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WEDNESDAY 5 MAY 1999 AT 10.15 AM


Present: Mr A Maginness (Joint Chairperson)

Mr R Beggs

Mr P Bradley (representing Mr E McGrady)

Mr B Hutchinson

Mr M McGimpsey

Mr M Morrow

Mr S Neeson

Mr D O'Connor

Mr J Tierney

Mr D Watson

Mr S Wilson (Joint Chairperson)

In attendance: Mr G Martin Mrs K McFerran

Mr D Harkin Ms V Surplus Dr S Donnelly Apologies: Ms J Morrice Mr P Roche

Mr A Maginness took the Chair

1. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.

2. Matters arising

i. The UUJ Special Advisers have confirmed that they will assess the potential capital that could be raised under the PPC scheme and will also clarify the role of the golden share under that option.


The Committee agreed to meet the cost of this additional work, which will be completed by 17 May.

ii. The Joint Chairperson advised the Committee of a notification from Sinn Fein confirming Assembly Member Murphy as Assembly Member Doherty's replacement on the Committee, with effect from 26 April 1999.

3. Oral Evidence: Lord Dubs, Minister for the Environment

Additional witnesses:
Mr R McMinnis (Air and Sea Ports Division DOE)
Mrs B Faloona (Air and Sea Ports Division DOE)

Lord Dubs gave extensive oral evidence to the Committee, and accompanying his submission was a written Memorandum from the DOE, which had already been furnished to the Committee. He apologised that due to an unforeseen late change to his business diary his evidence session would have to be abbreviated, but he expressed a willingness to re-attend at a mutually convenient date.

The Joint Chairperson thanked Lord Dubs and his advisers for their presentation, and they left the meeting.

4. AOB:

i. Agreed:

The Committee agreed that the Minister should be invited back to answer questions on a number of outstanding issues and other matters needing clarification. The Clerk will contact Lord Dubs's office today to arrange a suitable date.


Assembly Member Neeson expressed concern as to how the public interest could be safeguarded under the Belfast Harbour Commissioners' (BHCs) preferred PPP option, especially in relation to the future of the leased land.

Assembly Member Wilson recommended asking the BHCs for a copy of the detailed proposals that they were to prepare following the Government's agreement last year, in principle, to the transfer of the Port to the private sector.

Assembly Member McGimpsey reminded the Committee that the BHCs had not yet responded in writing, as agreed, to his concerns about inconsistencies in relation to land acreage and its usage that he had identified in some of their documentation on the Harbour Estate.

The Clerk undertook to write to the BHCs today in relation to the three matters.


(Joint Chairperson)

29 April 1999 / Menu / 13 May 1999

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