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PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMITTEE TO ADVISE THE PRESIDING OFFICER THURSDAY 28 JANUARY 1999 AT 10.00 AM IN ROOM 152, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS Present: Lord Alderdice (Initial Presiding Officer) Mr R Coulter (representing Mr J Wilson) Mr I Davis Mr M Durkan Mr D Ford Mr B Hutchinson Prof M McWilliams Mr F Molloy Mr M Morrow Mr P Robinson MP Mr J Tierney (representing Mr E McGrady MP) Mr C Wilson
In attendance: Mr N Carson Mr N Johnston Miss A Moore Mrs G Campbell An apology was received from Mr McCartney. 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Item 5 - Relevance of CAPO: To be amended to include that Mr J Wilson had asked that it be noted that if expedient, and if he saw an opportunity to use Standing Orders which would be an advantage to his party, he would as any other party whip reserve the right to do so. Content of Minutes: A discussion on the detail required in the Minutes of Proceedings followed. Agreed: To note only points of agreement and information plus any comment specifically requested by a Member. Item 5 - Legal Proceedings: To be amended to read that Mr C Wilson asked that it be recorded that a filing cabinet had been forced open and personal and confidential papers removed without his consent. 2. MATTERS ARISING Register of Members Interests: Mr Johnston is preparing a paper. Lines of Communication: Mr Carson plans to bring a report to CAPO. Disruptions in the Chamber: The Initial Presiding Officer reported that he had made enquiries following a request by Mr J Wilson. As indicated in the minutes of the previous meeting the Initial Presiding Officer indicated that with regard to the events at the main doors into the Chamber it would be best to leave this issue while legal proceedings are apparently underway. Enquiries into disturbances in the Gallery revealed that some people were chatting without realising that their voices carried. A Doorkeeper had pointed this out to the people concerned who had apologised and everything was amicable. Some other individuals were rather noisy but when they were asked to desist they did so. Still others were more wilfully rowdy and less than pleasant to Doorkeepers. With regard to the point of order raised by Mr O'Connor, a ruling will be given on Monday 1 February. Agreed: That the Initial Presiding Officer would monitor activity in the Gallery on Monday 1 February. That an instruction sheet outlining the behaviour expected in the Galleries should be issued to every visitor with their visitors' pass. The note should also point out that failure to meet the set down requirements could lead to visitors being asked to leave the Galleries. 3. PLENARY MEETING ON 1 FEBRUARY 1999 Chairperson for Debate on Censure Motion: Agreed: Ms Jane Morrice would be broadly acceptable as Chairperson for the period of the debate on the motion of censure. Other Business: Agreed: A motion on Harbours in the name of Mr McGrady and Mr P Robinson should be taken as a business motion. Adjournment Debate For the record, Mr P Robinson asked the Initial Presiding Officer to clarify why the composition of the proposed Ad Hoc Committee did not provide for a position for the UKUP. The Initial Presiding Officer said that Initial Standing Orders state that each party with at least two members shall have at least one seat on each Committee. The Initial Presiding Officer stated that as Mr McCartney was now the sole representative of the UKUP in the Assembly, he could not be guaranteed a seat on any Committee. 4. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Summer Recess: The Initial Presiding Officer reported that Mr J Wilson had indicated to him the desire of some Members to add the last half of July to the summer recess, possibly returning in mid-September. Agreed: That the Committee would consider this point and discuss at the next meeting. Easter Recess: The Initial Presiding Officer asked Members to consult with their parties on an Easter recess. Agreed: That Members would discuss the Easter recess at the next meeting. Possible options were as follows: from close of business on Friday 26 March, returning on Monday 12 April; or from close of business on Thursday 1 April, returning on Monday 19 April. Football Challenge from Westminster: The Initial Presiding Officer read a letter from Mr M Foster MP challenging a team of Assembly Members to a football match with a House of Commons team. Agreed: That Members would consult with their parties and discuss this at the next meeting. 4. DATE, TIME AND VENUE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Monday 1 February in Room 152 at 6.30 pm or half an hour after the house rises. MURRAY BARNES 25 January 1999 / Menu / 1 February 1999 |
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