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The meeting began at 12.38 pm.

The Speaker
Mr N Dodds MP
Mr A Maskey
Dr A McDonnell
Mr E McGrady MP
Ms M McWilliams
Mr I Paisley Jnr
Mr D Watson

In attendance:
Mr M Barnes Clerk Assistant
Mr A Rogers Principal Clerk of Business
Ms N Dunwoody Clerk of Plenary Business
Ms G Campbell Private Secretary to the Speaker

Ms L Devlin Executive Liaison
Ms J Morrice
Mr D McClelland
Mr D McClarty
Mrs E Bell

Mr J Wilson
Mr I Davis
Mr D Ford
Mr C Murphy
Mr B Hutchinson


1.1. The Speaker welcomed Members back from Summer recess and welcomed Mr Alan Rogers to his first meeting as Principal Clerk of Business.


2.1 The minutes of the meeting of 3 July 2001 were AGREED by the Committee and signed by the Speaker.

2.2 The Speaker notified Members that he had received legal advice that there was a lack of clarity regarding his authority to recall the Assembly for the purpose of holding the election of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister unless the requirements of Standing Order 11 were fulfilled. Members were reminded of a letter issued by the Clerk to the Assembly to Party Whips dated 7 August 2001 notifying them of the position.

2.3 The Speaker brought Members' attention to the official notification received from the Secretary of State outlining the arrangements put in place during the suspension of devolution on 11 August 2001.

2.4 Members were advised that although devolved powers were restored from 12 August, an election for First and Deputy First Minister must be held before 23 September according to the 6 weeks' requirement of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The Secretary of State therefore has 2 options - to suspend the Assembly before the required election or, in the event of failure to elect a new First Minister and Deputy First Minister, set a date for dissolution and new Assembly elections.


3.1 Questions

At the meeting of 3 July 2001 the Speaker had undertaken to raise with the Head of the Civil Service the issue of outstanding written answers. The Speaker reported that he had done so and that all outstanding questions had now been answered with the exception of one to the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister. This had been tabled by Dr Alasdair McDonnell. Dr McDonnell was asked by the Speaker to let him know if he wished the matter raised again.

3.2 No Day Named Motions

Members noted a list of all Private Members' Motions tabled and debated during the 2000 session. Members were reminded that outstanding Motions fell at the end of the last session and should be re-submitted for consideration if desired.

3.3 Draft Criminal Injuries Compensation (NI) Order 2001

The Speaker drew Members' attention to the draft Motion to set up an ad hoc Committee to consider the draft Order.

3.4 Attendance at Committee Meetings

Members noted information provided by the Business Office on Committee meetings cancelled due to lack of a quorum. It was noted that the principal difficulty is the delay in getting meetings started on time and in particular a Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure oral evidence session where witnesses were delayed in giving evidence for approximately 40 minutes until the Committee was quorate. Following discussion, the Speaker clarified that if Members wished to propose reducing the quorum for Committees, the proper forum for consideration of the issue is the Procedures Committee. It was AGREED that the Business Committee's role was limited in this respect to the Party Whips ensuring that their Members attend their respective Committee meetings.


4.1 Business for the Plenary Sitting on 10 September 2001 was discussed, the Order Paper AGREED and indicative timings allocated.

4.2 It was AGREED that the business Motion re the ad hoc Committee would be proposed by Mr E McGrady MP.

4.3 In relation to a Motion of Exclusion re Sinn Féin it was AGREED that, the Motion having only 23 signatures, it would be included on the No Day Named list and reconsidered by the Business Committee as and when the required number of signatures were received.

4.4 In response to a question from Mr Ian Paisley Jnr the Speaker clarified that Mr Séamus Mallon is no longer Deputy First Minister but may carry out the functions of the post in accordance with the Northern Ireland Act 1998. He therefore has authority to answer questions to the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister at Oral Question Time on Monday 10 September 2001. Sir Reg Empey will answer questions to the Office of the First Minister as he is carrying out those functions, while not holding the Office of First Minister.


5.1 Procedure for Election of First and Deputy First Minister

The Speaker advised Members that Standing Orders make no provision for the procedures surrounding the election of First and Deputy First Minister. The attention of Members was drawn to the procedures contained in Initial Standing Order 14 which had previously been circulated. It was AGREED that Members were content to proceed under Initial Standing Order 14 for the First Minister and Deputy First Minister election, in the event that this arose.

5.2 Recess Dates

Recess dates for the 2001 session were AGREED as follows:

Halloween: 27 October 2001 to 4 November 2001

Christmas: 15 December 2001 to 6 January 2002

(First Plenary Sitting - 14 January 2002)

Easter: 23 March 2002 to 7 April 2002

Summer: 6 July 2002 to 1 September 2002

(First Plenary Sitting - 9 September 2002)

5.3 Salaries Review

The Speaker advised Members that the Assembly Commission had requested the Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB) to review the pay, allowances and pension benefits paid to Members of the Assembly. The SSRB had agreed and would be undertaking the review later in the year.


6.1 The next meeting of the Business Committee was scheduled for Monday 10 September 2001, 10 minutes after the adjournment, in Room 106.

The meeting adjourned at 1.43 pm.

The Speaker

13 February 2001 / Menu / 10 September 2001