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PROCEEDINGS OF THE AD HOC COMMITTEE (PORT OF BELFAST) THURSDAY 11 MARCH 1999 AT 10.15 AM IN ROOM 144, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS Present:Mr A Maginness (Joint Chairperson) Dr I Adamson (representing Mr D McClarty) Mr R Beggs Mr B Hutchinson Mr M McGimpsey Mr G McHugh (representing Mr A Maskey) Ms J Morrice Mr M Morrow Mr S Neeson Mr D O'Connor Mr M Robinson (representing Mr G Campbell) Mr P Roche Mr J Tierney Mr S Wilson (Joint Chairperson) Apologies:Mr P Doherty Mr D Watson In Attendance:Dr S DonnellyMs V Surplus Mr G MartinMs S Bowman Mr D Harkin Mr A Maginness took the Chair. 1.Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the previous meeting were noted and agreed. 2.Matters Arising There were no matters arising. 3.Planning for Oral Evidence The Joint Chairperson reminded members of the agreed time limits for evidence sessions, and the consequential need to keep questions short and pertinent. He also asked members to exercise a degree of formality and to speak through the Chair, especially for the benefit of the Hansard reporter. 4.Oral Evidence: Port of Larne Witnesses:Mr D P Galway (Director and General Manger, Port of Larne) Capt. Gardiner Mr Galway requested that, if possible, he be given a further opportunity to provide evidence once the definitive proposals for Belfast Port are made available. 5.Oral Evidence: Belfast Harbour Commissioners Witnesses:Mr F Cushnahan (Chairman) Mr G Irwin (Chief Executive) Ms A McLaughlin (Commissioner) Assembly Member Mr McGimpsey pointed out discrepancies between the information in a letter that he had received from Mr Irwin last year and the Belfast Harbour Commissioners' brochure on the Port of Belfast in relation its acreage. He further highlighted inconsistencies between information on a photograph in the brochure showing land usage on the Harbour Estate and an accompanying plan of the Estate. Mr Cushnahan indicated that he would respond formally in writing to Mr McGimpsey's concerns. Assembly Member Mr McGimpsey agreed to provide the Committee members with a copy of the said letter that he received from Mr Irwin on land availability on the Harbour Estate. 6.Independent Experts on Proposals/Options Dr Felix Schmidt of the University of Ulster briefly outlined his proposals and that of his colleagues, Mr Mike Smyth and Mr Terry Bunce (who were unable to attend the meeting), for Phase one of a two-stage review of the options available for Belfast Port. Agreed: The Committee approved Dr Schmidt's proposal for Phase one, and the Clerk will write to the University of Ulster to formalise the acceptance. 7.AOB i.The Joint Chairperson drew the members' attention to a letter from the Presiding Officer regarding the Committee's title and remit. Agreed: The Clerk will write to the Presiding Officer to advise that the Committee is content with its title and that it understands its remit. ii.Agreed: Since both sets of witnesses due to give evidence at next week's meeting are unable to attend, their attendance has been postponed to a later date. In light of that information the Committee agreed to defer its next meeting until Thursday 25 March. Mr A MAGINNESS (Joint Chairperson) 4 March 1999 / Menu / 25 March 1999 |
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