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Mr Edwin Poots MLA (Chairperson)
Mr Oliver Gibson MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Roy Beggs Jnr MLA
Ms Patricia Lewsley MLA
Mr Conor Murphy MLA
Mr Ken Robinson MLA
Mr Jim Shannon MLA

In Attendance:
Mrs Debbie Pritchard (Principal Clerk)
Ms Stella McArdle (Committee Clerk)
Mr John Conlan
Mrs Gillian Lewis
Ms Laurie Roberts
Mr Chris Brown

Mrs Eileen Bell MLA
Dr Esmond Birnie MLA
Mrs Annie Courtney MLA
Mr David Ervine MLA
Ms Michelle Gildernew MP, MLA
Mr James Leslie MLA
Mr Alex Maskey MLA
Mr Eugene McMenamin MLA

The meeting opened at 2.11pm in public session.

  1. Apologies

  2. Mr Robinson joined the meeting at 2.12pm.

    Apologies are listed above.

  3. Chairperson's business

  1. EU-UK Liaison Group Meeting: The Chairperson advised members of the key topics and outcomes of the European Union Liaison Group - Chairpersons' meeting. These included a roundtable discussion on work of the various Committees, a discussion with UKRep, a meeting with the House of Commons Representatives in Brussels and areas for co-operation. There were a number of issues arising from the meeting on 29 October 2001 and members agreed these issues should be raised with the appropriate body. Action: Clerk
  2. Reports from the Examiner of Statutory Rules: The Chairperson reminded members that under Standing Order 41 the Committee delegated the technical scrutiny of Statutory Rules to the Examiner of Statutory Rules. At present only the Committee receives a copy of the Examiner's report which means that the Department and other Assembly members are not aware of the Examiner's views. The Committee considered this issue and agreed that in carrying out the technical scrutiny the Examiner should be authorised to report his technical findings on each Statutory Rule to the Assembly, through the Business Office, and to the relevant Department, as well as to the Committee itself and also to publish his report.
  3. It was also agreed that a copy of the Examiner's Report on each Rule should be appended to the Minutes of Proceedings and be published on the Examiner's website. Action: Clerk

    (c) OFMDFM Consultation on the Review of Community Relations Policy: The Committee agreed a copy of its composite response on the consultation should be copied to the Mediation Network for Northern Ireland. Action: Clerk

  1. Approval of draft minutes from previous proceedings

  2. The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed and signed.

  3. Matters arising

  1. Consultation on Bill of Rights: The members considered the Principal Clerk's paper outlining options on organisations and individuals who could be invited to brief the Committee on the proposed Bill of Rights and its implications for constitutional law.
  2. Agreed: Oral briefing should be requested from:

  1. The Legislation Comparison Unit of the Assembly's Research and Library Service on the comparative analysis of the sections in the proposed Bill of Rights relevant to the Committee, against Bills of Rights in other jurisdictions;
  2. The Assembly's legal adviser on the legal implications of the proposed Bill;
  3. The Human Rights Centre, Queen's University of Belfast.
  4. The Human Rights and Equality Centre, University of Ulster.
  5. The Committee also agreed that further written submissions should be sought from Liberty, Irish Council for Civil Liberties, Justice and Statewatch. Action: Clerk

  1. Press Notices: The Committee considered the current practice for clearing Press Notices and agreed that advance copies should be issued to members before being released to the press. Action: Clerk
  1. Correspondence

  1. Briefing on European Commission Proposals - Equal Treatment Directive: The Committee noted the briefing and agreed it should be copied to the Committee for Employment and Learning. Action: Clerk

  1. Consultation Paper on a Victims' Strategy

  2. Evidence from Northern Ireland Voluntary Trust (NIVT)

    The evidence session began at 2.33pm. Evidence on the Consultation on a Victims Strategy was taken from Ms Avila Kilmurray, Director, Ms Anne Cummings, Project Officer and Ms Felicity McCartney, Officer responsible for the Peace II Programme from NIVT. It was agreed the NIVT would provide further information on the evaluations of programmes and also those applications for grants which were unsuccessful. Action: Clerk

    Mr Murphy left the meeting at 2.53pm.

    Mr Beggs joined the meeting at 2.55pm.

    The representatives left the meeting at 3.33pm

  3. Committee response to the Consultation on a Victims' Strategy

  4. Members considered their response to the OFMDFM consultation on a Victims' Strategy. The response was agreed subject to minor amendments and additions. Action: Clerk

  5. European Union Inquiry

  6. The Specialist Adviser joined the meeting at 3.54pm.

    Members considered papers from the Clerk and the Specialist Adviser outlining progress and the proposed way forward. It was noted that a Public Notice about the Inquiry was placed in the regional newspapers on Tuesday, 30 October 2001. It was also noted that the Specialist Adviser is acting independently and this allows the Northern Ireland Centre in Europe to be invited to give a written submission.

    The Specialist Adviser answered members' questions about her paper.

    Ms Lewsley left the meeting at 4.08pm.

    Agreed: Timetable outlining target dates for initial findings of the Inquiry, and evidence sessions from First Minister and Deputy First Minister and key witnesses.

    Written submissions should be sought from a number of bodies/organisations.

    The Committee will visit Brussels week commencing 21 January 2002. The Committee will also visit the Scottish Parliament European Committee and Westminster European Committees.

    The Specialist Adviser left the meeting at 4.14pm. Action: Clerk

  7. Any other business

  8. Draft Programme for Government: Members noted the Principal Clerk's paper and recent correspondence from OFMDFM which will be considered at a future meeting.

  9. Date and time of next meeting

  10. The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Wednesday, 14 November 2001 at 2.00pm in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

    The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 4.16pm.

    Councillor Edwin Poots MLA
    Chairperson, Committee of the Centre
    14 November 2001

24 October 2001 / Menu / 14 November 2001