meeting Present: The Speaker In the Chair: The Speaker In Attendance: Mr T Evans, Mr Cosgrave, Ms G Campbell.
1. The minutes of the eleventh meeting were accepted. 2.1 Pager Service The Commission considered a paper on the tender processes required to purchase a pager service. It was agreed that a member of staff should be identified to develop the detailed specification. 2.2 Catering Study The Catering Study is to be considered as the first item of business at the next Commission meeting. 2.3 Accommodation Work on the required changes to facilitate the Minister for Finance and Personnel's relocation within Parliament Buildings is under way. Mr Wells raised the issue of the crowded nature of the researchers' accommodation. It was agreed that this should be reviewed once Annex C becomes available. 2.4 Procurement Procedures Lynn Garvie's report is to be considered at the next Commission meeting. 2.5 Security Passes The Commission approved requests for four security passes for NIO officials and considered a request from Mr Gudgin for access to the East upper plateau car park on sitting days. It was agreed that the Commission should consider the current allocation of upper car park passes before taking a decision. 2.6 Equality Issues Mr Cosgrave tabled a draft Equal Opportunities Policy which includes a firm commitment to provide all staff with appropriate training. Members to consider for the next meeting. 2.7 Draft Standing Order The Speaker confirmed that he had written back to the Chairman of the Committee on Procedures. 2.8. Jim Aiken Proposal Mr Evans reported that the residents were not supportive of the proposal. It was agreed that Mr Evans should go back to the residents to clarify if there are particular problems with the proposed event or the organisation of recent events held in the estate. 2.9 Facilities for Non-Government Bills The Speaker confirmed that he had written to the Chairman of the Committee on Procedures on this matter. Mr Evans to explore the cost of preparing eight substantial Private Member's Bills. 2.10 Trade Union Consultation It was agreed that Commission Members should receive copies of all minutes of Local Whitley meetings. 2.11 Exhibitions Mr Evans reported that the Project Officer for the Bi-centenary of the Act of Union Exhibition has viewed the proposed exhibition area. 2.12 Estimates Members agreed the directorate which they will take responsibility for when presenting the Estimates: Mrs E Bell - Hansard 2.13 Christmas Cards The Speaker referred to Mr Wells' alternative option for a Christmas card which will be included in next year's considerations. Cards will be available from 20 November. Mr Evans to check if there are available stocks of previous years' cards. 2.14 Paper on Alternative Energy Members to comment on the paper tabled on Alternative Energy Sources. A note to go out in the APN highlighting the collection facility provided by Mount Charles for re-cycling. 3. MEMBERS' SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES 3.1 Mr Cosgrave reported that legal opinion confirms that salaries and allowances can be uprated annually on the basis of a formula agreed by the Commission. It was agreed that the salaries and allowances determinations should be brought forward in advance of the budget debate scheduled for 18 December. 3.2 The Speaker referred to SSRB's letter offering to adjust its current terms of reference to allow the devolved institutions to commission SSRB without the need to seek the UK Government's agreement. It was agreed to accept SSRB's offer. 4.1 The Speaker agreed to bring forward a paper setting out the options for the payment and support of Party Whips on the basis of arrangements at Westminster. Members agreed to consult with Parties. 4.2 The Commission asked for a paper on the employment of researchers who would be dedicated to Party groups. Mr Fee agreed to discuss with Mr Black. 5.1 Mr Cosgrave provided an update on the range of options currently being considered as part of the economic appraisal. It was agreed that there should be a progress report at each meeting. Members discussed the option of locating some of the Secretariat functions outside of Belfast. It was agreed that decentralisation could be best achieved through the identification of a number of committee centre locations throughout Northern Ireland. Mr Evans to liaise with Mr Barnes and Mr Torney. 5.2 The Speaker raised Mr Stewart's letter about the method for the transfer of funds arising from the potential purchase of Ormiston House by the Assembly as part of the Disposal Procedures. At this stage Rev Coulter declared an interest in this issue. It was agreed that the Speaker should meet with the Minister for Finance and Personnel to discuss an accommodation fund. 5.3 Mr Cosgrave reported that the Assembly's bid for the vacant bank building is currently the only expression of interest. Mr Cosgrave also confirmed that the target date for the occupation of Annex C is mid-February and that a project team from the Finance and Personnel directorate has been established to manage the move. 6.1 The selection panel for the Clerk to the Assembly post discussed the appeal by one of the candidates who was not successful at the sift stage. It was agreed to take legal advice before making a decision. 6.2 The Commission considered a complaint that researcher posts had not been advertised in the Irish Times and agreed the nature of the response. Members agreed that there is a need to review the Commission's recruitment strategy and involvement in future recruitment panels. The Members expressed some concerns about the Recruitment Service's handling of the complaint and the delay in referring the matter to the Commission. 6.3 There was discussion about the sift process for the Doorkeeper recruitment process. It was agreed that, if Members were approached by individual Doorkeepers, they should advise them to write to the Recruitment Office to seek clarification as to why their application was unsuccessful. 7.1 The Commission approved a request from Mr Agnew, on behalf of the Glencairn People's Project, to lay a wreath at Lord Craigavon's tomb to mark the 60th anniversary of his death. 7.2 Mr Cosgrave agreed to consider what provision is available to Members where a member of staff is on long-term sick leave and also the proposal that stationery orders are delivered to constituency offices. 7.3 Dr O'Hagan raised the issue of the sale of poppies and proposed that the sale of lilies at Easter time needs to be considered. The Speaker agreed to include the issue as a substantive agenda item at the next Commission meeting. Monday 20 November, half an hour after the rise of House. TOM EVANS |