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Wednesday 21 June 2000 at 9.30am
in Room 144 Parliament Buildings

1. Chairperson's Business
2. Apologies
3. Work during recess
4. Evidence Session-NI Economic Council
5. Evidence Session-Dr J Bradley
6. Public Expenditure 2000/01
7. Any other business
8. Date of Next Meeting

Present: Mr P Doherty (Chairperson)
Mr S Neeson (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr A Attwood
Ms P Lewsley
Mr D McClarty
Dr A McDonnell
Ms J Morrice
Dr D O'Hagan

In attendance: Mrs C White, Mr J Nesbitt,
Mr M Anderson, Miss J Presho

In attendance for public evidence session at 10.15am: Northern Ireland Economic Council - Mrs J Trewsdale, Mr A Gough, and Dr P Wylie

In attendance for public evidence session at 11.30am: Dr J Bradley

The meeting opened, in private, at 9.44am


1. Chairperson's business

The Chairperson reported on a meeting he and the Deputy Chairperson had with the Minister on 15 June - the discussion included Strategy 2010, areas of priority, and the Department's budget. The Minister mentioned that Restructuring and Selective Financial Assistance were two areas of priority for the Department and the Minister would welcome the Committee's views on these issues.


2. Apologies

Apologies were received from Mr G Campbell and Mr W Clyde.


3. Work during recess

The Committee discussed the demanding work schedule and the possibility of meeting during the recess. Three weeks in July were suggested; it was agreed to write to members to ascertain availability.

Dr McDonnell joined the meeting at 10.07am

Ms Lewsley joined the meeting at 10.10am

Mr Attwood joined the meeting at 10.14am


4. Evidence session - Northern Ireland Economic Council

The Council gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Strategy 2010.


5. Evidence session - Dr J Bradley

Dr Bradley gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Strategy 2010.


6. Public expenditure 2000/01

The letter from the Chairperson of the Finance and Personnel Committee requesting the Committee's views on two areas that would benefit from additional Public Expenditure and End Year Flexibility money was discussed.

Agreed - that a letter should be sent to the Chairperson of the Finance and Personnel Committee requesting that additional funding be considered for R&D and bio-technology.


7. Any other business

Agreed - to seek further information from the Research Office on bio-technology and on the issue of a single development agency.


8. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Tuesday 27 June 2000 at 2.00pm in Room 144.

The meeting closed at 12.50pm


Mr P Doherty

14 June 2000 / Menu / 27 June 2000