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COMMITTEE FOR EMPLOYMENT AND LEARNING MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS: THURSDAY, 30 MAY 2002 Present: In Attendance: Apologies: The meeting opened at 2.07pm in open session. The Chairman informed members that Mr Hilditch had replaced Mr Hay on the Committee for Employment and Learning. 1. Apologies Apologies are detailed above. 2. Draft Minutes of 23 May 2002 Agreed as amended. Proposed: Mr Doherty.Seconded: Mr Hutchinson. 3. Matters Arising Mrs Nelis queried the possibility of asking the Minister to brief the Committee on gap funding from the European Union (EU). The Chairman informed her that the Committee had already agreed to invite Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) officials to brief the Committee on their role in administering EU funds and that it was hoped to schedule this prior to the summer recess. He also stated that many of the issues around gap funding were the responsibility of the Department of Finance and Personnel. 4. Correspondence Members considered the Minister's response to the Committee's submission on DEL's original draft Position Report on the Budget 2002 process, together with an updated Report. It was agreed to follow up on several areas of information requested by the Committee, which had not been provided. Action: Clerk Members noted further bids from DEL for support from the Executive Programme Infrastructure Fund. It was noted that the Executive had commissioned these bids following the Chancellor's announcement of the increase in the Executive's borrowing facility and that the Executive's deadline had allowed no time for consultation with Assembly Committees. It was agreed to return to this area when the outcome of the bids was announced. 2.20pm. Prof McWilliams joined the meeting. Members considered a letter from Miss U Molloy, a student, asking how the major problems relating to student welfare in Northern Ireland were being addressed. Members agreed to issue a copy of their report on 'Student Finance', the relevant recommendations from their Inquiry into 'Education and Training for Industry' and details of Dr Farren's package of student support proposals. Miss Molloy's letter should also be forwarded to DEL for a response. Action: Clerk Members considered correspondence raising concerns at the administration of the Worktrack programme. It was agreed to forward these to DEL for clarification and a full written response. Action: Clerk Members considered a letter from the Committee for Social Development on the pilot of the ONE service. As the Minister for Employment and Learning had just forwarded further information on the interim evaluation of the pilot, the Committee agreed to return to this at a future meeting. Action: Clerk Members considered the Minister's response on the functions of the Learning and Skills Advisory Board, along with details of the membership, remuneration and expenses in respect of DEL's Non Departmental Public Bodies and Consultative Committees. Members noted the Department's intention to review the arrangements for the remuneration of governors of Further Education Colleges. Members directed the Clerk to acquire the membership details provided on the basis of geographical spread. Action: Clerk Members agreed to write to the Minister for further detail on the value-for-money provided by the Learning and Skills Advisory Board in relation to the remuneration to members in the last financial year of over £62k. Action: Clerk The Clerk was also directed to obtain a complete list of membership of all NDPBs in Northern Ireland. Action: Clerk Members considered further correspondence from Belfast learndirect in relation to the Minister's recent response on the learndirect network. It was agreed to include this in the letter to the Minister. Action: Clerk Members noted the following correspondence:
Members were briefed by Ms J Chapman, Ms E McNulty and Mr I Humes from the Civic Forum. Following an introductory presentation, the following issues were debated with members: 2.55pm. Mr Hutchinson left the meeting.
3.20pm. Mr Hutchinson joined the meeting.
The following areas were covered in the briefing from Northern Ireland Assembly Research:
Following the briefing, members debated the key issues for inclusion in the Committee's response to the consultation document and directed the Clerk to draft a response for consideration at the meeting of 13 June 2002. Action: Clerk Members agreed to write to the Minister requesting further detail on the EU initiative of National Employment Plans. Action: Clerk Members noted the response from the Minister of Finance and Personnel in relation to the Europe-wide methodological review of the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS). Members noted the response from the Committee of the Centre in relation to the Essential Skills for Living strategy. 7. Legislation Members considered a pre-draft Statutory Rule under the Education and Libraries (Northern Ireland) Order 1986. Members were content with the policy implications of the draft legislation, but agreed to seek clarification on the proposed reduction in categories for overseas students. Action: Clerk Members considered a pre-draft Statutory Rule under the Industrial Training (Northern Ireland) Order 1984. Members were content with the policy implications of the draft legislation, but agreed to request a written brief from DEL, outlining the efficiency and effectiveness of training in the construction sector, which was financed mainly through a system of compulsory levies. Action: Clerk 8. Chairman's Business The Chairman informed members that, as previously agreed, he and the Deputy Chairman had met with the Minister. In particular, the delays with the Fulton Report on Careers Education and Guidance were discussed and the Minister had acknowledged the possibility of interim changes in this area, pending decisions on the implementation of the Burns' Report, which could affect future provision in this area. The Chairman updated members on his recent meeting with representatives from the Electrical Training Trust on the current arrangements for the Modern Apprenticeship programme. They had expressed concern that the programme would become fragmented and could be difficult to monitor if direct responsibility was passed back to Further Education Colleges. They agreed that such a system had not worked well prior to 1998. Mrs Nelis stated that she had been in discussions with representatives from the North West Institute of Further and Higher Education (NWIFHE), on the considerable drop in the number of apprentices coming onto these courses. NWIFHE would prefer to have responsibility for the courses returned to them. 4.15pm. Mr Hutchinson left the meeting. The Committee agreed to request a written brief from the Department on the Modern Apprenticeship programme and that an oral briefing would be requested in the future. Members noted that DEL was soon to review the Electrical Training Trust. Action: Clerk The Chairman also informed members of his meeting with representatives from the Simon Community, who had raised concerns at the inflexibility of the New Deal programme in providing employment opportunities for the homeless. It was agreed that the Foyer scheme was an example of outstanding practice in providing outcomes leading to employment and the Clerk was directed to arrange a visit to such a centre in the future. Action: Clerk 9. Any Other Business The Committee considered options from DEL on arrangements to meet with the Minister to discuss the proposed merger of the Northern Ireland Hotel and Catering College with the University of Ulster. It was agreed to invite the Minister on Tuesday 11 June 2002 at 12.30pm, with the Committee meeting beforehand at 12 noon. Lunch would be provided. Action: Clerk 10. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting On Thursday 6 June 2002 at 2.00pm in Room 152 Parliament Buildings, to include a briefing from Northern Ireland Assembly Research on the Employment Bill. The Chairman also reminded members of the event organised with the Association of University Teachers to follow the Committee meeting at 3.15pm in the Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4.25pm. Dr Esmond Birnie MLA 6 June 2002 |
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