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COMMITTEE FOR EMPLOYMENT AND LEARNING Present: Dr Esmond Birnie MLA (Chairman) In Attendance: Dr Andrew Peoples Apologies: Mrs Joan Carson MLA The meeting opened at 2.21pm in open session. 1. Apologies Apologies are detailed above. 2. Draft Minutes of 13 June 2002 Agreed. Proposed: Mr Carrick. Seconded: Mr Hutchinson. 3. Matters Arising Mr Dallat queried why the press release, issued following last week's meeting,
on the proposed merger of the Northern Ireland Hotel and Catering College with
the University of Ulster, had not detailed those members who had voted for and
against the proposal. The Chairman informed him that this was detailed in the
minutes of proceedings of the meeting, which would be placed in the public domain. 2.22pm. Mr Hutchinson left the meeting. The meeting was inquorate; the
Chairman suspended the meeting. 2.35pm. Mr Hutchinson joined the meeting. The meeting resumed. 4. Committee Responses Members noted correspondence received on the Phono-Graphix Reading Method
and requested research in this area. Action: Clerk Members considered their draft response on the Department for Employment and
Learning's (DEL) consultation on the 'Essential Skills for Living' document.
Members also considered a response received from the Committee for Education
and agreed that the submission should be amended to reference its views. It
was also agreed that further information should be requested from DEL on the
breakdown of the target audience outlined in the consultation document eg (urban-rural).
The Chairman was authorised to approve these amendments and issue the finalised
submission. Action: Clerk Members considered and agreed their response to the Committee for Agriculture
and Rural Development on the report of the Review Panel on 'Education and R&D
in Agriculture and Food Science.' Action: Clerk Members considered the Executive's Position Report on 'Developing the Programme
for Government and the Budget for 2002/03.' Members debated the financial issues
in relation to DEL, contained in the Report and directed the Clerk to draft
a response to the Committee for Finance and Personnel for consideration and
agreement at the next meeting. Action: Clerk Members agreed that a response to the Office of the First Minister and Deputy
First Minister (OFMDFM) on the key strategic issues, in relation to DEL, to
be included in the Programme for Government for 2003/04 should be drafted and
agreed before the summer recess. This would enable the Committee's views to
be accounted for in the initial draft of the Programme for Government. A further
response could be issued before the end of August 2002, if required. Members debated and agreed the issues to be included in their response and
directed the Clerk to produce a draft for consideration and agreement at the
meeting of 4 July 2002. Action: Clerk 2.50pm. Mr Hutchinson left the meeting. The meeting was inquorate; the
Chairman suspended the meeting. 5. Briefing from the Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of
Trade Unions (NIC-ICTU) on the Employment Bill Members noted that the Employment Bill had been passed to the Committees for
Finance and Personnel, Social Development and Enterprise, Trade and Investment
for comment. The Committee was briefed by Mr B Gourley, Ms A Hope and Mr L McBrinn on the
Employment Bill. The following issues were highlighted during the introductory
Following the presentation, the following issues were debated with members:
6. Correspondence Members noted information from DEL on their role in administering the European
Social Fund. Members considered a response from DEL on the action taken in response to the Northern Ireland Audit Office Report on 'Corporate Governance and Financial Management in Colleges of Further Education,' and agreed that further detail
was required. Action: Clerk Members considered information from DEL on the centres of excellence in the
further education sector and agreed to request further information. Action: Clerk Members considered the Minister's response to the Committee's concern at the
proposal to transfer responsibility to the Home Office for the administration
of applications for work permits received from Northern Ireland employers. It
was agreed to write again to the Minister, expressing the Committee's continuing
concerns, in light of the current employment circumstances in Northern Ireland. Action: Clerk Members considered a response from DEL on the process for the provision of
advice and guidance to potential students on social security benefits. The Committee
agreed to respond, highlighting their concern at the apparent absence of an
effective, joined-up approach in this area. Action: Clerk Members considered an update from DEL on the Henry Garrett Building at Stranmillis
University College. It was agreed to forward the information to the Committee
for Education, who had asked to be kept informed and to include the Committee's
support for the Department's bids in this area in the response to the Budget
2002 process. Action: Clerk Members considered financial information from DEL on their bids and easements
in the June 2002 Monitoring Round. Members noted that the minister for Finance
and Personnel was likely to make a statement to the Assembly in week commencing
1 July 2002. Members agreed to seek clarification from DEL on their bid to meet
additional Departmental Running Costs and to seek a position paper on the Springvale
campus development as it was running behind schedule. Action: Clerk Members noted the following correspondence:
7. Legislation Members considered DEL's response to queries raised by the Committee on the
pre-draft Statutory Rule under the Education and Libraries (Northern Ireland)
Order 1986. Members were content with the policy implications of the proposed
legislation. 8. Chairman's Business The Chairman informed members that he was to address the Association of Northern
Ireland Colleges' seminar on 'Women's Issues, Access and Participation in Education
and Further Education,' on Friday 21 June 2002. 9. Any Other Business The Committee considered a response from the University of Ulster on their
recent advertisement for an Outreach Officer in the North Belfast area. It was
agreed to monitor how this worked in practice in the future. 10. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting On Thursday 27 June 2002 at 2.00pm in Room 152 Parliament Buildings, to include
evidence from DEL officials on the Employment Bill. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4.35pm. Dr Esmond Birnie MLA |