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COMMITTEE FOR EMPLOYMENT AND LEARNING MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS: THURSDAY 27 JUNE 2002, Present: In Attendance: Apologies: The meeting opened at 2.16pm in open session. 1. Apologies Apologies are detailed above. 2. Draft Minutes of 20 June 2002 Agreed. Proposed: Mr Dallat. Seconded: Mr Carrick. 2.18pm. Mr Hilditch joined the meeting. 3. Matters Arising None. 4. Committee Responses Members considered their draft response on the Report on the 'Review of Post-Primary Education' and agreed it for issue to the Committee for Education and the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL). Members noted the written brief from DEL on the possible implications of the Report for the Department. The Committee noted the response from, and issues raised by, the Committee for Education. Action: Clerk Members agreed a press release on this response for issue after the meeting. Action: Clerk Members considered and agreed as amended their response to the Committee for Finance and Personnel on the financial issues contained in the Executive's Position Report. Action: Clerk 5. Committee Report Members considered extracts from their draft Report on DEL's response to the forty three recommendations in the Committee's Inquiry into 'Education and Training for Industry.' Minor amendments were agreed and it was also agreed that the complete draft Report would be considered again at the next meeting. Members agreed to delay release until September 2002 and to submit a motion to debate the Report in the Assembly. Action: Clerk 6. Correspondence Members considered information from DEL on their bids for support from the third tranche of Executive Programme Funds. Members noted that the Committee for Finance and Personnel had advised that the deadline for submission was 10 June 2002, and that DEL's bids had therefore been received for the Committee's attention approximately two weeks after this deadline. Whilst members generally supported the bids, it was agreed to raise this lack of consultation with both the Minister for Employment and Learning and the Committee for Finance and Personnel. Action: Clerk Members considered a response from DEL to concerns on student welfare raised with the Committee by Ms U Molloy, and agreed to forward the response to Ms Molloy. Action: Clerk Mr Dallat raised concerns at the arrangements currently in place to ensure appropriate standards of student accommodation. The Chairman responded that this may be addressed in the Housing Bill, which would reach Committee Stage next week. The Clerk was directed to obtain copies of the Housing Bill for members' attention. Action: Clerk Members considered the Minister's response to concerns raised by the Committee at the current auditing arrangements in Further Education Colleges. Mr Dallat expressed his disappointment at the same firm being appointed, in several colleges, as both external auditors and as financial consultants to oversee recovery plans when these colleges experienced financial difficulties. He considered it to be part of the auditors' reporting function to flag up worrying financial trends. It was agreed to write again to the Minister, seeking an assurance that such a situation would not be repeated. Action: Clerk Members considered and agreed to a request from Northern Ireland Assembly Research to publish several research papers requested by the Committee on both the intranet and the Assembly's website. Action: Clerk Members noted DEL's response on the apparent financial difficulties at Queen's University. The Chairman reported that he had been briefed by the Pro Vice-Chancellor on the financial situation at Queen's. Members noted the following correspondence:
7. Briefing from Department for Employment and Learning officials on the Employment Bill Mr R Gamble, Mr W Caldwell and Ms L Taylor from DEL, briefed the Committee on the Employment Bill. The following issues were debated with members:
Dr Birnie and Mr Carrick both declared an interest.
3.20pm. Mr Hutchinson left the meeting.
4.05pm. Mr Hutchinson returned to the meeting.
4.10pm. Mr Hilditch left the meeting.
4.18pm. Mr Hutchinson left the meeting. The meeting was inquorate; the Chairman suspended the oral evidence session and the meeting. 4.20pm. Mr Hutchinson returned to the meeting. The meeting resumed.
Officials stated that they would provide written answers to several areas raised during the briefing. Members agreed the need for the Committee Stage to be completed on time if possible, given the amount of subordinate legislation to follow from the Employment Bill, which needed to be approved before the dissolution of the Assembly in March 2003. 4.22pm. Mr Hilditch returned to the meeting. 4.23pm. Dr Adamson left the meeting. 8. Chairman's Business The Chairman updated members on the recent meeting of the Chairpersons' Liaison Group. The Chairman informed members that both he and the Deputy Chairman were to meet with representatives from H J O'Boyle Training Ltd to discuss the subject area of keyskills. The Chairman informed members that the Minister had requested a meeting with himself and the Deputy Chairman. Debate ensued as to the possible areas for discussion, which included the outcome of the proposed merger of the Northern Ireland Hotel and Catering College with the University of Ulster. Mr Dallat asked for it to be minuted that he had asked that Mr Hutchinson withdraw his remarks made in relation to himself. The remarks were not withdrawn. The Chairman drew members' attention to an article in the Sunday Mirror relating to the 'open/closed' status of Assembly Committee meetings and the fact that the Committee for Employment and Learning had the best record of openness. 9. Any Other Business None 10. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting On Thursday 4 July 2002 at 2.00pm in Room 152 Parliament Buildings, to include evidence from the Equality Commission on the Employment Bill. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4.32pm. Dr Esmond Birnie MLA |