Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

Wednesday 5 July 2000 at 10.00am
in Room 144 Parliament Buildings

1. Chairperson's Business
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of last two meeting
4. Evidence Session - General Consumer Council for NI
5. Evidence Session - National Energy Action
6. Evidence Session - Ofreg
7. Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill
8. Strategy 2010 Inquiry
9. Any other business
10. Date of next meeting

Present: Mr P Doherty (Chairperson)
Mr S Neeson (Deputy Chairperson)
Ms P Lewsley
Mr D McClarty
Dr A McDonnell
Ms J Morrice

In attendance: Mrs C White, Mr J Nesbitt,
Miss M Higgins, Miss J Presho

In attendance for public evidence session at 10.15am: General Consumer Council for NI - Mrs J Whiteside, Mrs M Bell, and Mr B Osborne

In attendance for public evidence session at 11.15am: National Energy Action - Ms A Heaney

In attendance for public evidence session at 11.45am: Ofreg - Mr D McIldoon, Mrs M McWilliams, Mr M Archer

The meeting opened, in private, at 10.25am

1. Chairperson's business

The Chairperson reported on recent meetings he had with Causeway Coast and Glens and the NI Consumer Committee on Electricity.

The Chairperson advised that the Minister had extended an invitation for 3 - 4 Committee members to visit the US in August for 3 days.

Agreed - that the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson, Mr McClarty and Ms Lewsley should attend.


2. Apologies

Apologies were received from Dr D O'Hagan.


3. Minutes of the last two meetings

The minutes of the last two meetings were agreed.


4. Evidence session - General Consumer Council for NI

Mrs Whiteside, Mrs Bell, and Mr Osborne gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Strategy 2010.

Dr McDonnell joined the meeting at 11.03am

Ms Morrice left the meeting at 11.05am


5. Evidence session - National Energy Action

Ms Heaney gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Strategy 2010.


6. Evidence Session - Ofreg

Mr McIldoon, Mrs McWilliams, and Mr Archer gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Strategy 2010.


7. Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill

Agreed - that the draft Press Release should be issued; that a Public Notice should be put in the appropriate newspapers at the end of July; and that letters should be sent to a number of interest groups inviting comments on the Bill.


8. Strategy 2010 Inquiry

The issue of a Special Advisor to assist the Committee with its inquiry into Strategy 2010 was discussed.

Agreed - that the Committee Clerk should write to the Assembly's Research Office seeking additional information.


9. Any other business

The Department's draft Action Plan on New TSN - the Chairperson advised that the Department were seeking the Committee's views on this document. It was agreed that the issue should be discussed at the Committee's meeting on 19 July.


10. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Monday 17 July at 11.00am in Room 144.


The meeting closed at 12.55pm

Mr P Doherty

29 June 2000 / Menu / 17 July 2000