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Tuesday 27 June 2000 at 2.00pm in Room 135 Parliament Buildings

Present: Mr P Doherty (Chairperson)
Mr S Neeson (Deputy Chairperson)
Ms P Lewsley
Mr D McClarty
Dr A McDonnell
Ms J Morrice
Dr D O'Hagan

In attendance: Mrs C White, Mr J Nesbitt,
Mr M Anderson, Miss J Presho

The meeting opened at 2.14pm

1. Chairperson's business

i. The Chairperson reported that Research Office had given advice on the appointment of a Special Advisor to assist the Committee with its inquiry into Strategy 2010. The matter was discussed and it was agreed that further information should be sought before making any final decision on the appointment.

Ms Lewsley and Ms Morrice joined the meeting at 2.25pm

Dr O'Hagan left the meeting at 2.33pm

ii. Liaison Group meeting - it was agreed that Mr Neeson should attend the meeting arranged for 28 June.

2. Apologies

There were no apologies.

3. Minutes of the last four meetings

The minutes of the last four meetings were agreed.

4. Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

5. Response to NIVT's Outline Strategic Plan

Agreed - that, due to the demands on the Committee's workload, a substantive response could not be made on this occasion.

6. Regional Development Strategy

The Chairperson advised that the Regional Development Committee had requested the Committee's views on the Regional Development Strategy, having particular regard to the recommendations relating to tourism and energy.

Ms Morrice left the meeting at 2.46pm

Agreed - that a response should be made to the Regional Development Committee taking account of the advice received from Research Office.

7. Reply from Minister re R&D funding

The Minister's response on the question of funding for university research was discussed. The Minister's comments were noted and it was agreed that the Committee should return to this issue at a later date.

8. Work during recess

The meeting was adjourned at 2.58pm and resumed at 3.10pm

The Committee Clerk reported that, after considering the availability of members and staff, it was possible for the Committee to meet on 6 days during recess - 17/7, 19/7, 31/7, 1/8, 2/8, and 4/8. The Committee agreed to meet on those dates providing that witnesses were available to attend and Hansard and technician staff were available to record the proceedings. The Committee agreed that a maximum of two organisations should be invited to give evidence on each of these days. The Chairperson stressed that members who have agreed to attend on the above dates should make every effort to attend given the need for a quorum in the public evidence sessions. He also asked members to inform the Committee Clerk as early as possible if they are unable to attend so that the meeting can be cancelled if necessary.

9. Strategy 2010 Inquiry

The Chairperson reported that invitations had been received from Queens University and from Strabane District Council for the Committee to hold public evidence sessions on the inquiry at their premises.

Agreed - in principle that these invitations should be accepted but that the visits could not take place until after recess. It was also agreed that a visit, in principle, could be made to Moyle District Council after the recess as part of the inquiry.

It was agreed that the suggestion made at a previous meeting of a District Council conference should not be pursued.

10. Any other business

i. Letter from the Minister requesting the Committee's views on the broad principles and structure of the Programme for Government by 7 July - the Committee agreed that a letter should be sent to the Minister pointing out the short deadline and the fact that no detailed programme had been received.

ii. The Chairperson reported on a meeting he recently had with Jamie Delargy (UTV) following a proposal sent to him by Mr Delargy. The Chairperson explained that he had advised Mr Delargy his proposal was more appropriate to the Education Committee and would be passed on to the Chairperson of that Committee.

11. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Wednesday 28 June 2000 at 10.00am in Room 144.

The meeting closed at 3.57pm

Mr P Doherty

21 June 2000 / Menu / 28 June 2000