Present: Dr J Hendron (Chairman)
Ms P Armitage
Mr P Berry
Mrs J Carson
Mr T Gallagher (Deputy Chairman)
Ms C Hanna
Mr J Kelly
Mr A McFarland
Ms M McWilliams
Ms S Ramsey
Mrs I Robinson
In Attendance: Mr G Martin Mr D Harkin
Mrs V Artt Mrs K McFerran
Dr J Hendron took the Chair.
1. Chairman's Opening Remarks
The Chairman apologised for any embarrassment that he might have caused the
Committee in relation to the events surrounding the recent decision on regional
maternity provision. Lessons have been learnt and the Chairman does not foresee
such problems arising again.
The Committee's attention was drawn to a letter that Mrs Carson had written
to the Chairman expressing concern that a recent Committee meeting had lasted
more than six hours involving three sets of witnesses. She requested that careful
consideration be given in future to the timetable for meetings. The Chair accepted
fully the concerns raised but pointed out that the Committee had in fact made
a conscious decision to have an extended meeting on the day in question rather
than split it into two separate sessions. This "marathon" meeting (to
deal with the urgent matter of maternity provision) was seen as a one-off and
future sessions will be restricted to take account of the concerns raised. On
a related matter, Members also agreed to keep their questions to witnesses focused
and to the point.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
3. Matters Arising
The Business Committee will decide which Department will have responsibility
for scrutinising the Equality Disability Bill.
The Clerk has written to the First and deputy First Minister's Office to register
concern over the appointment of the Chairman of the Food Safety Board.
The Clerk has written to the Business Office regarding its refusal to accept
a food safety-related question to the Health Minster.
Departmental Officials have been invited to attend the Committee meeting scheduled
for 9 February to speak on the Children's Order and children in care.
The Clerk has identified an independent expert on health budgets and a paper
has been circulated to Members.
The Clerk has been informed that pay negotiations are ongoing in relation to
hospital porters' pay at Altnagelvin Hospital.
The Executive affirmed the priority given to the NI Drugs Strategy at its meeting
on 1 February and was satisfied that there was no delay in dealing with the additional
funding for work in this area. An announcement on allocations will be made in
February. Members will receive at today's meeting copies of the Executive's press
statement that has just been released.
The Committee reiterated its concern that it be furnished with copies of press
statements/reports at the time of their issue.
4. Presentation by the Minister on the Budget Allocation Proposals for 2000/2001
Panel Members: The Minister, Ms Bairbre de Brún
Mr Clive Gowdy, Permanent Secretary
Dr Henrietta Campbell, Chief Medical Officer
Mr Paul Simpson, Deputy Secretary
The Chairman welcomed the panel to the meeting at 1.25 PM after which the Minister
gave a brief presentation followed by a question-and-answer session, which is
summarised in Annex A. The Chairman thanked
the Minister and her officials, and they left the meeting at 3.10 PM.
5. Presentation by the NHS Confederation
Panel Members: Mrs Gillian Shaw, Chair Down Lisburn HSS Trust
Mr Tom Frawley, General Manager, Western HSS Board
Mr Harry McGuigan, Chair, United Hospitals HSS Trust
Mr Hugh Mills, Chief Executive, Sperrin Lakeland HSS Trust
The Chairman welcomed the panel to the meeting at 3.35 PM after which they
gave a brief presentation followed by a question-and-answer session, which is
summarised in Annex B. The Chairman thanked
the panel, and they left the meeting at 4.25 PM.
6. AOB
Departmental Officials will attend the meeting scheduled for Wednesday 9 February
to speak to the NI Children Order and children in residential care.
The NHSS Board will attend the meeting scheduled for Wednesday 16 February.
The Committee will deliberate its future work programme on Wednesday 23 February.
The Chairman drew the Committee's attention to the Tripartite Research Conference
on Saturday 12 February at UU Jordanstown. Papers are available for any Members
wishing to attend.
The Armagh and Dungannon Health Action Zone has issued an invitation to the
Committee to its conference in the Navan Centre on Friday 11 February. The Clerk
will copy the programme to Members.
Agreed: As a follow-up to the concept of Healthy Living Centres and
HAZs, which attracted considerable Committee interest, the Clerk will obtain more
information on the New Opportunities Fund and its objectives.
Agreed: The Clerk will write to the Department seeking answers to the
independent expert's questions on its paper on budget proposals. The Clerk will
also request a detailed breakdown from the Department of the five blocks of expenditure.
For the purposes of making comparisons, the Public Expenditure and Priorities
Document for NI published each March by DFP gives considerable detail on expenditure
breakdowns for the previous year. This document is available in the Assembly Library
and on the Internet.
Agreed: The Committee is content with the independent expert's paper
on the budget proposals and approves the fee. The Clerk will also write to express
the Committee's appreciation for the quality of the report produced at short notice.
The Clerk advised that the Ambulance Service report will be launched at 3.00
PM on Wednesday 9 February at St Patrick's Trian, Armagh. Members will receive
copies of the report at the Committee meeting scheduled for the same day.
7. Date and Time of Next Meeting
The Committee will meet next at 2.00 PM on Wednesday 9 February in Room 135,
Parliament Buildings.
26 January 2000 / Menu
/09 February 2000