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Friday 8 February 2002
Housing Association: New Build Mr Weir asked the Minister for Social Development to detail the number of Housing Association new build projects by District Council area in each of the last 10 years. (AQW 1576/01) Mr Dodds: The number of Housing Association new build projects by District Council area in each of the last 10 years is detailed in the table on the following page.
Housing Executive: New Build Mr Weir asked the Minister for Social Development to detail the number of Housing Executive new build projects by District Council area in each of the last 10 years. (AQW 1577/01) Mr Dodds: The number of Housing Executive new build projects by District Council area in each of the last 10 years is shown in the table on the following page.
HOUSING Executive New Build Projects
HOUSING Executive New Build Projects
Ederney/Lack: Housing Applications Mr Gallagher asked the Minister for Social Development what recognition has the Housing Executive made in their future plans of the demand for public housing in Ederney, Co Fermanagh. (AQW 1578/01) Mr Dodds: At September 2001 there were 33 housing applicants on the Ederney/Lack waiting list. Of these, 10 are in housing stress (urgent need). There are currently plans to provide 14 new houses in the Ederney/Lack area.
The Housing Executive, as the arbiter of housing need in the Province, continues to work closely with the Ederney Community Development Trust on future housing plans.
Urgent Needs Payments Mr P Doherty asked the Minister for Social Development to detail (a) the number of crisis/budgeting loans which were issued by the Social Security Agency in Strabane to claimants affected by the 1987 flood in Strabane; (b) the total amount of these loans; and (c) the number of loans currently being repaid in respect of this incident. (AQW 1605/01) Mr Dodds: Following flooding in 1987, as the Social Fund scheme did not exist at the time, the Agency made 215 recoverable "Urgent Needs Payments" to people in the Strabane area to help them with the damage caused. To date the Agency has recovered approximately £87,000 out of a total loan figure of £103,000. The amount outstanding is presently £16,000. The Agency is legally obliged to recover these loans but has had a flexible approach over the last 15 years in view of the distress caused to those affected. To ease the burden, no deadlines were set for repaying the money and 15 people are currently making repayments.
W&G Baird: Printing Costs Mr Dallat asked the Minister for Social Development to detail, for his Department and associated agencies, (a) the total amount of money paid to W & G Baird for printing over the last 5 years; (b) if the work was tendered and awarded to the lowest tender; and (c) if there was any variation from the price quoted to the actual cost paid. (AQW 1613/01) Mr Dodds: My Department can only respond for the period from 1 December 1999. I can confirm that no contracts were awarded directly or payments made to W & G Baird.
Awareness Seminars Mr Hussey asked the Minister for Social Development to detail progress on the development of proposals for modular pilot contracts in each Housing Executive area within the Rethinking Construction Initiative - External Cyclical Maintenance (ECM) Contracts. (AQW 1641/01) Mr Dodds: Two Awareness Seminars were held on 23rd and 25th January for staff and interested contractors respectively. A Restricted Procedure Notice will now be placed in the Official Journal of the European Community, inviting interested firms to apply for consideration. Local advertisements will be placed shortly thereafter. Pre-qualification documents will issue during April and tenderers will be shortlisted by early May 2002. Tenders are due to be returned by the end of June 2002 in order for the Housing Executive to implement 5 contracts in each of its areas by October 2002.
Belfast Regeneration Office Strategy Mr M Robinson asked the Minister for Social Development to detail the measures he has taken as part of the Urban Regeneration Strategy to tackle the most acute areas of deprivation and disadvantage within South Belfast. (AQW 1647/01) Mr Dodds: The draft Belfast Regeneration Office (BRO) strategy, which has yet to be subjected to public consultation, has been prepared in light of the Urban Regeneration in Northern Ireland – Neighbourhood Renewal strategy and reflects the tenets of New TSN. Emphasis is placed upon addressing issues of deprivation suffered by individuals, groups and communities throughout Belfast, objectively defined as being most in need. While the draft strategy document does not make specific reference to South Belfast, core wards such as Shaftesbury, Blackstaff and Botanic have been identified as areas suffering from acute levels of deprivation and will clearly benefit from any new strategy.
House Conditions Survey Mr M Murphy asked the Minister for Social Development when he is proposing to publish the updated survey of the 1996 House Conditions Survey. (AQW 1658/01) Mr Dodds: A House Condition Survey is carried out every 5 years, and the preliminary results of the 2001 Survey are expected to be published at the end of April this year. This will cover unfitness, tenure, age, urban/rural location, and some socio-economic characteristics at Northern Ireland level. The full results, including information disaggregated to local council level and covering disrepair, are expected to be available in December 2002.
Cottages in Strabane for Demolition Mr Hussey asked the Minister for Social Development to detail (a) the 20 rural cottages in the Strabane area approved for demolition and replacement by the Board of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, on 28 November 2001; and (b) the timescale for this process. (AQW 1666/01) Mr Dodds: I have asked the Housing Executive to provide you with details of the cottages approved for demolition. The replacements are being provided by North and West Housing Association. However, because of some technical difficulties at a number of the locations, it will be necessary to carry out the work in 3 phases. The first phase, comprising 7 houses, is programmed to start this Spring. The second phase, comprising 8 houses is provisionally programmed to begin in the 2002/03 financial year, while the third phase is provisionally programmed to start in the 2003/04 financial year. However, should the technical difficulties be resolved quicker the Department will bring forward the proposed commencement dates.
Seven Principles of Public Life Mr Weir asked the Minister for Social Development to outline the standards expected for individuals appointed to quangos for which he is responsible. (AQW 1670/01) Mr Dodds: The standards expected for individuals appointed to the Non-Departmental Public Bodies for which I am responsible are those of the Seven Principles of Public Life as set out by the Nolan Committee. These are:
Selflessness Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.
Integrity Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties.
Objectivity In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merits.
Accountability Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
Openness Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
Honesty Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interests.
Leadership Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
Unemployed Claimants Mr Weir asked the Minister for Social Development to detail, by electoral ward, the number of unemployed claimants. (AQW 1673/01) Mr Dodds: I have provided this information to the Member and placed a copy in the Assembly Library.
ICT Infrastructure Mr Gibson asked the Minister for Social Development what plans he has to enable the Social Security Agency and the Training and Employment Agency to use common ICT communications. (AQW 1715/01) Mr Dodds: A major project is under way between the Social Security Agency and the Department of Employment and Learning. This will introduce a new Jobseekers service that will be delivered by staff from both Agencies located in 35 Jobs and Benefits Offices. It will be completed by 2004. Within the next 12 months a new common ICT infrastructure will be made available to all staff within the co-located office environment enabling access to the IT systems from both organisations.
Board of the Housing Executive Mr M Murphy asked the Minister for Social Development why there is no Sinn Féin representative on the Housing Executive Board and what measures he plans to take to rectify this matter. (AQW 1786/01) Mr Dodds: Appointments to the Board of the Housing Executive are not made on the basis of political affiliation, but rather, in accordance with guidance by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments. This requires Departments to publicly advertise vacancies and for the selection of prospective candidates and final appointments to be made on merit. Most recently, this was the case with 4 new members appointed to the Board last November. Under current legislation, I must appoint 3 persons selected by the Northern Ireland Housing Council from among its members. It is a matter for the Council to decide whom to select. I have no plans to change the current appointment arrangements. |