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COMMITTEE FOR HIGHER AND FURTHER EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT Present: Dr Esmond Birnie (Chairman) In Attendance: Dr Andrew C Peoples Apologies: Mr John Dallat
Meeting opened at 2.04pm in open session. 1. Apologies Apologies are detailed above.
2. Approval of draft minutes of 31 May 2001 Agreed. Proposed: Mr Carrick. Seconded: Mr Beggs. 3. Matters arising Members considered and agreed their response to the Equality Consultation on Student Finance, for issue to the Department.
Action: Clerk 2.10pm. Mr Beggs joined the meeting. Dr Birnie declared an interest that he had previously worked for the Northern Ireland Economic Research Centre. Members considered a draft response to OFMDFM’s review of the Northern Ireland Economic Council and the provision of independent economic advice and research. It was agreed to issue the response, subject to one addition.
Action: Clerk Members noted the Committee’s submission to the Committee of the Centre’s Inquiry into the appointment of a Commissioner for Children in Northern Ireland and the subsequent response received from the Chairman of the Committee of the Centre. Mr Carrick registered his disappointment with the response and re-enforced his view that, whilst he fully supported the appointment of the Commissioner, he considered it essential that parents’ rights are safeguarded. It was agreed that any outstanding concerns could be raised during the forthcoming Assembly debate. Members considered a paper setting out the options for the visit to Denmark in September 2001. It was agreed that this should be scheduled in week commencing 10 September 2001, if no firm arrangements had already been made by the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment.
Action: Clerk
2.20pm. Mrs Carson joined the meeting. Members noted the Sherrard Report, which had been received from the North East Institute. The Chairman emphasised that the Report was confidential and that members should consider its findings before deciding whether to take this forward. The Committee may wish to hear the views of the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (NATFHE) on the issues detailed in the Report. Members’ Interests: The Chairman invited members to declare any new interests following the recent Westminster and local government elections. Mr Beggs declared that he was now a member of Carrickfergus Council. Mr Carrick declared that he was no longer a member of Craigavon Council. Mrs Carson declared that she was no longer a member of Dungannon Council. Mr Hutchinson declared that he was now a member of Newtownabbey Council.
Action: Clerk Members noted information received from the Northern Ireland Business Education Partnership on their work in East Antrim.
4. Correspondence Members noted an evaluation of the Lecturers into Industry initiative received from the Department. Members received advance notice of a one day training course on government finance, which was being organised for the 6th and 12th September 2001.
5. Inquiry into Education and Training for Industry The Chairman welcomed Dr Rosanne Cecil to the meeting. Members considered and debated the draft structure of the Committee’s Report, and agreed that a draft of Section 2 of the Report would be further considered at the meeting on 5 July 2001. A decision on the format for the presentation of oral and written evidence from the Inquiry would be taken at a later date.
Action: Clerk 2.55pm. Mr Hutchinson left the meeting.
3.00pm. Mr Kelly left the meeting.
6. Budget Proposals 2002/03 Members agreed to request a briefing from officials on 21st June 2001, on the Department’s bids for 2002/03, with a view to making an initial response to the Committee for Finance and Personnel by 6th July 2001.
Action: Clerk 7. Legislation The Committee considered Statutory Rule 208/2001, together with the Examiner of Statutory Rules’ Report. It was agreed that "the Committee for Higher and Further Education, Training and Employment has considered Statutory Rule 208/2001, ‘Code of Practice (Access to Workers during Recognition and Derecognition Ballots) (Appointed Day) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001,’ and has no objection to the Rule." The Clerk was directed to inform the Business Office.
Action: Clerk Members also considered two pre-draft Statutory Rules to be made under powers contained in the Industrial Training (Northern Ireland) Order 1984 and the Education (Student Loans) Northern Ireland Order 1990 respectively. Members were content with the implications of the draft Statutory Rules at this stage and directed the Clerk to inform the Department.
Action: Clerk
3.05pm. Prof McWilliams joined the meeting. 3.10pm. Mrs Nelis joined the meeting. 8. Any Other Business Members noted the record of the Chairman’s interview with representatives from Queens University on the use of the NUS/USI card. The Chairman updated members on his recent meeting with Maggie Taggart, Education Correspondent, BBC, in relation to the Committee’s Inquiry. Members noted that information on a planned BBC programme on adult literacy and numeracy was held in the Committee Office, and the Clerk was making further enquiries on this matter. The Chairman informed members that he had met with the Minster immediately prior to today’s Committee meeting. The meeting had been at the Minister’s request and the Deputy Chairman and the Clerk had also been in attendance. Members noted that the Consideration Stage of the Department for Learning and Employment Bill was scheduled for Monday 18 June 2001. The Minister had agreed to move the amendments as proposed by the Committee. The Department’s Annual Business Plan and Strategic Plan would be made available shortly. Work was ongoing to evaluate the Department’s performance against the targets in last year’s Business Plan. Members noted the consultation arrangements for the Research and Development and Innovation Strategy. It was agreed that, whilst the Committee would have preferred to make an initial response, a meaningful submission could not be finalised within the extremely short period given for public consultation. It was agreed that the Chairman would write to the Minister, requesting a draft of the strategy document before publication, together with a summary of the responses received from the consultation process. This will allow the Committee to make a fuller response which should be included in the current Inquiry Report.
Action: Clerk Members considered the correspondence from the Minister on the review of the Department’s advisory structures. It was agreed that the Minister should be asked to brief the Committee before the Summer Recess.
Action: Clerk Members considered the Minister’s reply on the constitution of the Employability Taskforce. It was agreed that the Chairman should write again to the Minister to reiterate the Committee’s concerns in this area.
Action: Clerk
3.45pm. Mr Byrne left the meeting. Members agreed that the timing of release to the Department of the Committee’s Report on their Inquiry into ‘Education and Training for Industry,’ would be decided closer to the publication date. 3.55pm. The meeting continued in closed session. The Chairman updated members on the current situation regarding the Fulton Report. 4.05pm. The meeting returned to open session. Members directed the Clerk to request the findings from Professor Fulton’s review of Careers Education and Guidance from the Department. Members noted that the Clerk had requested further information on careers guidance from the National Assembly for Wales, and asked for further research on how careers guidance was delivered in both Scotland and the Republic of Ireland.
Action: Clerk 9. Date and Time of Next Meeting On Thursday 21 June 2001 at 2.00pm in Room 152, Parliament Buildings. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4.06pm. Esmond Birnie Dr Esmond Birnie MLA |