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RES/03 RESPONSE TO THE MINISTER FOR HIGHER AND FURTHER EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT - PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATION OF PROGRAMME FOR GOVERNMENT This document is the initial response of the Higher and Further Education, Training and Employment Committee, to an invitation by the Minister, on 22 June 2000, to engage in preliminary consideration of the broad principles and structure of the Programme for Government. These comments are framed within a compressed timescale, to meet the Minister's request for views before the summer recess. The Committee notes that this is an early stage of the Executive Committee's development of such a Programme, which will incorporate an agreed budget linked to policies and programmes. Therefore, the Committee will also require to scrutinise the draft Programme before it is approved by the Assembly and agreed by the Executive Committee. To assist its work, the Committee may, on return from recess, call for evidence from the official who represents the Minister on the Ministerial Representatives' Drafting Group, which will be carrying out detailed work on the Programme over the summer months. The Committee's initial comments are offered under the following broad headings:
The Committee considered the following principles and values were important
for the entire Programme:
The Committee considered there should be some high level, measurable targets
in the Programme for Government. 3. Cross-cutting Issues The Committee considers that the following cross-cutting themes will be important in progressing the overall goals of the Programme. Their incorporation should help to develop arrangements across and between Government Departments, which enhance co-operation and focus effort. For ease of reference, these themes have been sub-divided into those areas considered to be within the remit of this Committee and other, broader, issues. Issues within the remit of HFETE - Research and Development and Training. Broader Issues - Best use of resources including EU funds 4. Objectives and Targets The Committee was wholeheartedly supportive of the need for key Departmental
objectives and associated targets, consistent with the overall strategic direction
of the Executive, so that the Programme would be clear on what was to be done
and by whom, within the resources available. 5. Budget Priorities The Committee advise that, in reaching priority spending decisions, a strategic approach is taken, highlighting and ring-fencing adequate resources for the types of spending which promote long-term economic growth (e.g. development of intellectual and human capital - specifically, more HNDs and Modern Apprenticeships, alongside measures to enhance their esteem and relevance; extra university places in specific topic areas, targeted at high level economic regeneration). However, alongside this strategic view, the budget building process needs to ensure that, for example, the distinction between capital and recurrent needs is as accurately forecast as possible in the longer term, and observed in current year budget structures. ESMOND BIRNIE 5 July 2000. |
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