Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


Thursday 1 June 2000 at 10.15am
in Room 152 Parliament Buildings

2. Chairman's Business
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
4. Matters Arising
5. Programme of Work
6. Fishing Inquiry
7. Any Other Business
8. Date of Next Meeting

Present: Mr E ONeill (Chairperson)
Dr I Adamson
Mr I Davis
Mr D Hilditch
Mr K McCarthy
Mr B McElduff
Mr E McMenamin
Mr J Wilson

In attendance: Mrs C White, Mr J Nesbitt Miss M Higgins, Mr J McCourt

The meeting commenced at 10.17am

1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Ms M Nelis, Mr J Shannon, and Mr F Agnew.


2. Chairperson's business

The Chairperson welcomed members to the first meeting of the committee after the lifting of suspension. He stated that the inquiry into Inland Fishing would be a priority for the committee.


3. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting of 10 February were agreed.


4. Matters arising

The Chairperson reported that, since the lifting of suspension, reminder letters had been issued to - the Department on the issue of holding an exhibition of artefacts held in Dublin; to the NI Sports Council on responses to questions that had been put by the Committee; and to the Department regarding further information on the budget. The Chairperson also mentioned that a letter had been sent, prior to suspension, to the DOE Chairperson on the matter of the cist stones.

Mr McElduff joined the meeting at 10.22am


5. Programme of work

Agreed - that public meetings on the inquiry should be held over the next 5 weeks, commencing on 8 June; that Bann Systems Ltd. and Hillmount Properties Ltd. should be invited to give evidence on 8 June; and that the first public hearing should be held in the Senate Chamber.

The Chairperson requested that comments on the Department's Draft Equality Scheme should be passed to the Committee Clerk by Monday 5 June so that a draft response can be considered at next week's meeting.


6. Fishing Inquiry

The Chairperson reported that 28 submissions had been received and that the closing date had now been extended to 22 June. He also mentioned that reminder letters had been sent to interest groups who had not yet made any written submissions.

Agreed - that the appointment of Special Advisors should be considered to give the Committee advice when needed on certain aspects of the Inquiry.

Mr McCarthy left the meeting at 10.43am.


7. Any other business

i. NI Voluntary Trust Outline Strategic Plan - the Chairperson requested that comments on this Plan should be passed to the Committee Clerk by Monday 5 June so that a response can be cleared at next week's meeting.

ii. Agreed - that a letter detailing the Committee's concerns should be sent to the Department.

iii. The Committee Clerk informed members that she had been advised that the start and finish times for meetings should be recorded in the minutes of proceedings and that the times members leave and return during meetings should also be recorded. The Committee agreed.

iv.The Committee Clerk informed members of recent guidance she had received on the rules relating to the use of the Senate Chamber.

v. The Committee Clerk advised members of the correct interpretation of Standing Order 46(9) relating to the rules for voting in committees.

vi.Agreed - that a motion of support on United Christian Broadcasting should be resubmitted to the Assembly.

vii. Agreed - that the issue of safety at motor bike racing tracks should be put on the agenda for a future meeting.

Mr Adamson joined the meeting at 11.10am

viii. Agreed - that an invitation to visit Inland Waterways should be accepted and that this could be combined with a visit to Hydro - electric schemes.

ix. Agreed - that the Committee should be officially represented at a public meeting on 8 June to discuss a recent report on Hydro-Electric schemes.

Mr McElduff left the meeting at 11.16am

x. Agreed - that further information should be sought from the Department on the issue of safety at sports grounds.


8. Date of the next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Thursday 8 June at 10.15am in the Senate Chamber.

The meeting closed at 11.22am.

Mr E ONeill

10 February 2000 / Menu / 08 June 2000