Present: Initial Presiding Officer
Mrs E Bell
Mr R Coulter
Mr J Fee
Mr P Robinson MP
In the Chair: Initial Presiding Officer
In Attendance: Ms G Campbell, Mr T Evans, Mr Cosgrave
Mr N Johnston and Mr D Millar attended for part of the meeting.
Apologies: Mr F Molloy
The Initial Presiding Officer welcomed Mr Denis Millar who has replaced Ms
Benson as temporary Director of Finance and Personnel.
Minutes of 05 July meeting were accepted with one change to the list of attendees.
Members also agreed a change to the minutes of 29 June meeting.
The Initial Presiding Officer updated Members on his meeting with Mr Murphy
on 21 July. The Commission is to continue with preparations for devolution while
exercising sensible controls in terms of expenditure and drawing in of NICS
staff. Mr Murphy has agreed to uplift the Party support premium by a one-off
contribution of £1500 which Parties can use to cover travel expenses incurred
in attending the recent political talks at Westminster. Money to be drawn down
in August.
3.1 Crown Status
The Initial Presiding Officer confirmed that work on the two Orders in Council
is being progressed and that he has requested copies of the draft orders.
3.2 Accommodation
APN/38 included a reminder that current security passes are valid only up
to 09 July. It was agreed that Assembly staff should be ready to process a significant
number of passes in the week immediately after the recess.
3.3 Fire Precautions
Notification of the fire drill went out in the last APN. The fire drill will
take place in week commencing 26 July.
3.4 Membership of the Commission
All Commission Members have consulted with Parties on the proposal to address
the issue of proportionality without increasing the membership of the Commission.
The Initial Presiding Officer agreed to outline the proposal and the reaction
of Parties when he meets the joint chairmen of the Standing Orders Committee
in early September.
3.5 Meeting with Cedric Wilson
Peter Waddell has been informed by Mr McCartney that all appropriate papers
have been forwarded to Mr Wilson. The Initial Presiding Officer agreed to meet
with Mr McCartney.
3.6 Pensions Bill
It was agreed that this matter should be deferred until September.
3.7 Sound and Vision
The Central Office of Information (COI) has been commissioned to carry out
an audit of the existing sound and vision equipment to include an assessment
of the market value of the equipment and whether it has a reasonable shelf life
(3-4 years). On receipt of COI's report the Commission will be in a position
to purchase the equipment and run with the current tender process for the operation
and maintenance of the sound and vision equipment. Members agreed that the cost
of providing tapes to broadcasters should be recovered.
3.8 Salaries and Allowances
Members received a further draft determination of salaries and allowances
reflecting advice from the Departmental Solicitor's Office. It was agreed to
review this issue at an early meeting after the summer recess.
3.9 Wheelchair Access
It was agreed that a leaflet should be prepared highlighting disabled access
points in Parliament Buildings. The Initial Presiding Officer informed Members
that he had written to medical colleagues for comments on the content of the
first aid training programme and ideas on the provision of an emergency medical
service linked to the Ulster Hospital.
3.10 BBC Proposal
The Commission is content to receive a proposal from BBC on the potential
refurbishment of corridor B40. The Initial Presiding Officer raised with the
Commission the possibility of using the bunker as a media centre.
3.11 Development of the Stormont Estate
Mr Evans has met DOE officials to confirm the Commission's preferred options
for the provision of access and car parking facilities for the children's playground.
Y new entrance at Summerhill Avenue plus a 60
space car park with overflow facilities west of Prince of Wales Avenue;
Y same car parking facilities with access from
Prince of Wales Avenue.
Some Members have received positive feedback from parents on the children's
playground. Mr Fee asked for details on the cost of the playground.
3.12 Staffing
The Initial Presiding Officer updated Members on his meeting with Mr Semple
and Mr Carvill on 26 July. They have agreed that additional NICS secondees can
commence training (2-3 days per week) in September and once there is a definite
date for devolution staff will then be seconded on a full-time basis. Mr Semple
and Mr Carvill have also agreed to come back with a formal response on the promotions
issue in September.
The Initial Presiding Officer informed Members that a legally qualified solicitor
will come on secondment from the NICS on 13 September and that the recruitment
of an Examiner of Statutory Rules is being progressed. The Initial Presiding
Officer also confirmed that he had raised with Mr Murphy the potential difficulty
of an Examiner of Statutory Rules being responsible for both transferred and
non-transferred matters. Mr Murphy agreed to come back with a response in September.
A Paper on the Official Secrets Act was tabled at the meeting. The complete
set of NICS Terms and Conditions was not tabled because of the volume of paper.
Mr Rogers to investigate the possibility of electronic access. Meetings between
Assembly Officials and NIPSA representatives on trade union consultation are
The Commission endorsed the following proposals covering access arrangements
on the day of the concert:
Y only pass holders will have car access to
Stormont Estate via the Stoney Road entrance;
Y sitting day rules will apply to the upper
plateau car parks;
Y staff with a ticket or staff required to work
at the concert will use the east staff car park;
Y Members' guests with a ticket can enter the
Estate either in a Member's car, via park and ride facilities or on foot by
Prince of Wales Avenue;
Y Members' guests without a ticket will only
gain access to the Estate in a Member's car;
Y the Members' Dining Room and Long Gallery
will be available for meals booked in advance by Members. The balcony casement
windows will be left open but there will be no access to the balcony for health
and safety reasons;
Y Mr Evans to issue a guidance note advising
Members to contact the Commission Office for details on access, car parking,
ticket sales and meal arrangements.
Y A revised in-year requirement of £23 million
was tabled. This figure is predicated on 01 November devolution date with the
original full year estimate of £36 million remaining.
Y Members considered a paper on Partners' access
and agreed that passes should be provided. Passes will be applied for in the
same way as for existing pass holders.
Y Mr Robinson expressed concern about the presence
of security cameras in the ground floor corridor adjacent to the west wing entrance.
The Initial Presiding Officer agreed to check with the security services if
there is still a need for the cameras and also if there are plans to install
security cameras in other parts of Parliament Buildings.
Y Members asked why there has been a delay in
providing handbook covers.
Y The Commission approved requests for passes
for four NIO senior Press Officers and temporary access to the upper plateau
car park for a staff member of the Deputy First Minister's Office.
Y The Commission approved, on a cost recovery
basis, a request from the BBC to use the Senate Chamber to film a new programme
called 'Straight Up' to be transmitted on 25 August.
Y Members asked for the paper on stationery
ordering procedures to be re-drafted to mirror House of Commons arrangements.
Y The Commission approved a request from Mr
Poots for a Saturday tour. A paper to be prepared on the cost of weekend tours.
Monday 13 September at 2.00 pm.
5 July 1999 / Menu
/ 13 September 1999