APN 9/ 00
23 November 2000
Members will be aware that to raise a matter under an
Adjournment Debate at least eight days' notice must be given to the Speaker [SO
The Business Committee has agreed that any Adjournment
topics not selected for the following week's Order Paper will automatically fall.
If Members wish a topic to be considered at a subsequent meeting of the Business
Committee then it must be re-submitted for consideration.
Members and Staff are reminded that copies of the Assembly
Christmas Card are on display in the Printed Paper Office (Room 32). Costs are
as follows:
Christmas Cards - £4.70 per pack of 10 (VAT inclusive)
Overprinting of Cards (Members only) - £36.00 for up to
1000 cards
(VAT Inclusive)
Order forms and details of payment for cards are available
from Jeff Prior/Paul Breen in the Printed Paper Office (telephone (028) 90 [5]
21399) or (028) 90 [5] 21735.
Please note that Royal Mail's latest recommended posting
dates for Christmas Cards and letters are:
Thursday 7th December - Airmail letters to destinations
outside Europe
Thursday 14th December - Letters being sent to Europe
Monday 18th December - Cards and letters being sent Second Class
Thursday 21st December - Cards and letters being sent First Class