Present: Initial Presiding Officer
Mrs E Bell
Mr R Coulter
Mr F Molloy
Mr P Robinson MP
In the Chair: Initial Presiding Officer
In Attendance: Ms G Campbell, Mr T Evans, Mr Cosgrave
Mr N Johnston and Mr D Millar attended for part of the meeting.
Apologies: Mr J Fee
1. Minutes of 27 July meeting were accepted without
2.1 Meeting with Mr Murphy
The Initial Presiding Officer informed Members that he had written to Mr
Murphy congratulating him on his new appointment and will meet his successor
Mr Howarth on 20 September. All but two of the Parties have claimed the £1500
addition to the Party support premium.
2.2 Crown Status
Drafts of the two Orders in Council have not yet been received. The Initial
Presiding Officer referred to recent correspondence with the Secretary of State
and the Inland Revenue regarding stamp duty exemption. The Inland Revenue has
advised that exemption requires primary legislation. It was agreed that the
Initial Presiding Officer should write to the Secretary of State and the Inland
Revenue asking them to progress this issue.
2.3 Accommodation
The introduction of the new pass system is progressing well.
2.4 Fire Precautions
The evaluation of the July fire drill was very positive. Another test of the
drill is planned for October when there will be no announcements about muster
2.5 Membership of the Commission
The Initial Presiding Officer has arranged to meet the joint chairmen of the
Standing Orders Committee on 20 September. Mr Coulter and Mr Fee were asked
to brief the joint chairmen on the Commission's proposal to address the issue
of proportionality.
2.6 Meeting with Cedric Wilson
Some new information has come to hand which the Keeper of the House is investigating.
The Initial Presiding Officer has provisionally arranged to meet Mr McCartney
on 20 September.
2.7 Pensions Bill
Under this agenda item the Initial Presiding Officer raised the general issue
of how the Commission should involve house committees and the pension trustees
in further development work at this stage. It was agreed that Mr Evans should
take the views of house committee chairmen and the pension trustees.
2.8 Wheelchair Access
Mr Waddell still awaiting a report from Disability Action on disabled access.
Leaflet on disabled access still to be prepared. DOE has been asked to provide
a report on the possibility of installing a ramp at the front entrance of Parliament
Buildings. The Initial Presiding Officer will be meeting medical colleagues
on 20 September to discuss the content of the first aid training programme and
ideas on the provision of an emergency medical service.
2.9 BBC Proposal
BBC has still to submit a proposal on the development of corridor B40 and
the bunker.
2.10 Development of the Stormont Estate
Mr Evans has written to DOE setting out the Commission's preferred option
for the provision of access and car parking facilities for the children's playground.
It was agreed that this issue needs to be resolved quickly because of the traffic
difficulties at the Prince of Wales Entrance. Mr Evans to contact Police Traffic
Branch regarding parking on the Newtownards Road.
DOE officials to be invited to the next Commission meeting to discuss the
car parking issue and the more general development of the Stormont Estate.
2.11 Staffing
It was agreed that there needed to be careful management of the withdrawal
of NICS secondees for familiarisation training. The Initial Presiding Officer
informed Members that the secondment of the legally qualified solicitor has
been delayed and that the Secretariat had received advice from DFP that the
Examiner of Statutory Rules would not have a role with non-transferred matters.
The Commission agreed to await DFP's formal response. The Initial Presiding
Officer agreed to ask Mr Semple about the possibility of all of the NICS terms
and conditions being provided electronically.
2.12 Pavarotti Concert
The Commission agreed that the concert had been a success and that the access,
car parking and catering arrangements had worked well. Members asked for their
appreciation to be passed on to doorkeepers and Mount Charles staff.
The Initial Presiding Officer agreed to speak to Dr A McDonnell about the
incident involving one of Pavarotti's security staff. It was agreed that all
visitors should be briefed on the correct protocol in the building
2.13 Security Cameras
The Initial Presiding Officer agreed to raise the security cameras issue with
the Chief Constable.
2.14 Handbook Covers
The Commission agreed that the handbook covers should be ordered immediately.
2.15 Stationery Ordering Procedures
Original paper to be redrafted for consideration at the next Commission meeting.
3.1 The technical assessment of the sound and vision equipment has
been completed. The report indicates that the sound and vision equipment has
a shelf-life of 7-8 years. It was agreed that the GPA can begin negotiations
for the purchase of the equipment and continue with the current tender for the
operation and maintenance of the sound and vision facility.
4.1 Members noted the advice from Speaker's Counsel. The Assembly is
legally obliged to pay Ministers' salaries and determine a single composite
salary for Ministers and officer-holders. Also the Northern Ireland Act requires
the abatement of the composite salary of a Minister and office-holder holding
a dual mandate and not just the Assembly Member part of the salary. The Commission
agreed that the salaries of Ministers and office-holders should, where appropriate,
be abated by a stated amount equivalent to two thirds of an Assembly Member's
4.2 Speaker's Counsel has also advised that Party Whips do not come
under section 47(3)(iv) of the Northern Ireland Act and can therefore not be
remunerated as Assembly office-holders. Members agreed to consider alternative
arrangements and come back to this issue at the next Commission meeting.
5.1 The Commission considered a request from the Secretary of State,
on behalf of the Family Care Society, to hold an interdenominational prayer
service on 16 or 17 October. Members were content for the event to go ahead
but asked for their concerns, that this should not be seen as a precedent for
other events of a similar nature, to be included in the response to the Secretary
of State.
5.2 Two requests for Saturday tours on 18 September were approved:
Y Professor McWilliams, Transport and General
Workers' Union;
Y Mr Wells, Mourne Free Presbyterian Church
Ladies Group.
5.3 The Commission approved a request to hold an evening reception
for the International Cancer evening on Saturday 3 October. It was agreed that
the Minister should be asked to invite the health spokespersons from each of
the Parties.
5.4 The Commission endorsed the Initial Presiding Officer's proposal
to provide John Kennedy with lifetime access to the Assembly library.
5.5 The Initial Presiding Officer informed Members that he had received
a paper on the provision of child care facilities and had asked for the paper
to be refined.
5.6 Members did not approve a request from Ms Jane Morrice for the
Commission to host a coffee morning on behalf of the Northern Ireland Hospice.
5.7 The Commission approved a request for 7 security passes for Central
Secretariat's Visits Section and a further request from the BBC to film the
"Straight Up" programme in the Senate Chamber.
5.8 The request to hold the Belfast Festival of Speed in Stormont Estate
was deferred to the next Commission meeting when more detail on the event will
be available.
5.9 There was a discussion on the proposed protest march by the Long
March Committee planned for 25 September. Members agreed that, if the Parades
Commission ruled in favour of the protest, the Commission would hold with the
policy agreed at the 29 March meeting which gives the Speaker authority to allow
protests up to the steps of Parliament Buildings as long as a protest is not
obstructive, defamatory or offensive. It was also agreed that a small delegation
would be permitted entry to Parliament Buildings but that no banners would be
Tuesday 28 September at 2.00 pm.
27 July 1999 / Menu
/ 28 September 1999