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PROCEEDINGS OF THE AD HOC COMMITTEE (PORT OF BELFAST) THURSDAY 3 JUNE 1999 AT 10.15 AM IN ROOM 135, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS Mr A Maginness(Joint Chairperson) Mr R Beggs Mr P Bradley Mr J Byrne Mr G Campbell Mr F Cobain Mr B Hutchinson Mr D McClarty Mr M McGimpsey Ms J Morrice Mr M Morrow Mr M Murphy Mr P Roche Mr J Tierney In attendance:Mr G MartinMrs D Williams Mr D HarkinMs V SurplusMrs K Ferran Apologies:Mr S NeesonMr D Watson 1.Election of an Acting Chairperson The Clerk sought nominations for an Acting Chairperson pending the arrival of Assembly Member Maginness, who had sent his apologies in advance. Assembly Member Byrne proposed Assembly Member Tierney, and this was agreed to unanimously by the Committee. Assembly Member Tierney took the Chair. 2.Committee Report i. Report Contents The Committee resumed its deliberations on the draft report at para.13, a summation of which is included in a separate annexe. Assembly Member Maginness replaced Assembly Member Tierney in the Chair after para. 18. ii. Draft Options The Committee agreed unanimously to exclude both the status quo and trade sale as preferred options. It will begin to match the remaining four options against the essential criteria at its next meeting. 3.AOB i. It was agreed that the Clerk would reply to a letter from the Initial Presiding Officer to the Joint Chairpersons regarding a recent article in the Business Telegraph on the Port of Belfast. ii. The Clerk will write to advise members of the relevant papers to bring to the next meeting, where the remaining options will be examined. iii. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 9 June at 10.15am in Room 135, Parliament Buildings. MR A MAGINNESS (Joint Chairperson) 2 June 1999 / Menu / 9 June 1999 |
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