern Director of Legal Services
Mr R Good Adviser to the Speaker
Ms F Leneghan Assistant Private Secretary to the Speaker

Mr F Molloy Deputy Speaker
Ms G McKibbin OFMDFM

1. Minutes of the meeting held on 24 April 2007

1.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 24 April were agreed and were signed by the Speaker.

2. Matters Arising

2.1 Referring to paragraph 2.2 of the minutes (Standing Orders) the Speaker confirmed that Standing Orders would be issued on Thursday 3 May, along with the Clerk’s provisional notice to Members regarding the meeting on the 8th of May.

2.2 On the issue recorded at paragraph 2.4 of the minutes (arrangements for the galleries), the Speaker advised members of her decision that the press would be allocated 30 seats; the Speaker would have 24 seats for VIP guests; Members would have a total of 81 seats; while 29 seats would be reserved for members of the public. She further advised that Members’ seats would be allocated to parties on a proportional basis, with each party responsible for distribution of its allocation. Mr McNarry asked that his party’s dissatisfaction with its allocation be recorded.

2.3 As a follow-up to the issue recorded at paragraph 2.6 (affirmation of the terms of the Pledge of Office) members were provided with copies of the text that would be provided to party whips for use by members who were nominated to ministerial office. In response to a question from Lord Morrow, the Speaker confirmed that the full Pledge of Office would be read into the record prior to any Member affirming its terms.

2.4 Referring to paragraph 2.15 of the minutes (allocation of seats to Statutory and Standing Committees) the Speaker asked whether whips had yet been able to reach agreement on indicative allocations. Members reported that they had not. Members were reminded that clerks were available to provide advice on the issues and the Speaker urged members to avail of this advice. Members agreed that a further attempt should be made to meet to discuss the issue prior to 8 May.

2.5 Mr McNarry asked why one issue, which had been mentioned at the previous week’s meeting (an event being arranged in the Long Gallery by OFMDFM), had not been recorded in the minutes. The Speaker reminded the member that the event was not a matter for the Assembly or the Business Committee.

3. Arrangements for the first meeting of the Northern Ireland Assembly on 8 May

3.1 The Speaker drew members’ attention to revised Order Papers for the meetings on 8 and 9 May, which reflected her proposal to significantly alter the order of business that had been discussed at the previous meeting of the Business Committee. The Speaker advised that her proposal, which followed a meeting with representatives of the two largest parties in the Assembly, was consistent with her undertaking to remain in office until the Assembly was in a position to elect a new Speaker.

3.2 Members discussed the item of business ‘Election of Deputy Speaker(s)’ on the Order Paper. There were varied opinions expressed on the legislation that allowed Deputy Speakers in the Transitional Assembly to be deemed to be elected as Deputy Speakers in the Northern Ireland Assembly, and on the potential party breakdown of office-holders. In response to questions, the Speaker drew members’ attention to her previous confirmation, recorded at paragraph 2.10 of the minutes of the meeting held on 24 April, that all three Deputy Speaker posts were of equal standing.

3.3 Following these discussions, Mr McNarry indicated that he could not agree to the draft Order Papers without consulting his party. Members agreed to continue with the agenda, but to defer a decision on the Order Paper for Tuesday 8 May until 2pm, at which time the Business Committee would reconvene.

Mr McNarry left the meeting at 12.25

3.4 The Speaker suggested that, in accordance with precedent, the Pledge of Office should be read in its entirety, thus avoiding the need for it to be read by each of those taking up office. Members agreed that this would be appropriate.

3.5 The Speaker explained her understanding that the First Minister designate and deputy First Minister designate would wish to make appointments as soon as possible after taking up office, under the existing determination on Junior Ministers, and that they would prefer that the two relevant Members should take up their posts on the 8th of May with the Members having affirmed the terms of the Pledge of Office in the Chamber. Members agreed that it would be reasonable for the Speaker to accommodate any joint request relating to Junior Ministers, and that such affirmations could be accommodated after the running of d’Hondt.

3.7 Members confirmed the names that are to appear on the Business Committee membership motion.

4 Arrangements for the Second Meeting to be held on 9 May 2007

4.1 Members agreed to defer consideration of the name of the Committee of the Centre until the Northern Ireland Assembly Business Committee meets formally on Tuesday 8 May.

4.2 Members confirmed the names that are to appear on the Assembly Commission motion. (Mr McNarry confirmed the names of his party’s representatives after the meeting had concluded.)

5. Arrangements and draft guidance for Assembly Questions

5.1 Members provisionally agreed to the recommendations and draft rota for Question Time contained in a paper on the arrangements for Assembly Questions, and to draft guidance for members. Members agreed that the guidance should not be distributed to MLAs until it had been formally approved by the NIA Business Committee.

6. Draft guidance on motions and amendments

6.1 The draft guidance was agreed in principle, subject to its approval by the NIA Business Committee prior to it being issued to Members.

7. Draft guidance on Adjournment Debates

7.1 The draft guidance was agreed in principle, subject to its approval by the NIA Business Committee prior to it being issued to Members.

Mr McNarry returned to the meeting at 12.35

8. Arrangements for the first meeting of the Northern Ireland Assembly on 8 May (continued)

8.1 Mr McNarry indicated that he was now able to agree the draft Order Paper. All other members confirmed their agreement.

9. Any Other Business

9.1 The Speaker reminded members that, under the Northern Ireland Assembly Standing Orders, each member of the Business Committee would be able to appoint a substitute member who could attend meetings in their absence. The Speaker reported that she had already received one such request from Mr McNarry, and that his appointment of Mr David McClarty as his substitute would take effect as soon as the Business Committee membership motion is approved by the Assembly. Members agreed that the issue should be raised at the first meeting of the NIA Business Committee.

9.2 Mr McCarthy asked whether any plenary business would be conducted during week commencing 14 May. He was advised that the Business Committee would meet on Wednesday 9 May to consider business for the following week.

10. Date and time of the next meeting

10.1 Members agreed that, subject to the Assembly’s approval of the Business Committee membership motion, the Business Committee should meet at 3.30pm on Tuesday 8 May 2007 in Room 106, at which meeting the Order Paper for 9 May would be approved.

10.2 Members further agreed that the Committee should meet thirty minutes after the House rises on Wednesday 9 May, in order to consider business for week commencing 14 May.

The Speaker brought the meeting to a close at 12.40 pm.

The Speaker

Mr McNarry confirmed the names of his party’s representatives after the meeting had concluded.

24 April / Menu