HELD ON MONDAY 20 NOVEMBER 2000 1. Catering Report PRESENT: The Speaker IN THE CHAIR: The Speaker APOLOGIES:Mr Jim Wells IN ATTENDANCE: Mr T Evans, Mr G Cosgrave, Mrs C McGowan, Ms G Campbell (Sir John Gorman was in attendance for Agenda Item 1) 1.1 Sir John Gorman presented the catering and functions Committees report on the future delivery of catering services in Parliament Buildings. After deliberation, the Commission endorsed the report's main recommendations to continue to outsource the catering service and to extend the existing Mount Charles contract to allow sufficient time to complete a full tender process. 1.2 The Commission also endorsed the more detailed recommendations in relation to the individual catering outlets within Parliament Buildings. Mr Evans to speak to Mrs Robinson about the role of the Gift Shop Committee in the further development of the Assembly shop. 2. The minutes of the twelfth meeting were accepted. TOP3.1 Pager Service The Speaker informed Members that a suitable member of staff has yet to be identified to develop the specification. 3.2 Accommodation Dr O'Hagan is to meet with Mr Evans to discuss her proposal that any accommodation plans are equality proofed. 3.3 Security Passes The Commission reviewed the current list of Officials who have upper car park passes on sitting days and approved Mr Gudgin's request for an additional pass for the East upper plateau car park. 3.4 Equal Opportunities Mr Millar to speak to individual Commission members about the draft Equal Opportunities policy. 3.5 Draft Standing Order The Speaker reported that there had been no response from the Committee on Procedures. 3.6 Jim Aiken Proposal Mr Evans reported that the Stormont Residents group were not supportive of Mr Aiken's proposal but that their decision did not stem from any problem with the organisation of previous events or concerns about the potential impact of the proposed event. The Commission agreed to endorse the proposal on the proviso that there is the same level of organisation as was in place for previous events. 3.7 Facilities for Non Government Bills Mr Evans updated members on discussions with Roger Sands and Office of the Legislative Counsel and agreed to explore the costs of preparing substantial bills with a number of London based Parliamentary Bill Agents. 3.8 Trade Union Consultation Nothing further to report. 3.9 Exhibitions Nothing further to report. 3.10 Estimates The Speaker highlighted the need for Members to meet with relevant Directors in preparation for the presentation of the Commission's Annual Report and Estimates to the Assembly. 3.11 Christmas Cards The Speaker informed Members that there were no stocks of previous years' Christmas cards. It was agreed that a guidance note should issue confirming that Christmas Cards will be made available to Chairpersons of Committees, Directors and selected Officers, for official business, and that the cost of cards and overprinting will be set against individual budgets. The Commission also agreed that there would be no limit on the number of cards made available but that volumes would be monitored with a view to developing a policy for future years. 3.12 Paper on Alternative Energy Sources The Speaker referred to the paper tabled at the last meeting and asked members to direct comments through Mr Evans. Dr O'Hagan informed Members that the Enterprise, Trade and Investment Committee was also examining the issue and that there was a possibility of a co-ordinated approach. 3.13 Members Salaries and Allowances Mr Cosgrave reported that the draft Salaries and Allowances Determinations, which include a formula to allow automatic annual up- rates, are currently with the legal advisors and will be available for the next Commission meeting. Mr Evans informed Members that he had written back to SSRB accepting the offer to include the Northern Ireland Assembly in its terms of reference. 3.14 Party Allowances A paper is to be prepared by Mr Johnston. Mr Fee to meet with Mr Black to discuss the proposal to employ additional researchers. 3.15 Accommodation Issues Mr Cosgrave updated Members on accommodation developments: . Economic Appraisal The first stage of the Economic Appraisal is almost complete and the project team will present the main findings at the next Commission meeting.
. Vacant Provincial Bank A bid has been made on the vacant bank building and a supporting business case is being prepared. There are also existing pre-fab mobiles and a gatelodge which could be considered for future rental. . Annex C The move to Annex C will go ahead in February 2001. 3.16 Temporary Secretarial Allowance Mr Cosgrave confirmed that financial support is available to Members who have permanent staff on long-term sick or maternity leave. It was agreed that an information note should go out to Business Managers. 3.17 Stationery Mr Cosgrave informed Members that stationery orders can be delivered directly to constituency offices. Mr Fee agreed to talk to Mr Millar about the controls which need to be in place. 3.18 Members Allowances' It was agreed that the rules covering the full range of Members' Allowances should be circulated for consideration by the Commission. A note to go out in the APN about the availability of reduced hotel rates. It was agreed to defer this issue until Members have considered the paper and all Members are present. Dr O'Hagan agreed to provide more background information on the National Graves Association. Members to bring specific proposals to the next meeting. TOPThere was a lengthy discussion on a range of recruitment and staffing issues. It was agreed to defer these matters to the next meeting of the Commission. Ms Garvie to be invited to a future meeting to present her report. TOP7. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF STAFF 7.1 Mr Fee proposed that new staff passes should be developed to include the Assembly Logo, with the purpose of increasing corporate identity. Two mock-ups to be prepared for the next meeting. 7.2 Mr Cosgrave to prepare a paper setting out the issues around Mr Fee's proposal to pay all Assembly staff an annual flat rate salary premium. TOPMr Evans to arrange for Mr Black to make a separate presentation of the draft Information Strategy. TOP9.1 Dr O'Hagan raised the issue of the flying of flags on Parliament Buildings. After some discussion it was agreed to come back with proposals on how the Commission should deal with this issue. 9.2 The Speaker clarified the role of the Special Adviser to the Speaker and confirmed that his contract is available for scrutiny by the Commission. The Speaker also confirmed that Mr Johnston had tendered his resignation and that his position will be filled through open advertisement. 9.3 It was agreed that Members would put forward suggestions to Mr Evans on suitable locations for off-site committee centres. The Speaker suggested that committee centres should not only be used for meetings, but also for taking evidence via tele-conferencing facilities. TOPTuesday 21 November 00 at 2.30pm in room 106. Monday 4 December (half an hour after the house rises). TOP TOM EVANS |