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Friday 11 January 2002
Written Answers to Questions (Continued) HEALTH, SOCIAL SERVICES AND PUBLIC SAFETY Spending on Public and Private Health Care Dr Esmond Birnie asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what assessment has she made in relation to the average percentage growth of spending on public and private health care, in real terms, in Northern Ireland compared to (a) the UK average and (b) the EU average, in each of the last ten years. (AQW 571/01) The Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (Ms de Brún): I have not made such an assessment in the context of EU spending levels. It would be a major statistical exercise, given the significant differences between services and their funding, to make like-for-like international comparisons. Even comparisons with spending in England, Scotland and Wales are far from straightforward. This is because, in contrast to our integrated health and personal social services, the funding and delivery of health care and social services is in Great Britain split between central government and local authorities. The matter is further complicated by the fact that systematic information on private care is not readily available. Nevertheless, a substantial amount of relevant information can be derived from successive Departmental Reports which were published annually until the advent of devolution in Scotland and Wales in 1999. Based on figures contained in the Department of Health's and the former Scottish and Welsh Offices' Reports, it appears that real terms health and personal social services growth in the ten years from 1989-90 to 1998-99 was as follows:
Across the period, therefore, the real terms growth for each jurisdiction was as follows:
More significant is the real terms growth per capita, which reflects population changes during this period:
The final set of figures shows that, for the ten years in question, expenditure on the HPSS grew by markedly less than expenditure on equivalent services in Great Britain. Subsequent Spending Review settlements have widened the gap with England, the central cost-driver for these services. Ní dhearna mé a leithéid de mheasúnú i gcomhthéacs leibhéil chaiteachais an AE. Cleachtadh mór staitistiúil a bheadh ann, má chuirtear na difríochtaí tábhachtacha idir na seirbhísí agus a maoiniú san áireamh, comparáidí idirnáisiúnta cosúla a dhéanamh. Níl comparáidí leis an chaiteachas i Sasana, in Albain agus sa Bhreatain Bheag simplí go leor fiú. Is amhlaidh mar atá sé seo mar go bhfuil maoiniú agus soláthar seirbhísí cúraim shláinte agus sóisialta sa Bhreatain Mhór roinnte idir an rialtais ceannais agus na húdaráis áitiúla, i gcodarsnacht lenár seirbhísí imeasctha sláinte agus sóisialta pearsanta féin. Tá an scéal níos casta fós mar nach bhfuil eolas rianúil ar chúram phríobháideach ar fáil go réidh. Mar sin féin, is féidir teacht ar lear mór eolais bhaintigh ó Thuairiscí Rannacha leanúnacha a foilsíodh go bliantúil go dtí tús díláraithe in Albain agus sa Bhreatain Bheag in 1999. Bunaithe ar fhigiúirí i dTuairiscí na Roinne Sláinte agus iar-Oifigí na hAlban agus na Breataine Bige, is cosúil gurbh é seo a leanas an borradh i dtéarmaí réadacha sna seirbhísí sláinte agus sóisialta pearsanta sna deich mbliana ó 1989-90 go 1998-99:
Le linn na tréimhse, mar sin de, seo a leanas an borradh i dtéarmaí réadacha i ngach limistéar:
Níos tábhachtaí fós is ea an borradh i dtéarmaí réadacha an duine a léiríonn na hathruithe sna daonraí le linn na tréimhse seo:
Léiríonn na figiúirí deireanacha gur tháinig borradh níba lú ar chaiteachas ar na SSSP ná ar an chaiteachas ar a gcomhsheirbhísí sa Bhreatain Mhór do na deich mbliana lena mbaineann siad. Leathnaigh socruithe an Athbhreithnithe ar Chaiteachas ina dhiaidh sin an bhearna idir an limistéar seo agus Sasana, an gníomhaí ceannais ar chostais do na seirbhísí seo. Health Care Expenditure Dr Esmond Birnie asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what assessment has she made in relation to the average spend of health care in Northern Ireland in comparison with (a) UK average and (b) EU average, in each of the last ten years. (AQW 572/01) Ms de Brún: Regarding the difficulties surrounding EU comparisons I refer the Member to the reply which I gave to question AQW 571/01. As to comparisons with Great Britain, these were formerly facilitated by the Departmental Reports published annually until the establishment of devolution in Scotland and Wales. The following table, derived from information contained in the Department of Health, Scottish Office and Welsh Office Reports, gives Health and Personal Social Services per capita expenditure in each of the four jurisdictions for the period 1989-90 to 1998-99: £
Maidir leis na deacrachtaí a bhaineann le comparáidí an AE, luaim don bhall an freagra a thug mé ar cheist AQW 571/01. Maidir le comparáidí leis an Bhreatain Mhór, chuidigh na Tuairiscí Rannacha a foilsíodh go bliantúil go foirmiúil leo gur cuireadh tús le dílárú in Albain agus sa Bhreatain Bheag. Léiríonn an tábla seo a leanas, faighte ó eolas i dTuairiscí na Roinne Sláinte, iar-Oifigí na hAlban agus na Breataine Bige, caiteachas an duine ar na Seirbhísí Sláinte agus Sóisialta Pearsanta i ngach ceann de na ceithre limistéar don tréimhse 1989-90 go 1998-99. £
Alzheimer's Society : Foyle Area Mrs Annie Courtney asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail the current position regarding funding for the Alzheimer's Society in the Foyle area. (AQW 660/01) Ms de Brún: The Foyle Health and Social Services Trust has a contract for services with the Alzheimer's Society amounting to £76,866. This contract, for the provision of a sitting service for all dementia sufferers, is reviewed on a 3 yearly cycle and the current contract is due for renewal in March 2003. Under the contract the Alzheimer's Society provides a support service offering carers of people with dementia access to a regular break from caring and a range of practical forms of help. In addition since 1998 the Society has provided a specialised domiciliary sitting service for dementia sufferers under 65 using funds provided by the Freemasons of Ireland. Funding for this service is due to end in December 2001 and the Trust is working closely with the Society to assess needs and to look at alternative provision. Tá conradh, a shuimíonn go £76,866 san iomlán, ag Iontaobhas Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta an Fheabhail do sheirbhísí leis an Chumann Alzheimer. Déantar athbhreithniú ar an chonradh seo, a sholáthraíonn seirbhís fheighle do gach duine a fhulaingíonn ón ghealtachas, gach trí bliana agus tá an conradh faoi láthair le hatosú i Márta 2003. De réir an chonartha, soláthraíonn an Cumann Alzheimer seirbhís thacaíochta ag cur ar chumas daoine atá i bhfeighil fulangaithe an ghealtachais, sos rialta óna gcúram feighle a bheith acu agus tairgíonn sí réimse cuidithe phraiticiúil. Ina theannta sin, ó 1998, sholáthair an Cumann sainsheirbhís fheighle baile d'fhulangaithe faoi 65 bliain an ghealtachais trí úsáid a bhaint as maoinithe soláthraithe ag Máisiúin na hÉireann. Tá an maoiniú don tseirbhís seo le críochnú i Nollaig 2001 agus tá an tIontaobhas ag obair go dlúth leis an Chumann le riachtanais a mheas agus le smaoineadh ar sholáthar eile. Tobernaveen Hospital, Antrim Mr Ken Robinson asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what steps is she taking to ensure that patients who are fit to be discharged from Tobernaveen Hospital in Antrim can access a care package and return to their homes as a matter of urgency. (AQW 674/01) Ms de Brún: There are currently seven people who are medically fit for discharge from the Tobernaveen, Holywell Hospital and are waiting for Homefirst Community Trust to fund their community care packages. The Trust's care management budget is at present totally committed and these patients are unable to be discharged until funding becomes available. The Trust must work within the resources available to it and I am in no doubt that more new money is needed to ensure essential improvements to community care services. I have been making a strong case to my Executive colleagues for further resources to fund these and other necessary Health and Social Services. Faoi láthair, tá seachtar daoine ann atá folláin go leor le scaoileadh amach as Otharlann Tobernaveen, Holywell agus atá ag fanacht ar Iontaobhas Pobail Homefirst a bpacáistí cúraim phobail a mhaoiniú. Tá an buiséad do bhainistíocht chúraim an Iontaobhais curtha ar fáil go hiomlán i láthair na huaire agus ní féidir na hothair seo a scaoileadh amach go mbeidh maoiniú ar fáil. Ní mór don Iontaobhas feidhmiú laistigh de na hacmhainní atá ar fáil dó agus níl amhras ar bith agam go bhfuil níos mó airgid nua de dhíth le cinntiú go gcuirfear feabhsuithe riachtanacha ar na seirbhísí cúraim phobail. Bhí mé ag iarraidh go tréan ar mo chomhghleacaithe san Fheidhmeannas tuilleadh airgid a thabhairt leis na seirbhísí seo agus le Seirbhísí riachtanacha eile Sláinte agus Sóisialta a mhaoiniú. Counselling as a Result of Sexual Abuse Mr Jim Shannon asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail the number of people who are receiving counselling as a result of sexual abuse in each of the Health Boards for each of the last three years and to make it her policy that the treatment of sexual abuse will be a strategic priority. (AQW 688/01) Ms de Brún: Information on the numbers of people receiving counselling as a result of sexual abuse is not available. Considerable emphasis is already given to work in this area. As part of their child protection procedures the Health & Social Services Boards and Trusts provide counselling in several specialist centres for children who have suffered sexual abuse. Each child who is placed on the Child Protection Register under the category of sexual abuse is the subject of a Child Protection Plan. Depending on the individual child's circumstances, the Plan will include an element of counselling and therapeutic intervention. Adults who have mental health problems resulting from child sexual abuse are treated within the HSS Trusts' Mental Health Programmes. Adult survivors of child sexual abuse may be offered counselling by staff in Community Mental Health Teams. Others may be referred for specialist counselling to voluntary organisations such as the Nexus Institute and the Rape Crisis Centre. Survivors can also self-refer to these organisations. With regard to priorities for the future, a review of all counselling services here is being carried out and its findings will be published shortly. I will, of course, examine the review in due course and consider its recommendations. Níl eolas ar líon na ndaoine atá ag fáil comhairle, de thoradh ar íde gnéis, ar fáil. Tá béim ar leith tugtha ar obair san achar seo. Mar chuid dá modhanna cosaint páistí cuireann na Boird Shláinte agus Sheirbhísí Sóisialta agus na hIontaobhais comhairle ar fáil i roinnt sainionad do pháistí a d'fhulaing íde gnéis. Bíonn Plean Cosaint Páiste ag gach páiste a chuirtear ar Chlár Cosaint Páistí faoi chatagóir íde gnéis. Ag brath ar chúinsí gach páiste aonair, is éard a bheidh mar chuid den phlean comhairle agus idirghabháil theiripeach. Déantar cóireáil ar dhaoine fásta a bhfuil fadhbanna sláinte meabhrach acu mar thoradh ar íde gnéis páiste faoi Cláir Shláinte Meabhrach na nIontaobhas SSS. Is féidir go dtabharfaidh Foirne Pobail Sláinte Meabhrach comhairle do mharthanóirí aosacha a d'fhulaing íde gnéis páiste. Is féidir go n-atreorófar daoine eile chuig sainchomhailiú ag eagraíochtaí deonacha amhail Nexus Institute agus Rape Crisis Centre. Is féidir le marthanóirí iad féin a atreorú chuig na heagraíochtaí seo. Maidir le tosaíochtaí amach anseo, tá athbhreithniú á dhéanamh ar gach seirbhís chomhairlithe anseo agus foilseofar a thorthaí gan mhoill. Iniúchfaidh mé, ar ndóigh, an t-athbhreithniú i gceann na haimsire agus déanfaidh mé mo mhachnamh ar a mholtaí. Funding for Treatment and Counselling : Sexual Abuse Mr Jim Shannon asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail, by Health Board, the level of funding set aside for the treatment and counselling of those who have suffered sexual abuse in each of the last three years. (AQW 689/01) Ms de Brún: The level of funding for treatment and counselling of those who have suffered sexual abuse cannot be separately identified. In all Board areas, Mental Health services, covering all areas of emotional and psychological distress including that caused to child and adult survivors of sexual abuse, are delivered in a variety of settings and are funded under the one heading. The Nexus Institute which provides specialist counselling services for adults who have been subject to child sexual abuse received £281,000 from the four Boards in 2000/2001. My Department also provides funding to organisations which offer counselling and treatment programmes to survivors of sexual abuse. These include the Nexus Institute, the Rape Crisis Centre, The Northern Ireland Women's Aid Federation, Childline and the Parent's Advice Centre who between them received a total of £473,000 in 2000/2001. Ní féidir an leibhéal maoinithe don chóireáil agus don chomhairliú díobh siúd a d'fhluaing íde gnéis a aimsiú ar bhonn aonair. I limistéar gach Bord, ag clúdach gach achar d'anacair shíceolaíoch agus mhothúchánach chomh maith leis an anacair a bhain do mharthanóirí íde gnéis idir pháiste agus dhaoine fásta, cuirtear seirbhísí Sláinte Meabhrach ar fáil ar shuímh éagsúlachta agus tugtar maoiniú dóibh faoi aon teideal amháin. Fuair an Nexus Institute a sholáthraíonn sainchomhairliú do dhaoine fásta a d'fhulaingt íde gnéis, £281,000 ó na ceithre Bhord i 2000/2001. Soláthraíonn an Roinn s'agam maoiniú d'eagraíochtaí a thairgeann cláir chomhairlithe agus cóireála do mharthanóirí íde gnéis. San áireamh tá: Nexus Institute, The Rape Crisis Centre, The Northern Ireland Women's Aid Federation, Childline agus Parent's Advice Centre, a fuair eatharthu £473,000 san iomlán i 2000/2001. Professions Allied to Medicine Mr Conor Murphy asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to give her assessment of the value of the Professionals Associated to Medicine (PAM) Commissioner posts in the Northern, Eastern and Western Health and Social Services Board areas. (AQW 746/01) Ms de Brún: The Commissioning posts for the Professions Allied to Medicine within the Northern and Eastern Boards are assisting in the assessment of need and commissioning decisions in their areas. Earlier this year the Western Board altered its arrangements for commissioning PAMs services and seconded a PAMs Officer specifically for this task. The early indicators are that this arrangement is also benefiting the Board in undertaking its assessment of need and commissioning responsibilities. I understand that the Western Board are currently considering how to strengthen this arrangement. Tá poist an Choimisiúin do Lucht Gairmeacha Bainteach le Leigheas laistigh de Bhord an Tuaiscirt agus an Oirthir ag cúnamh chun riachtanais a mheas agus le cinní coimisnithe ina gceantair. Níos luaithe i mbliana d'athraigh Bord an Iathair a shocruithe chun seirbhísí LGBL a choimisiniú agus thug siad Oifigeach LGBL ar iasacht ar mhaithe leis an tasc seo amháin. Tá cuma ar na luathchomharthaí go bhfuil an Bord ag baint tairbhe as na socruithe agus é ag tabhairt faoi mheasúnú riachtanas agus ag coimisiniú freagrachtaí. Is eol dom go bhfuil Bord an Iarthair ag déanamh machnaimh ar an dóigh chun an socrú seo a dhaingniú. Residential Care : Costs Mr Roy Beggs asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail the weekly costs of providing (a) a place in a nursing home (b) a place in a residential home and (c) a bed in an acute hospital. (AQW 756/01) Ms de Brún: A place in a nursing home typically costs £350 per week, although places for some residents (depending on the nature of their condition) can cost almost £400 per week. The weekly costs of a place in a residential home are in the range £230-£320 (again depending on the needs of the individual resident). The cost of a bed in an acute hospital is much more difficult to specify because of the very wide variation in the nature and severity of the conditions treated and the nature of the treatments provided. Inclusive of all overhead costs, these can range from £570 per week (in a geriatric ward, of which £175 would be in respect of medical and diagnostic costs not incurred in a residential or nursing home) to some £9,000 (for an intensive care bed in the Royal Victoria Hospital). Cosnaíonn áit i dteach altrachta £350 in aghaidh na seachtaine de ghnáth, cé gur féidir go gcosnódh áiteanna beagnach agus £400 in aghaidh na seachtaine do roinnt cónaitheoirí (ag brath ar a gcineál reachta). Bíonn na costais sheachtainiúla d'áit i dteach cónaithe sa réimse ó £230-320 (arís ag brath ar riachtanais an chónaitheora aonair). Tá sé níos deacra costas leapa i ngéarotharlann a mheas mar gheall ar an éagsúlacht leathan i gcineál agus i ngéire na riochtaí cóireáilte agus mar gheall ar an chineál cóireála soláthraithe. Leis na costais uile san áireamh, is féidir leosan bheith sa réimse ó £570 in aghaidh na seachtaine (i mbarda seanliach), a mbainfeadh £175 díobh le costais mhíochaine agus dhiagnóiseacha nár tarraingíodh orthu i dteach cónaithe nó altrachta), go tuairim is £9,000 (do leaba dhianchúraim in Otharlann Ríoga Victeoiria). Funding for Home Start and Sure Start Schemes Mr Roy Beggs asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to list (a) the Home Start and Sure Start Schemes that are funded by Community Health Trusts (b) the amount of financial support for each scheme and (c) the schemes which have not received funding through the Community Health Trusts and to advise which Trusts these were. (AQW 757/01) Ms de Brún: Health and Social Services Trusts do not fund Sure Start schemes. The Department provides funding for Sure Start to the 4 Childcare Partnerships through the appropriate Health and Social Services Board. Details of the level of funding provided for Home-Start schemes by Community Health and Social Services Trusts are provided in the table below. A Home-Start scheme does not operate in the Foyle HSS Trust area.
Ní mhaoiníonn Iontaobhais Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta scéimeanna Sure Start. Soláthraíonn an Roinn maoiniú do Sure Start do na 4 Comhpháirtíocht Cúram Leanaí tríd an mBord Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta cuí. Solathráítear sonraí faoin leibhéal maoinithe a sholáthraíonn Iontaobhais Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta do scéimeanna Home-Start sa tábla thíos. Ní fheidhmíonn scéim Home-Start i limistéar Iontaobhas HSS Fheabhail.
Contingency Plans Mr Ken Robinson asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what is the proposed timetable for the completion of evaluation reports into financial contingency plans for Trusts, and to make a statement on the content of each individual plan. (AQW 876/01) Ms de Brún: The contingency plans have already been evaluated and are being implemented. 1) Altnagelvin Hospitals HSS Trust This contingency plan set out proposals to address a forecast overcommitment of around £2 million in 2001/02. My Department has evaluated the plan and has accepted proposals of £1.73 million. Additional funding has been provided to address specific needs and the Trust is expected to break even by the end of the year. 2) Armagh and Dungannon HSS Trust This contingency plan set out proposals to address a forecast overcommitment of £1.29 million in 2001/02. My Department has evaluated the plan and accepted proposals of £655,000. Additional funding has been provided to address specific needs and the Trust is expected to break even by the end of the year. 3) Belfast City Hospital HSS Trust This contingency plan set out proposals to address a forecast overcommitment of £2.1 million in 2001/02. My Department has evaluated the plan and accepted its proposals. The contingency plan also contained measures to address a potential GP Fundholder income shortfall of £600,000. The Trust has been informed that to the extent that this shortfall cannot be addressed through its negotiations with the fundholders, it should constrain activity to fundholders to the level that is affordable within the current hospital and community health service budget - unless fundholders themselves agree to meet the costs of additional activity from within their total baseline funding. 4) Craigavon and Banbridge Community HSS Trust This contingency plan set out proposals to address a forecast overcommitment of £1.388 million in 2001/02. My Department has evaluated the plan and accepted proposals of £1.017 million. Additional funding has been provided to address specific needs and the Trust is expected to break even by the end of the year. 5) Down Lisburn HSS Trust This contingency plan set out proposals to address a forecast overcommitment of £2.064 million in 2000/01. My Department has evaluated the plan and has accepted proposals of £1.639 million. Additional funding has been provided to address specific needs and the Trust is expected to break even by the end of the year. There is also a potential GP Fundholder income shortfall of £300,000. The Trust has been informed that to the extent that this shortfall cannot be addressed through its negotiations with the fundholders, it should constrain activity to fundholders to the level that is affordable within the current hospital and community health service budget - unless fundholders themselves agree to meet the costs of additional activity from within their total baseline funding. 6) Green Park HSS Trust This contingency plan set out proposals to address a forecast overcommitment of £719,000 in relation to a potential GP Fundholder income shortfall in 2001/02. My Department has evaluated the plan and accepted proposals of £450,000. The Trust has been informed that to the extent that the residual shortfall cannot be addressed through its negotiations with the Fundholders, it should constrain activity to fundholders to the level that is affordable within the current hospital and community health service budget - unless fundholders themselves agree to meet the costs of additional activity from within their total baseline funding. 7) Homefirst Community HSS Trust This contingency plan set out proposals to address a forecast overcommitment of £1.64 million in 2001/02. My Department has evaluated the plan and accepted proposals of £1.356 million. Additional funding has been provided to address specific needs and the Trust is expected to break even by the end of the year. 8) Mater Infirmorum HSS Trust This contingency plan set out proposals to address a forecast overcommitment of £180,000 in relation to a potential GP Fundholder income shortfall in 2001/02. My Department has evaluated the plan and has advised the Trust that to the extent that this shortfall cannot be addressed through its negotiations with the fundholders, it should constrain activity to fundholders to the level that is affordable within the current hospital and community health service budget - unless fundholders themselves agree to meet the costs of additional activity from within their total baseline funding. 9) Newry and Mourne HSS Trust This contingency plan set out proposals to address a forecast overcommitment of £2.1million in 2001/02. My Department has evaluated the plan and accepted proposals of £1,017,000. Additional funding has been provided to address specific needs and the Trust is expected to break even by the end of the year. 10) Royal Group of Hospitals HSS Trust This contingency plan set out proposals to address a forecast overcommitment of £4 million in 2001/02. My Department has evaluated the plan and accepted proposals of £2.07 million. Additional funding has been provided to address specific needs and the Trust is expected to break even by the end of the year. The Trust has also produced proposals to address a potential shortfall in GP fundholders income of £3.6 million. The Trust has been informed that to the extent that this shortfall cannot be addressed through its negotiations with the fundholders, it should constrain activity to fundholders to the level that is affordable within the current hospital and community health service budget - unless fundholders themselves agree to meet the costs of additional activity from within their total baseline funding. 11) Ulster Community and Hospital HSS Trust This contingency plan set out proposals to address a forecast overcommitment of £1.819 million in 2001/02. My Department has evaluated the plan and accepted proposals of £1.032 million. Additional funding has been provided to address specific needs and the Trust is expected to break even by the end of the year. The contingency plan contained measures to address a potential shortfall in GP fundholders income of £300,000. The Trust has been informed that to the extent that this shortfall cannot be addressed through its negotiations with the fundholders, it should constrain activity to fundholders to the level that is affordable within the current hospital and community health service budget - unless fundholders themselves agree to meet the costs of additional activity from within their total baseline funding. 12) United Hospitals HSS Trust This contingency plan set out proposals to address a forecast overcommitment of £252,000 in 2001/02. My Department has evaluated the plan and accepted proposals of £58,000. Additional funding has been provided to address specific needs and the Trust is expected to break even by the end of the year. The contingency plan contained measures to address a potential shortfall in GP fundholders income of around £350,000. The Trust has been informed that to the extent that this shortfall cannot be addressed through its negotiations with the fundholders, it should constrain activity to fundholders to the level that is affordable within the current hospital and community health service budget - unless fundholders themselves agree to meet the costs of additional activity from within their total baseline funding. Tá measúnú déanta cheana féin ar na pleananna teagmhasacha agus táthar á gcur i bhfeidhm. 1)Iontaobhas SSS Otharlanna Alt na nGealbhan Leag an plean teagmhasach moltaí amach moltaí le tabhairt faoin réamh-mheas iomarcach go dtabharfaí £2 milliún i 2001/02. Rinne an Roinn s'agamsa measúnú ar an phlean agus ghlac sí le moltaí gur chóir go dtabharfaí £1.73 milliún. Soláthraíodh maoiniú breise le dul i ngleic le sianriachtanais agus táthar ag dúil go mbeidh an tIontaobhas meá ar mheá faoi dheireadh na bliana. 2)Iontaobhas SSS Ard Mhacha & Dhún Geanainn Leag an plean teagmhasach moltaí amach moltaí le tabhairt faoin réamh-mheas iomarcach go dtabharfaí £1.2 milliún i 2001/02. Rinne an Roinn s'agamsa measúnú ar an phlean agus ghlac sí le moltaí gur chóir go dtabharfaí £655,000. Soláthraíodh maoiniú breise le dul i ngleic le sianriachtanais agus táthar ag dúil go mbeidh an tIontaobhas meá ar mheá faoi dheireadh na bliana. 3)Iontaobhas SSS Otharlann Chathair Bhéal Feirste Leagann an plean teagmhasach seo amach moltaí le tabhairt faoin réamh-mheas iomarcach go dtabharfaí £2.1 milliún i 2001/02. Rinne an Roinn s'agamsa measúnú ar an phlean agus ghlac sí lena mholtaí. Sa phlean teagmhasach fosta bhí bearta le tabhairt faoin easnamh ionchasach £600k in ioncam Shealbhóra Chiste Ghnáthdhochtúirí. Cuireadh in iúl don Iontaobhas mar nach féidir leis tabhairt faoin easnamh seo trína idirbheartaíochtaí leis na sealbhóirí ciste, ba chóir dó srian a chur ar a ghníomhaíochtaí le sealbhóirí ciste ar leibhéal atá ar a acmhainn laistigh den bhuiséad otharlainne agus seirbhíse sláinte pobail faoi láthair - mura n-aontaíonn sealbhóirí ciste iad féin costais ghníomhaíochtaí breise a sheasamh ó laistigh dá mbunmhaoiniú iomlán féin. 4)Iontaobhas SSS Phobal Craigavon & Dhroichead na Banna Leag an plean teagmhasach moltaí amach moltaí le tabhairt faoin réamh-mheas iomarcach go dtabharfaí £1.388 milliún i 2001/02. Rinne an Roinn s'agamsa measúnú ar an phlean agus ghlac sí le moltaí gur chóir go dtabharfaí £1.017 milliún. Soláthraíodh maoiniú breise le dul i ngleic le sianriachtanais agus táthar ag dúil go mbeidh an tIontaobhas meá ar mheá faoi dheireadh na bliana. 5)Iontaobhas SSS An Dúin/Lios na gCearrbhach Leagann an plean teagmhasach seo amach moltaí le tabhairt faoin réamh-mheas iomarcach go dtabharfaí £2.064 milliún i 2000/01. Rinne an Roinn s'agamsa measúnú ar an phlean agus ghlac sí le moltaí gur chóir go dtabharfaí £1.639 milliún. Soláthraíodh maoiniú breise le dul i ngleic le sianriachtanais agus táthar ag dúil go mbeidh an tIontaobhas meá ar mheá faoi dheireadh na bliana. Tá easnamh ionchasach £300,000 ann fosta in ioncam Shealbhóra Chiste Ghnáthdhochtúirí. Cuireadh in iúl don Iontaobhas mar nach féidir leis tabhairt faoin easnamh seo trína idirbheartaíochtaí leis na sealbhóirí ciste, ba chóir dó srian a chur ar a ghníomhaíochtaí le sealbhóirí ciste ar leibhéal atá ar a acmhainn laistigh den bhuiséad otharlainne agus seirbhíse sláinte pobail faoi láthair - mura n-aontaíonn sealbhóirí ciste iad féin costais ghníomhaíochtaí breise a sheasamh ó laistigh dá mbunmhaoiniú iomlán féin. 6)Iontaobhas SSS na Páirce Glaise Leagann an plean teagmhasach seo amach moltaí le tabhairt faoin réamh-mheas iomarcach go dtabharfaí £719,000 i dtaca le heasnamh ionchasach in ioncam Shealbhóra Chiste Ghnáthdhochtúirí i 2001/02. Rinne an Roinn s'agamsa measúnú ar an phlean agus ghlac sí le moltaí gur chóir go dtabharfaí £450,000. Cuireadh in iúl don Iontaobhas mar nach féidir leis tabhairt faoi fhuílleach an easnaimh seo trína idirbheartaíochtaí leis na sealbhóirí ciste, ba chóir dó srian a chur ar a ghníomhaíochtaí le sealbhóirí ciste ar leibhéal atá ar a acmhainn laistigh den bhuiséad otharlainne agus seirbhíse sláinte pobail faoi láthair - mura n-aontaíonn sealbhóirí ciste iad féin costais ghníomhaíochtaí breise a sheasamh ó laistigh dá mbunmhaoiniú iomlán féin. 7)Iontaobhas SSS Phobal Homefirst Leag an plean teagmhasach moltaí amach moltaí le tabhairt faoin réamh-mheas iomarcach go dtabharfaí £1.64 milliún i 2001/02. Rinne an Roinn s'agamsa measúnú ar an phlean agus ghlac sí le moltaí gur chóir go dtabharfaí £1.356 milliún. Soláthraíodh maoiniú breise le dul i ngleic le sianriachtanais agus táthar ag dúil go mbeidh an tIontaobhas meá ar mheá faoi dheireadh na bliana. 8)Iontaobhas SSS an Mater Infirmorum Leagann an plean teagmhasach seo amach moltaí le tabhairt faoin réamh-mheas iomarcach go dtabharfaí £180,000 i dtaca le heasnamh ionchasach in ioncam Shealbhóra Chiste Ghnáthdhochtúirí i 2001/02. Rinne an Roinn s'agamsa measúnú ar an phlean agus chuir sí in iúl don Iontaobhas mar nach féidir tabhairt faoin easnamh seo trína idirbheartaíochtaí leis na sealbhóirí ciste, ba chóir dó srian a chur ar a ghníomhaíochtaí le sealbhóirí ciste ar leibhéal atá ar a acmhainn laistigh den bhuiséad otharlainne agus seirbhíse sláinte pobail faoi láthair - mura n-aontaíonn sealbhóirí ciste iad féin costais ghníomhaíochtaí breise a sheasamh ó laistigh dá mbunmhaoiniú iomlán féin. 9)Iontaobhas SSS an Iúir & Mhúrn Leag an plean teagmhasach moltaí amach moltaí le tabhairt faoin réamh-mheas iomarcach go dtabharfaí £2.1 milliún i 2001/02. Rinne an Roinn s'agamsa measúnú ar an phlean agus ghlac sí le moltaí gur chóir go dtabharfaí £1,017,000. Soláthraíodh maoiniú breise le dul i ngleic le sianriachtanais agus táthar ag dúil go mbeidh an tIontaobhas meá ar mheá faoi dheireadh na bliana. 10)Iontaobhas SSS Ghrúpa Ríoga na nOtharlann Leagann an plean teagmhasach seo amach moltaí le tabhairt faoin réamh-mheas iomarcach go dtabharfaí £4 milliún i 2001/02. Rinne an Roinn s'agamsa measúnú ar an phlean agus ghlac sí le moltaí gur chóir go dtabharfaí £2.07 milliún. Soláthraíodh maoiniú breise le dul i ngleic le sianriachtanais agus táthar ag go mbeidh an tIontaobhas meá ar mheá faoi dheireadh na bliana. Rinne an tIontaobhas a mholtaí féin fosta le tabhairt faoin easnamh ionchasach £3.6 milliún in ioncam Shealbhóra Chiste Ghnáthdhochtúirí. Cuireadh in iúl don Iontaobhas mar nach féidir leis tabhairt faoin easnamh seo trína idirbheartaíochtaí leis na sealbhóirí ciste, ba chóir dó srian a chur ar a ghníomhaíochtaí le sealbhóirí ciste ar leibhéal atá ar a acmhainn laistigh den bhuiséad otharlainne agus seirbhíse sláinte pobail faoi láthair - mura n-aontaíonn sealbhóirí ciste iad féin costais ghníomhaíochtaí breise a sheasamh ó laistigh dá mbunmhaoiniú iomlán féin. 11)Iontaobhas SSS Phobal agus Otharlann Uladh Leagann an plean teagmhasach seo amach moltaí le tabhairt faoin réamh-mheas iomarcach go dtabharfaí £1.819 milliún i 2001/02. Rinne an Roinn s'agamsa measúnú ar an phlean agus ghlac sí le moltaí gur chóir go dtabharfaí £1.032 milliún. Soláthraíodh maoiniú breise le dul i ngleic le sianriachtanais agus táthar ag dúil go mbeidh an tIontaobhas meá ar mheá faoi dheireadh na bliana. Sa phlean teagmhasach fosta bhí bearta le tabhairt faoin easnamh ionchasach £300k in ioncam Shealbhóra Chiste Ghnáthdhochtúirí. Cuireadh in iúl don Iontaobhas mar nach féidir leis tabhairt faoin easnamh seo trína idirbheartaíochtaí leis na sealbhóirí ciste, ba chóir dó srian a chur ar a ghníomhaíochtaí le sealbhóirí ciste ar leibhéal atá ar a acmhainn laistigh den bhuiséad otharlainne agus seirbhíse sláinte pobail faoi láthair - mura n-aontaíonn sealbhóirí ciste iad féin costais ghníomhaíochtaí breise a sheasamh ó laistigh dá mbunmhaoiniú iomlán féin. 12)Iontaobhas SSS na nOtharlann Aontaithe Leagann an plean teagmhasach seo amach moltaí le tabhairt faoin réamh-mheas iomarcach go dtabharfaí £252,000 i 2001/02. Rinne an Roinn s'agamsa measúnú ar an phlean agus ghlac sí le moltaí gur chóir go dtabharfaí £58,000. Soláthraíodh maoiniú breise le dul i ngleic le sianriachtanais agus táthar ag go mbeidh an tIontaobhas meá ar mheá faoi dheireadh na bliana. Sa phlean teagmhasach fosta bhí bearta le tabhairt faoin easnamh ionchasach timpeall is £350,000 in ioncam Shealbhóra Chiste Ghnáthdhochtúirí. Cuireadh in iúl don Iontaobhas mar nach féidir leis tabhairt faoin easnamh seo trína idirbheartaíochtaí leis na sealbhóirí ciste, ba chóir dó srian a chur ar a ghníomhaíochtaí le sealbhóirí ciste ar leibhéal atá ar a acmhainn laistigh den bhuiséad otharlainne agus seirbhíse sláinte pobail faoi láthair - mura n-aontaíonn sealbhóirí ciste iad féin costais ghníomhaíochtaí breise a sheasamh ó laistigh dá mbunmhaoiniú iomlán féin. |