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PROCEEDINGS OF THE AD HOC COMMITTEE (PORT OF BELFAST) THURSDAY 4 MARCH 1999 AT 10.30 AM IN ROOM 144, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS Present:Mr S Wilson (Joint Chairperson) Mr R Beggs Mr P J Bradley (representing Mr E McGrady) Mr G Campbell Mr F Cobain Mr B Hutchinson Mr D McClarty Mr A Maginness (Joint Chairperson) Ms J Morrice Mr M Morrow Mr D O'Connor Dr D O'Hagan Mr P Roche Mr J Tierney Mr D Watson In Attendance:Dr S DonnellyMs V Surplus Mr G MartinMs K Johnston Mr D HarkinMiss C Feeney 1.Minutes of the Previous Meetings The minutes of the two previous meetings were noted and agreed. 2.Matters Arising The Joint Chairperson, Mr Wilson, pointed out that most of the matters arising were included in the agenda items. Agreed: The Joint Chairpersons will speak to the Presiding Officer today with a view to obtaining improved accommodation facilities. 3.Options Paper on Belfast Port i.Mr Roche commented on separate media interviews given by the Joint Chairpersons following last week's presentation by the Belfast Harbour Commissioners. The Joint Chairpersons assured the members of their open-mindedness in relation to the options, and made it clear that the Committee will not take a final decision before receiving and scrutinizing all oral and written evidence. ii.Agreed: Dr Donnelly will prepare a paper on the borrowing powers of both Dublin and Belfast Ports as Semi-State bodies. The members had a general discussion on the options outlined. 4.Independent Experts on Proposals/Options Agreed: The Clerk will invite the University of Ulster experts to next week's meeting, with a view to their hearing the witnesses' evidence, and allowing the Committee to clarify the experts' proposals and to input into same. 5.Valuation of the Port of Belfast Agreed: The Committee considered the letter from the Commissioner of Valuation and decided to take no further action at present. 6.Northern Ireland Trusts Ports: An Economic Overview The Committee considered and noted the papers. 7.Position of Dublin Port Mr Roche suggested that the Committee invite some experts on the Port of Dublin whom he knows to give advice. Agreed: The Committee will await the outcome of next week's meeting with the University of Ulster experts, and will follow up Mr Roche's proposal, if necessary. 8.Proposed Programme for Oral Sessions The Clerk explained that the programme for oral evidence was still in draft form, as some witnesses had still to confirm their "slots", but that the final schedule would be agreed shortly. 9.AOB Agreed: i.The Committee agreed to apply a one-hour time limit to evidence sessions, with 10 minutes allotted to witnesses' opening remarks, and 50 minutes for follow-up questions. ii.The Committee Clerk will issue a weekly press release on the Thursday prior to oral hearings. iii.The Committee agreed to invite the Port of Forth to give oral evidence. iv.The Committee agreed that where necessary during an evidence session it could revert temporarily to private mode. MR S WILSON (Joint Chairperson) 25 February 1999 / Menu / 11 March 1999 |
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