1. Minutes of previous meeting
2. Matters Arising
3. Salaries and allowances
4. Staffing/ recruitment issues
5. Any Other Business
6. Date of next meeting
PRESENT: The Speaker
Rev Robert Coulter
Dr Dara O'Hagan
Mr John Fee
Mr Jim Wells
IN THE CHAIR: The Speaker
APOLOGIES: Mrs Eileen Bell
G Cosgrave, Mr P Waddell,
Mr D Millar, Mr N Johnston, Mrs C McGowan, Ms G Campbell.
Mr P Johnston was in attendance
for Agenda item 4.
Mr A Rogers was in attendance
for Agenda items 4 and 5.
Clinton Visit
At the start of the meeting Mr Johnston,
the Speaker's Special Adviser, presented a briefing paper outlining the proposed
organisational and security arrangements for the Presidential visit to Parliament
Buildings. The Commission endorsed the arrangements with some agreed amendments.
1. The minutes of the thirteenth meeting
were accepted with an agreed amendment to paragraph 7.2 and the minutes of the
fourteenth meeting were accepted without change. The minutes of the fifteenth
meeting were accepted with agreed amendments to paras 3.2 and 5.2.
2.1 Catering Report
Mr Evans confirmed that he had met with
the Chairman of the Catering and Functions Committee to agree the arrangements
for finalising the Mount Charles contract, which is to be extended for a further
12-18 months to allow for a full tendering process to be completed.
Mr Evans also reported that Mrs Robinson
has indicated that she is content that responsibility for the ongoing development
of the Gift Shop is subsumed under the Catering and Functions Committee's remit.
It was agreed that Mr Evans should consult with vice-chair and other members of
the Gift Shop Committee on this issue.
2.2 Pager Service
The Speaker confirmed that a member of
staff from one of the District Councils has been identified to lead on this issue.
2.3 Accommodation
The Speaker confirmed that all equality
requirements will be taken into account as part of the Economic Appraisal.
2.4 Security Passes
The Speaker confirmed that Mr Gudgin had
been issued with an east upper car park pass for sitting days. The Commission
endorsed a request for four additional security passes for DFP Private Office
staff and one for a second DCAL press officer.
The Commission also agreed that access
passes should be made available to Northern Ireland Westminster Parliamentarians
(MPs and Lords) and MEPs. Mr Waddell to prepare a mock-up for consideration by
the Commission.
2.5 Draft Standing Order
The Committee on Procedures are preparing
a draft standing order on the appointment of Commission members in line with the
Commission's original proposal.
2.6 Jim Aiken Proposal
Nothing further to report.
2.7 Facility for Non-Government Bills
The Committee on Procedures has asked for
a draft set of procedures for controlling the number of Private Members' Bills.
Mr Evans to follow up with Scottish Parliament on the possibility of sharing their
arrangements for supporting Private Members' Bills.
2.8 Trade Union Consultation
Mr Millar to forward minutes of the last
local Whitley meeting to Commission members. It was agreed that Mr Millar, Mr
Waddell, Dr O'Hagan and Mr Wells will meet with Doorkeeper representatives
at the earliest opportunity.
2.9 Exhibitions
Nothing further to report.
2.10 Estimates
d that several Commission members had met with Directors
to discuss the Estimates. Other Commission members to arrange times for similar
2.11 Christmas Cards
A guidance note on the availability of
Christmas cards for official use issued on 24 November.
2.12 Paper on Alternative Energy Sources
Mr Doran is to meet with Dr O'Hagan and
Mr Wells before putting a more substantial paper to the Commission.
2.13 Party Allowances
It was agreed that a member of staff needs
to be identified to work up a new proposal on Party Allowances. Mr Fee is to meet
with Mr Black to discuss the proposal to employ additional researchers for Party
2.14 Accommodation Issues
Mr Cosgrave updated members on progress
with the Economic Appraisal, Annex C and the vacant Provincial Bank Building at
Massey Avenue.
- It was agreed that the Economic Appraisal should be completed
by 19 January to allow the Commission sufficient time to make an informed decision
on the preferred option.
- Mr Cosgrave and the Speaker will visit Annex C to view
the condition of the premises and, subsequently, will meet with staff to discuss
any concerns.
- A deadline of 12 January should be set for a final response
to the Commission's offer on the Bank Building.
The Speaker informed the Commission that
he will be meeting the Minister of Finance and Personnel to negotiate year-end
2.15 Temporary Secretarial / Members
A separate meeting to be set up with Mr
Gallagher to discuss the draft guidance on OCA and Travel and Subsistence allowances.
2.16 Stationery
The Commission endorsed Mr Millar's proposal
for the supply of stationery direct to constituency offices. A note to go out
in the next APN.
2.17 Poppies and Lilies
Dr O'Hagan will provide information on
the National Graves Association to Mr Evans. This issue was deferred until after
the Christmas Recess.
2.18 Procurement Report
Ms Garvie to present her report at an early
meeting after the Christmas Recess.
2.19 Security Passes
Mr Waddell informed Members that mock-ups
of staff passes were not available due to the additional work arising from the
Presidential visit. Mr Waddell to have mock-ups available for the next Commission
2.20 Assembly Premium
The Commission agreed that an Assembly
premium of £1,000 should be awarded to all Assembly Secretariat staff in recognition
of the special nature of the work of the Assembly and that the premium will be
payable from 30 May 2000. A note to issue to all Secretariat staff informing them
of the Commission's decision.
2.21 Information Strategy
The Commission endorsed the Information
Strategy presented by Allan Black and agreed that the strategy should be
reviewed on an annual basis.
2.22 Flags
This item was deferred until after the
Christmas Recess.
2.23 Off-Site Committee Centres
The Commission noted the interim paper
tabled by Mr Torney. It was agreed that the proposals for off-site committee centres
should be incorporated in the wider accommodation plans and that a substantive
paper should be available by the week commencing 15 January.
3.1 The Commission further considered the
new Members' Salaries and Allowances Determinations. There was a lengthy discussion
on the issue of backdating salaries and allowances. Mr Johnston, the Assembly's
Legal Adviser, advised that there is no specified provision in Section 47 of the
Northern Ireland Act 1998 to allow for the backdating of salaries and allowances.
Dr O'Hagan reaffirmed that she was opposed to the principle of backdating salaries
and allowances.
3.2 There were two propositions put forward
in respect of the Salaries Determination. Mr Fee proposed that the Salaries Determination
should have effect from 30 May 2000. The proposal was carried by two votes (Rev Coulter,
Mr Fee) to one (Dr O'Hagan). Mr Wells abstained. Dr O'Hagan proposed that the
Salaries Determination should have immediate effect. The proposal was not carried
with Dr O'Hagan voting for and Rev Coulter and Mr Fee voting against. Mr Wells
3.3 Mr Fee proposed that the Allowances
Determination should have effect from 30 May 2000. The proposal was carried by
3 votes (Rev Coulter, Mr Fee, Mr Wells) to one (Dr O'Hagan).
3.4 The Commission agreed that Rev Coulter
would introduce both determinations to the Assembly on 19 December.
4.1 Clerk to the Assembly Competition
The Commission cleared the letters to be
issued by the Assembly Recruitment Office to the candidates to be invited to the
next stage of the selection process and to the unsuccessful candidates. The Commission
also agreed the content of the next stage of the selection process which will
comprise a short presentation followed by an interview. The presentation and interviews
will take place on either 17 or 19 January.
4.2 Appointment of Principal Assembly
Clerks / Assembly Clerks
The Commission confirmed its earlier decision
that successful candidates in the Assembly Clerk / Principal Assembly Clerk open
competition should be offered 10 % on top of their current salary in order
to attract and retain suitably experienced staff with the proviso that pay offers
do not exceed the maximum of the equivalent NICS Grade 7 pay scale. It was also
agreed that Principal Assembly Clerks will be offered an additional 5 % responsibility
4.3 The Commission agreed that a sufficient
number of Assembly Clerk appointments should be made to ensure that the full range
of Assembly Committees are adequately supported and to allow a number of clerks
to benefit from training placements with other legislatures. It was also agreed
that a pay and grading review in respect of the Principal Assembly Clerk / Assembly
Clerk posts should be commissioned immediately.
4.4 Examiner of Statutory Rules
It was agreed that the Chairperson of the
panel for the Examiner of Statutory Rules competition should be invited to the
next meeting to apprise the Commission of the panel's recommendation.
5. Assembly Award
The Speaker explained that this issue had
been initiated by the Assembly's decision to make a corporate award to the Fire
Service. There was some discussion on possible design options. It was agreed to
bring back proposals to the next meeting. The Speaker agreed to write to the Fire
Service to consult on how the presentation is organised and to explain that there
will be some delay as this is the first award to be made by the Assembly.
5.2 Accommodation for Drivers
Mr Wells spoke to this item. The Commission
were sympathetic to the issue but agreed that the accommodation arrangements for
Ministers' drivers was the responsibility of the Executive. Mr Waddell is to liaise
with the Executive and report back at the next meeting.
5.3 Fair Trade
The Commission agreed that a commitment
to Fair Trade should be part of the new contractual arrangements currently being
negotiated with Mount Charles.
5.4 Audit on Disabled Access
Ms Lewsley is to meet with the member of
staff who will be taking forward this issue.
Monday 8 January at 2.30 pm in room 106.
4 December 2000
/ Menu / 8 January 2001