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1. Minutes of last meetings
2. Matters arising
3. Unlocking Creativity
4. Public Service Agreement
5. Any other business
6. Strategy 2010 Inquiry

Present: Mr P Doherty (Chairperson)
Mr S Neeson (Deputy Chairperson)
Mrs A Courtney
Mr D Shipley Dalton
Mr D McClarty
Dr A McDonnell
Ms J Morrice
Dr D O'Hagan
Mr J Wells

In attendance: Mrs C White
Mr J Nesbitt
Miss J Presho
Mr D Donaldson

Apologies: Mr W Clyde

The meeting opened, in private, at 11.15am

1. Minutes of last two meetings

1.1 The minutes of the meetings of 12 & 14 February were agreed.


2. Matters arising

2.1 Visit to Enterprise Ireland and IDA - the Committee Clerk reported that there were no suitable dates before 1 March for these meetings and that the organisations are to come back with alternative dates later in March.

2.2 Mr Neeson suggested that the Committee whilst in Dublin, might wish to meet with Forfas.

Agreed - in the first instance, to seek more information on Forfas.

2.3 Further information regarding the low take-up of International Funds in Northern Ireland - this information was circulated to members in their meeting packs.

2.4 DETI Spring Supplementary Estimates for 2000/01 and Vote on Account for 2001-2002 - a copy of the Estimates, Vote on Account for 2001-2002 and a critique from the Assembly Research Office was issued to members. The members did not raise any concerns about the Estimates and Vote on Account 2001-2002.


3. Unlocking Creativity

3.1 The members discussed the document "Unlocking Creativity". Members agreed that they would need more time to properly consider this document and to comment on it.

Agreed - to ask for an extension of a further 2 weeks from the closing date of 28 February 2001.


4. Public Service Agreement

4.1 The Chairperson reported that a response had been received from the Minister DETI with regard to the Committee's comments on the DETI draft Public Service Agreement.

Agreed - members to read the response and discuss at a future meeting.

Mrs Courtney joined the meeting at 11.33am


5. Any other business

5.1 Chairperson's Liaison Group - Members were asked if they had any items which they wished to be included on the agenda for the next meeting.

Agreed - the issue of fees for Specialist Advisers and Rapporteur/Reporter should be put forward.

5.2 Dr McDonnell reported that he had recently attended a presentation hosted by BT, on the delivery of electronic Government. Dr McDonnell suggested that the Committee should examine the issue and attempt to develop it further.

Agreed - to return to this issue at a future meeting.

Dr O'Hagan joined the meeting at 11.36am

5.3 Mrs Courtney raised the issue of the recent Adria factory closures.

Agreed - to invite representatives from Adria to give evidence to the Committee on the issues surrounding the future closures and their long-term plans. It was also agreed to invite representatives from Kurt Salmon Associates to give evidence.

Mr McClarty left the meeting at 11.53am

5.4 Energy Inquiry - the Chairperson reported on a recent newspaper article containing a letter by Mr Robert McCartney QC in relation to the Committee's next inquiry regarding energy.

Agreed - to copy this article to all members.

5.5 The Chairperson reported that Energy division, DETI, had requested a copy of a paper prepared by the Assembly Research office - "Sources of Renewable Energy".

Agreed - to send a copy of this document to DETI.

Mr Wells joined the meeting at 11.58am

5.6 Letter from British Telecom inviting the Committee to a presentation on projects involving various Public Service Departments.

Agreed - to accept the invitation and issue a holding letter until after Easter.

5.7 The Chairperson reported that a letter had been received from the Energy Committee for the Council for the West.

Agreed - that this should be dealt with during the Energy Inquiry.

5.8 North South Ministerial Council meetings - the Committee Clerk referred to the agenda of the last meeting of the North South Ministerial Council.

Agreed - to request copies of various papers mentioned on the agenda from the Department and ask that any such papers be routinely copied to the Committee.

5.9 Letter from Shandwick International writing on behalf of Eircomni - inviting the Committee to a lunch and tour of their Belfast HQ in Clarendon Dock.

Agreed - to accept the invitation and issue a holding letter until after Easter.

5.10 The Chairperson reported on a recent newspaper article in the Sunday Tribune regarding the tourist bodies (North and South) - a copy of the article was circulated to members.


6. Strategy 2010 Inquiry

6.1 The Committee continued with its deliberations on the Strategy 2010 report.

The meeting adjourned at 12.30pm
The meeting resumed at 2.20pm

A further discussion on the Committee's report on Strategy 2010 took place.

Mr Shipley Dalton joined the meeting at 3.05pm

The Chairperson left the meeting at 4.08pm, Mr Neeson assumed the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.

The meeting closed at 4.30pm


Mr P Doherty

14 February 2001 / Menu / 22 February 2001