Mr Roy Beggs Jnr MLA
Mrs Eileen Bell MLA
Dr Esmond Birnie MLA
Ms Patricia Lewsley MLA
Mr Alex Maskey MLA
Mr Eugene McMenamin MLA
Mr Ken Robinson MLA
In Attendance:
Mr Hugh Farren (Committee Clerk)
Mr John Conlan
Ms Laurie Roberts
Mr Chris Brown
Mr Hugh Widdis (Researcher)
Mrs Annie Courtney MLA
Ms Michelle Gildernew MP, MLA
Mr James Leslie MLA
Mr Conor Murphy MLA
The meeting opened at 2.07pm in public session.
The Clerk informed members that the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson would not be present at the meeting, thus it was necessary to elect a Chairperson. The Clerk took the Chair. Mr McMenamin proposed that Ms Lewsley take the Chair; Mrs Bell seconded this. The question was put, that Ms Lewsley do take the Chair. This was carried unanimously.
Ms Lewsley in the Chair.
Chairperson's business
Apologies are listed above.
- Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee: Members were reminded that the Committee will meet the Scottish Equal Opportunities Committee in Room 21, Parliament Buildings on Tuesday, 6 November 2001 at 11.30am, followed by lunch.
Approval of draft minutes from previous proceedings
Matters arising
The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed and signed.
- Mrs Bell reiterated her concerns about Press Notices and suggested that these should be cleared by the Committee. The Clerk explained the current procedure and agreed to explore the issue further. Action: Clerk
- Committee response to the OFMDFM Consultation on Review of Community Relations Policy: Members considered and debated their composite response on the Working Paper on the Review of Community Relations Policy. The response was agreed subject to minor amendments. Action: Clerk
- Terms of Reference for the European Union Inquiry: The Committee noted that the Assembly Legal Services had advised that the revised Terms of Reference for the European Union Inquiry would be outside the remit of the Committee because of its focus on the Northern Ireland Executive. It was agreed to revert to the original Terms of Reference drawn up at the meeting of 5 September 2001. These are as follows:
'An evaluation of the effectiveness of the current approach of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Devolved Government in the engagement of Northern Ireland within the institutions of the European Union'.
Action: Clerk
- Paper from OFMDFM on Peace II Programme - Measure 4.1 'Outward and Forward Looking Region': Members noted that responsibility for this measure has been allocated to OFMDFM to administer, and that OFMDFM is currently developing criteria for the measure.
- Letter from OFMDFM about the Executive Programme Fund Bid: Victims: Members noted and discussed the letter from OFMDFM and agreed to support the bid for £750k for the Cross-Departmental Victims' Strategy in the Year 1 and Year 2 from the Social Inclusion element of the Executive Programme Funds. It was agreed a response should go to OFMDFM and be copied to the Finance and Personnel Committee. Action: Clerk
- Letter from the United States Committee on International Relations: The Committee noted the acknowledgement to its letter of condolence on the recent tragic events in the U.S.A.
Mr Robinson joined the meeting at 2.25pm
It was agreed OFMDFM officials should be invited to brief the Committee whenever the draft criteria has been drawn up. Action: Clerk
Consultation Paper on a Victims' Strategy
Any other business
I. Evidence from Victim Support (NI)
The evidence session began at 2.32pm. Evidence on the Consultation on a Victims' Strategy was taken from Mr Oliver Wilkinson, Chief Executive.
Mrs Bell left the meeting at 2.58pm
The Chief Executive left the meeting at 3.14pm
II. Evidence from NIO Victims Liaison Unit
The evidence session began at 3.15pm. Evidence on the Consultation Paper on a Victims' Strategy was taken from Mr Billy Stevenson, former Head of the NIO Victims Liaison Unit and Mr Brendan O'Mahony, former Secretary of the Northern Ireland Memorial Fund. It was agreed that Mr O'Mahony would provide further information on the demographic allocation of funding for victims. Action: Clerk
Mr Maskey joined the meeting at 3.17pm
Mr McMenamin left the meeting at 3.45pm
The Officials left the meeting at 3.46pm
- Consultation on the Bill of Rights: Members considered and debated their approach for dealing with the Bill of Rights Consultation Document.
- Note on The Equality Conference 2001: Mapping the Equality Agenda: Members noted the Clerk's paper providing a résumé of the conference.
- Economic and Research Council's Violence Research Programme Regional Meeting: The Committee noted the Clerk's paper summarising the recent meeting.
Agreed: A legal expert on Human Rights issues should be invited to brief the Committee;
Written submissions will be sought from a number of organisations;
The Committee will consider only those specific sections of the consultation document, which fall within its remit;
The Human Rights Commission will be invited to brief the Committee:
Members will notify Committee Office staff of any further organisations, which should be invited to submit written views.
The Researcher answered members' questions about the issue of a legal expert.
Agreed: A revised list of legal experts with experience of other jurisdictions and an emphasis on human rights issues should be drawn up for consideration at the next meeting.
The Committee also agreed a suggested timetable for dealing with the Bill of Rights Consultation Document. This is as follows:
Meeting on 14 November - background briefing by an expert on human rights.
Meeting on 21 November - consideration of written views from interest groups.
Meeting on 28 November - discussion with NIHRC; agree Committee response.
Action: Clerk
Date and time of next meeting
The next two meetings of the Committee will be held on Tuesday, 6 November 2001 at 11.30am in Room 21, Parliament Buildings and on Wednesday, 7 November 2001 at 2.00pm in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.
The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 4.01pm.
Councillor Edwin Poots MLA
Chairperson, Committee of the Centre
7 November 2001