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MINUTES OF THE FORTY-SECOND MEETING OF THE ASSEMBLY COMMISSION HELD ON TUESDAY 15 JANUARY 2002 AT 3:00 PM IN ROOM 106 PRESENT: IN THE CHAIR: IN ATTENDANCE: 1. MINUTES The minutes of the forty-first meeting of the Assembly Commission, held on 11 December 2001, were accepted. 2. CHAIRMAN'S BUSINESS 2.1 Head of Procurement The Speaker advised that Mr John Gibson had taken up post as the Head of Procurement. 3. MATTERS ARISING 3.1 Aiken Proposal Aiken Promotions has confirmed that Neil Diamond will not be coming to Belfast in 2002. To date, no other proposals are forthcoming. 3.2 Press Bar and Atrium Mrs Peacocke advised Members that the Press Bar would reopen for business at the beginning of February 2002, however, finishes would not be completed until March 2002. 3.3 Incident in the Great Hall The Speaker advised that the Clerk to the Commission had written to Dr Paisley communicating the Commission's decision not to release Doorkeeper's statements. Mr Evans reported that Mr Price was finalising a date for a meeting between the Assembly Commission and the Press Liaison Group. 3.4 Commemorative Inscription The Speaker stated that the Commemorative Ceremony had been a great success and that he had received very positive feedback from family representatives. Rev Coulter added that it had been a very moving ceremony and expressed his thanks to those staff involved in the organisation of the ceremony. Mrs Bell endorsed this view. The Speaker advised that a number of Members had requested a copy of the video recording of the ceremony. It was agreed that Mr Evans should seek the approval of the Barnhill and Wilson families prior to releasing copies of the video to Members and invited guests. 3.5 Members' Satisfaction Survey Mr Moir tabled the results of the Members' Satisfaction Survey. The Speaker highlighted comments relating to the development of educational facilities within the Assembly. The Commission agreed that the Speaker should write to the Minister of Education to seek the secondment of 1 - 2 teachers to assist in the development of the Assembly's education strategy. Mr Moir was asked to follow up on comments in the survey about the Business Office's handling of questions. Mrs Bell left the meeting at 15:35. 3.6 Printing Contract The Speaker advised that the Assessment Panel would be meeting on 25 January 2002 to assess tenders. 3.7 Transport Pilot Mrs Peacocke advised that an evaluation of the pilot scheme would be tabled in April 2002. 3.8 Disability Issues The Speaker advised that a progress report on disability issues is being prepared for consideration at an April 2002 meeting. Mrs Peacocke reported that consultants had been appointed to take forward the major design issues relating to Disability Discrimination Act compliance. 3.9 Review of Terms and Conditions and Pay and Grading The Speaker advised that the consultants would present the interim report on 29 January 2002. 3.10 Staffing Issues Members noted a paper setting out progress with the various recruitment competitions and highlighting the difficulties in securing interview rooms in Parliament Buildings. The Commission agreed that Mr Moir could open up discussions with the Head of the Civil Service about the possibility of relocating the Statutory Publications Office and the Office of Legislative Counsel. Mr Fee asked if the Commission were content that sufficient staff were being recruited. Mr Moir advised that recruitment was based on the identified need within each of the Directorates. 3.11 Media Monitoring Survey Mr Black tabled a paper setting out options for the provision of a media monitoring service. It was agreed that an in-house service should be introduced on a pilot basis. 3.12 Information on Members' Allowances The Speaker advised the Commission that he had put the following proposals to the Business Committee for consideration by all Assembly Parties in pursuance of his duty under Standing Order 71(2). Ÿ Immediate publication on the Assembly's website of the following information by individual Member and for the financial years 1998 / 99, 1999 / 00 and 2000 / 01; salaries to include office-holder remuneration, total OCAs, travel and overnight expenses. Ÿ Information to include a note to explain the reasons for differentials in travel and overnight costs (location of constituency offices in relation to Parliament Buildings and Ministers and Members' access to official vehicles). Ÿ From 1 April 2002 publication of information on Members' Allowances would be on the same basis as information contained in the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body's Annual Report. It was agreed to revisit this issue as soon as the Speaker has received views from the Business Committee. 3.13 DTI Proposal The Speaker advised that the deadline for submission of funding applications to DTI had passed, but that there would be further opportunities to apply for funding under this initiative. It was agreed that the Commission should write to register its interest in the scheme. Mrs Bell returned at 16:20 3.14 Additional Lighting in the East Car Park Mrs Peacocke advised that a meeting had been held with Construction Service and Estate Management who are now proposing to implement a number of additional improvements to the car park but which would necessitate seeking tenders. It was agreed that Estate Management should be asked to install additional temporary lighting as a matter of urgency. Mr Fee left the meeting at 16:30 4. ACCOMODATION 4.1 The meeting with the Royal Ulster Architectural Society will take place on 22 January 2002 at 6:00 p.m. 4.2 The Speaker reported that the meeting with Roads Service on 18 December 2001 had been positive and that any access solution on Hawthornden Way could only involve the single lane carriageway. Mrs Peacocke advised that the Commission's consultants, Oscar Faber, and the Construction Service are meeting with the Roads Service to establish what additional work on access issues needs to be undertaken. 4.3 The Assessment Panel for the Temporary Accommodation will meet in the week commencing 28 January 2002 to consider tenders. 4.4 Dr O'Hagan advised members that she had not had the opportunity to discuss additional office space with her Party Whip but would do so before the next meeting. 5. SSRB REVIEW / PARTY ALLOWANCES 5.1 The Speaker reported that Hay Management consultants had completed their interview programme and that a total of 22 Members had been interviewed. The Speaker also clarified that 3 written submissions had been received and that he had advised the Business Committee of the deadline for submission of written evidence 18 January 2002. 5.2. Mr Evans reported that the Review Body will be taking oral evidence on 29 January 2002. The Speaker asked that those Party's who had not yet arranged to meet with the Review Body should do so through the Clerk to the Assembly Commission. 5.3. The Speaker confirmed that he had made available to the Business Committee the research setting out Party Support arrangements at Westminster, the Dail, Scotland and Wales for consideration by Assembly Parties. The Commission to meet with the First Minister and Deputy First Minister to discuss Party Support issues. 6. ANNUAL REPORT 6.1 Mr Evans tabled a paper detailing the proposed structure of the Annual Report and asking for the Commission's views on the reporting period and quality of presentation. It was agreed that the reporting period should be from devolution, 2 December 1999, but that the report should reflect work undertaken during the Shadow Period. The Commission also agreed that the quality of the report presentation should be in line with the Scottish Corporate Body's Annual Report. 6.2 The Commission endorsed Dr O'Hagan's proposal to include all previous Statements of Accounts in the report. Mr Moir advised that technically the 1998 / 99 and 1999 / 00 accounts were the property of the Civil Service but that he would seek approval from the Head of the Civil Service to include them in the Annual Report. 6.3 Mr Evans is to produce a draft report for consideration at the meeting scheduled for 29 January 2002. Mr Fee returned 16:45 7. ASSEMBLY QUESTIONS 7.1 The Speaker advised that 3 questions had been tabled for written answer and four had been tabled for oral answer. Mr Fee to respond to the written questions with Mr Wells representing the Assembly Commission at question time on 21 January. A copy of Mr Wells' briefing to be made available to Commission members in advance of the plenary on 21 January. 8. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 8.1 Requests for Events Members approved requests to hold the World Cross Country Challenge Race on 19 January 2002 and the Tour of the North Cycle Race on 29 March 2002. 8.2 House of Lords Constitution Committee The Speaker advised Members of the House of Lords Constitution Committee Inquiry into Inter-Institutional Relations in the UK and that the Committee would be taking oral evidence on 10 - 11 June 2002. Members agreed to inform Party Colleagues. 8.3 Assembly Corporate Plan The Clerk tabled a paper advising the Commission of a proposal to develop a Corporate Plan. Members agreed that Mr Moir should bring a draft plan to a future meeting. 8.4 ICTU Rally Members agreed that Mr Moir should advise staff that attendance at the rally on 18 January 2002 will be facilitated subject to the continued functioning of the Assembly. 8.5 Valuecabs Mr Fee asked that the Head of Administration review the relationship between the Northern Ireland Assembly and Valuecabs. Mr Cosgrave will report back at a future meeting. 8.6 EUROs Mr Fee asked if the Assembly Commission had a policy regarding the use of the Euro within Parliament Buildings. It was agreed to revisit this matter at a later date. 9. DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS 22 January 2002 - Cultural Displays. 29 January 2002 - Pay and Conditions Review and Annual Report. Tom Evans |
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