Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


Thursday 10 February 2000 at 10.15am
in Room 120 Parliament Buildings

Present: Mr E ONeill (Chairperson)
Dr I Adamson
Mr F Agnew
Mr I Davis
Mr D Hilditch
Mr K McCarthy
Mr B McElduff
Mr J Shannon
Mr J Wilson

In attendance: Mrs C White
Mr J Nesbitt
Miss M Higgins
Mr J McCourt

In attendance for part of meeting: Mr M Houlihan (National Museums & Galleries NI)
Mr M McGimpsey (Minister for DCAL)
Dr A McGinley (DCAL)
Mr N Carson (DCAL)

1. Apologies

Apologies were received from E McMenamin and Ms M Nelis.

2. Chairperson's business

The Chairperson suggested that the visit to Armagh on 11 February should be cancelled. This was agreed.

3. Minutes of the last meeting

It was agreed that the Inland Waterways Association's invitation to the committee to visit later in the year should be recorded in the minutes.

4. Matters arising

i. It was reported that NI Karate Do Wado Kai would be giving a short presentation to the committee on 17 February.

ii. Mount Stewart stones - the response from the Research Office was circulated and discussed; it was agreed that a letter on the matter should be sent to the Chair of the Environment Committee.

5. Arts Council review

It was agreed that, at this stage, the committee was not in a position to give a specific or detailed response.

6. Any other business

i. It was reported that two further submissions had been received on the fishing inquiry; the submissions were circulated to the committee members.

ii. The Chairperson reported that an invitation had been received from the Ulster Angling Federation to attend their AGM on 24 February; the members advised that, unfortunately, they were unable to attend.

iii. Inland Waterways Association's proposal to restore the Ulster Canal - it was pointed out that this proposal fell within the responsibility of the new cross border implementation body; it was agreed that a letter of support should be sent to the Minister.

iv. It was agreed that viewing of the Inland Waterways Association's video should be put on the agenda for next week.

v. Ulster Folk and Transport Museum visit - the Committee Clerk asked members to let her know if there was anything in particular they wanted to see on this visit.

7. Presentation by National Museums and Galleries NI

Mr Michael Houlihan, the Director, gave a presentation on the role of the NMG(NI). The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairperson thanked Mr Houlihan for his interesting and informative presentation.

8. Presentation by the Minister

The Minister reported on his work in the new Department. He explained that the Department was in the process of developing its corporate plan and that a number of reviews had been initiated. The Minister welcomed any input from the committee to the corporate plan. A number of questions were put to the Minister on the Department's budget for 2000/01. The Department agreed to provide the committee with some additional information on the budget. The Chairperson thanked the Minister for his attendance at the meeting and his clear and full replies to the questions put.

9. Date of the next meeting

The next meeting of the committee will be held on Wednesday 17 February at 10.15am in Room 152 Parliament Buildings.

Mr E ONeill

03 February 2000 / Menu / 01 June 2000