Present: Initial Presiding Officer
Mr R Coulter
Mr J Fee
Mr F Molloy
Mr P Robinson MP
Mrs E Bell
In the Chair: Initial Presiding Officer
In Attendance: Mr T Evans, Ms G Campbell, Mr Cosgrave
Ms Benson, Mr Rogers, and Mr Waddell attended for part of the meeting.
1. The minutes of the nineteenth meeting were accepted
without change.
2.1 Stormont Estate
Y Members agreed to two requests to use the
Stormont Estate - MacMillan Cancer Relief on 19 May and the Camping and Caravanning
Club, 21-23 May.
Y Members noted correspondence from DOE informing
the Commission that the refurbishment of the Stormont gates and railings commenced
on 12 April.
Y Mr Cosgrave tabled a paper on proposals for
the development of the Stormont Estate for consideration and discussion at a
future meeting of the Commission.
Y Mr Evans reported on his meeting with the
Stormont Area Group on 29 March. The residents have agreed to the Pavorotti
proposal as long as there are no further concerts for 12 months from the date
of the concert.
Y Mr Evans updated Members on the first meeting
of the Simply Red Concert Steering Group.
Y Members approved the proposed location for
the 'Reconciliation' sculpture and agreed that DOE could progress this issue.
2.2 Script for Tours
The Initial Presiding Officer informed Members that a script for tours of Parliament
Buildings is being prepared which Hansard can translate into Irish and other
required languages. A paper to be prepared setting out the options for conducting
tours in Irish.
2.3 Printing and Publishing
Members were provided with a breakdown of the actual costs for printing. Mr
Black to consider options for the development of the Assembly's Website. Business
bundle and minutes of committee meetings will be available on the Website from
26 April.
2.4 Head of Security
The Initial Presiding Officer to meet with Mr Cosgrave, Ms Benson and Mr
Waddell to finalise the job specification.
2.5 Mount Charles
Members expressed further concerns about Mount Charles' pricing structure and
billing for evening functions. It was agreed that the Refreshments Committee
should be established and tasked to consider the options for the future delivery
of catering services in Parliament Buildings. There was a general discussion
on the use of Members' facilities by Assembly, Party and Executive staff. A
paper to be prepared setting out the existing arrangements and the First Minister
and Deputy First Minister to be informed that Members' facilities are not available
to their support staff. Mr Robinson asked why the Members' credit facility in
the basement restaurant had been withdrawn
2.6 Refreshments Committee
Sir John Gorman has agreed to chair the Refreshments Committee. The Refreshments
Committee to be invited to the next meeting of the Commission
The Initial Presiding Officer informed Members that he had met Mr McCartney
and Mr Wilson and that the accommodation issue had been resolved
2.8 Crown Status
The Initial Presiding Officer agreed to write to the Lord Chancellor to clarify
the extent of Crown immunity under Crown Status.
2.9 Assembly and Business Trust
Mr Cosgrave to arrange a presentation from the Industry and Parliament Trust.
2.10 Trade Union
The Initial Presiding Officer updated Members on the recent meeting with NIPSA
2.11 Banking Arrangements
Ms Benson informed Members that a systems check had now been completed and OCA
claims arrangements are in place.
Members noted the revised staffing priorities paper and agreed that best
practice visits should include the Local Government Staff Commission and boards
/ councils outside the greater Belfast area. Mr Rogers tabled draft advertisements
and job specifications for Assembly Clerk, Researcher, Transcriber, Head of
Security and Finance and Finance Officer. Mr Rogers to consider the inclusion
of formal academic qualifications. Training for the Commission on recruitment
and selection to be arranged for 11 May. The Initial Presiding Officer to consult
CPG on the issue of recognising promotions of staff within the Assembly on return
to NICS.
4.1 Ms Benson confirmed that there are a number of sections in the Northern
Ireland Act which require an Appropriation Bill. Members agreed that an Appropriation
Bill, preferably to include the Commission's report as an Annex, should be drafted
in readiness for devolution. The Initial Presiding Officer to check on the fast-track
approach for progressing legislation.
4.2 Ms Benson tabled a paper on salaries and allowances reflecting the recommendations
of SSRB. It was agreed that SSRB should be asked for its view on the Prime Minister's
recommendation that the Deputy First Minister receives the same salary as the
First Minister. It was also agreed that Members can exercise flexibility across
the OCAs sub-heads (£27k / £7k).
4.3 The Commission agreed salary levels for Committee Chairman and Deputy
Presiding Officer and a proposal for the payment of Assembly recognised Party
Whips, which the Initial Presiding Officer will raise at his meeting with the
joint Chairmen of the Standing Orders Committee. Ms Benson to uplift the salaries
of other post-holders.
4.4 Mr Cosgrave to write to Paul Sweeney indicating that the Commission is
not content to authorise the payment of the ministerial element of Ministers'
salaries together with their Assembly Members' salaries. Members considered
a proposal to cover travel costs of Members attending the Downing Street talks.
It was agreed that no decision could be taken until the Commission had formulated
regulations for Members travel and subsistence. 4.5 The Initial Presiding Officer
agreed to raise the following issues with Mr Murphy:
Y payment of Party Allowances;
Y payment of OCAs on at least a quarterly basis;
Y will OCAs be uprated from 1 April or the Appointed
Members approved the outline framework for the Assembly Pension Scheme set
out in Ms Benson's paper. A first draft of the Pensions Bill to be available
for the next meeting and Ms Benson to arrange a presentation from the Government
Actuary Department.
The Commission agreed the following changes to the Regulations for Tours in
Parliament Buildings to allow tours to take place in the evenings and on Saturdays:
Y Monday - Thursday (4.00 - 9.00 pm) requiring
only tea and biscuits or high tea to be provided;
Y Friday - existing rules to apply;
Y Saturdays - exception cases only requiring
prior approval of the Commission
Mr Waddell to consider how the basement restaurant menu can be made available
to Members in the Press bar on busy days. Members agreed to Mr Fee's proposal
that the SDLP exchange rooms 224, 225 and 226 for 272 and 273.
It was agreed that the Initial Presiding Officer could deem special meeting
days as sitting days when the upper car parks would be available only to Members
and designated officers. Mr Coulter tabled a number of issues relating to House
Committees. It was agreed that legal responsibility for the business of House
Committees rests with the Shadow Commission.
Next full Meeting of the Commission, Tuesday 04 May at 2.00pm
in Room 135
Clerk to the Shadow Commission
29 March 1999 / Menu
/ 4 May 1999