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MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Apologies Present: Mr C Murphy (Chairperson) Clerk to the Committee: Mr C McGarrity In attendance: Mr J Crozier The meeting commenced at 3.07 pm. Mr F Agnew. 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the Committee meeting held on 16 January 2002 were agreed and signed by the Chairperson. Legislative Review Members agreed that a motion should be tabled for the Assembly to endorse the recommendations made by the Committee in its report. Action: Clerk The Chairperson informed the Committee that the Committee's motions to amend Standing Orders had been passed by the Assembly on 4 February and that printed amendments would be issued later in the week. 4.1 The Chairperson reported that on 22 January he had met with the Speaker to discuss possible amendments to Standing Order 10 which deals with Assembly sittings. The Chairperson advised that the meeting had been very useful in that the Speaker had given his views on how Standing Orders could be improved. A briefing paper setting out the issues discussed at the meeting and giving options for further action had been prepared by the Clerk for members' consideration. The Clerk expanded on the following issues raised at the meeting. 4.2 Requirement to 'put question at 6:00pm' Members considered the options outlined in the briefing paper provided by the Clerk. The Committee agreed that a degree of flexibility should be incorporated into Standing Orders to deal with those occasions where, due to an over run in business it would be necessary to sit beyond 6.00pm in order to complete all the business on the Order Paper. Differing views were however expressed concerning where the authority for this should rest ie the Speaker or Plenary. Members agreed to consult with their parties on this issue and then make a decision at the next meeting. Action: Members 4.3 Earlier start to plenary on a Monday The Committee agreed that Standing Order 10 (2) and the word "ordinarily" should be amended so as to make clear the authority of the Business Committee to set an earlier start time for a Monday sitting. Action: Clerk 4.4 Emergency business Members considered the options outlined in the briefing paper provided by the Clerk. The Committee agreed that a degree of flexibility should be incorporated into Standing Orders to facilitate an urgent motion to be considered by Plenary. Differing views were expressed concerning where the authority to allow a motion to be introduced should rest. There was support for a suggestion that the Speaker should act as a filter mechanism with his decision being subject to approval by the Business Committee. Members agreed to consult with their parties on this issue and then make a decision at the next meeting. 4.5 Recall of the Assembly The Committee agreed that current Standing Orders were adequate. 4.6 Question time A presentation was given by Mr Steven McCourt, Clerk of Questions. Topics covered included the number of questions which each Member could table, time limits, procedures for tabling oral and written answers, the number of questions reached at Question Time, Private Notice Questions and comparisons with other legislatures. In discussion, members debated on how best to proceed. The Committee agreed that, in addition to looking at the timing of Question Time there were a number of important interdependent issues that would benefit from further consideration. The Committee also agreed that the subject should be included in the agenda for the Committee's visit to the Procedure Committee at Westminster. 4.7 Public petitions The Committee agreed that no action was required at present. Members considered the options outlined in the associated briefing paper provided by the Clerk. The Committee agreed that a degree of flexibility should be included in the quorum and that there was benefit in undertaking a review of the procedures which support the Committee system. The Committee instructed the Clerk to prepare draft terms of reference for the review for consideration. Action: Clerk The Committee noted correspondence from the Speaker dated 30 January 2002. The Committee agreed the proposed programme and timetable for addressing a number of potential gaps in Standing Orders identified by the Speaker. The Committee noted that this was an issue raised by the Speaker in his letter of 30 January 2002. The Committee agreed the proposed Standing Order. The Clerk was instructed to advise the Assembly Commission of the proposed Standing Order and on receipt of their agreement to this was instructed to table the necessary motion for plenary. Action: Clerk The Committee agreed to defer consideration of the correspondence to its next meeting. The Committee agreed the itinerary and noted that it was in draft format and subject to confirmation by officials of proposed meetings. The Committee considered the request from the Northern Ireland Women's Coalition that the Committee examine its proposal for revised voting arrangements. It was agreed to invite the NIWC to make a presentation at the next meeting of the Committee. It was also agreed that the Chairperson should write to all party whips inviting written comments on the proposal. Action: Clerk 11. DATE, TIME AND VENUE OF NEXT MEETING It was agreed that the next meeting of the Committee would be held on Wednesday 27 February 2002 in Room 152 Parliament Buildings at 3.00 pm. The meeting adjourned at 4:36 pm. C MURPHY |
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