Ad Hoc Committee on the Procedural Consequences of Devolution
Minutes of Proceedings
Tuesday 22 September 1998 at 11.00am
In Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings
Present:Mr A McFarland
Mr D Hussey
Mr B Bell(representing Rt Hon J Taylor MP
Mr D Shipley-Dalton(representing Mr R Empey)
Rev W McCrea
Mr S Wilson
Mr P Berry (representing Mr I Paisley Jnr)
Mr B McElduff
Mr G McHugh
Ms M Nellis
Mr S Close
Mr C Wilson(representing Mr R McCartney QC MP)
Mr D Ervine
Prof M McWilliams(representing Ms J Morrice)
In attendance:Mr N Carson (Agenda Item 1 only)
Mr J Reynolds
1.Mr Carson welcomed Members to the meeting and, with the agreement of the
meeting, took the Chair. Mr Carson took a roll call of those present.
Rules of Procedure
- It was agreed that the Ad Hoc Committee would adopt the rules of procedure
which were being employed by other Committees of the Assembly. It was therefore
AGREED that a substitute, who must be a Member of the Assembly, could attend,
speak and vote at meetings of the Committee.
Election of Chairperson
- Mr Carson asked for nominations for the position of chair of the Committee.
Mr McFarland nominated Rt Hon J Taylor MP. This was seconded by Mr Bell. In
the absence of Mr Taylor to accept the nomination, or, if elected, to take
the chair, it was agreed that this nomination should be withdrawn.
- Mr C Wilson nominated Mr S Close and this was seconded by Rev W McCrea.
Mr Close indicated that he would be unable to chair the meeting and represent
fully the views of his Party. He therefore declined the nomination.
- Mr Ervine nominated Mr McFarland, seconded by Mr Close. Following a vote
of those present, Mr McFarland was unanimously elected to chair the Committee.
After a short adjournment Mr McFarland took the chair.
Business of the Committee
- The Chairman drew Members' attention to the timescale within which the Committee
was expected to report. It was agreed that the Procedure Committee would be
asked for leave to give the issues longer consideration. It was agreed that
some of the issues were simple and that the Committee's views would be readily
established. On other matters, particularly regarding Northern Ireland's input
to European legislation, the views of the Committee could take some time to
be clarified. Several Members commented on the importance of taking sufficient
time to determine the best arrangements and that the Committee's consideration
should not be unnecessarily foreshortened because of an unrealistic deadline
imposed by the Procedure Committee. Prof McWilliams suggested that the Committee
should aim to produce an Interim Report for the Assembly meeting of 6 October
1998 and that a further opportunity to offer views should be sought from both
the Procedure Committee and the Assembly.
Correction to the Terms of Reference
- The Chairman reported a correction to the text of the Committee's Terms
of Reference. The words "and the United Kingdom Parliament" had been
omitted from the text of the Order Paper (and consequently Hansard) for the
motion put to the Assembly on 14 September. The revised wording was accepted
as the clear and unambiguous intention of the proposition.
Business of the Committee
- Members considered the issues raised by the Procedure Committee's Press
Notice No.9. A joint meeting with the Procedure Committee was suggested. Members
also noted that the Assembly in Northern Ireland would assume devolved powers
before the comparable bodies in Scotland and Wales. There were therefore limits
on how much could be learnt from circumstances elsewhere. Similarly it was
agreed that there would be limited value in considering the procedures of Dail
- The Committee discussed the potential for consultation and co-operation
with the Scottish and Welsh bodies. The Chairman reminded Members that the
key issue was how practice at Westminster could be revised.
- A series of questions were logged:
- What protocols would apply to relationships between the Executive and Westminster?
- How would the Secretary of State relate to the Assembly?
- What relationship would exist between the Assembly and Westminster on reserved
- How would Ministers in the Assembly relate to Ministers in Whitehall?
- What were the implications for joint operations?
Issues Resolved
- It was AGREED that the Committee should recommend modifications to Standing
Orders at Westminster to guarantee a consultative role for the Assembly on
reserved matters. It was further AGREED that the Assembly should seek Westminster's
agreement to refer all questions on devolved matters back to the Assembly.
It was also AGREED that the committee would recommend that Northern Ireland
Questions should be retained in the Westminster diary in terms of its duration
and frequency in recognition of the considerable interest in reserved matters
which would remain the responsibility of Westminster.
Request for further information
- The Committee sought further information on current practice with regard
- the Northern Ireland Grand Committee;
- the Northern Ireland Select Committee;
- Northern Ireland Questions
- Other Questions
- Private Members Bills
- Standing Orders
Financial Scrutiny
- Members questioned whether liaison between Westminster and the Assembly
should happen at Ministerial, Committee or Member level. Concern was expressed
about the limits on freedom of NI Ministers if, ultimately, authority remained
at Westminster. After discussion it was AGREED that the committee would seek
consideration and advice on the options for revising the current financial
scrutiny arrangements. Members sought to clarify the relationship between the
National Audit Office and the NI Audit Office; the Public Accounts Committee
and a comparable body (if it were established by the Assembly) and the relationship
between Departmental Accounting Officers and these bodies. Members noted the
different Block Grant arrangements that applied in Northern Ireland.
Other Issues
- Members sought clarification about why Northern Ireland was not mentioned
in regard to changing practice with regard to subordinate legislation.
- Members generally regarded the issue of Private Members' Bills in similar
terms to Parliamentary Questions. In respect of devolved matters, the Committee
regarded Westminster involvement as inappropriate. It was also suggested that
the Committee might consider whether precedent existed from the previous operation
of devolved Government in Northern Ireland.
- The Chairman suggested, and it was agreed, that he should write to the Chairman
of the Northern Ireland Select Committee notifying him of the Ad Hoc Committee's
role in looking at relationships between Westminster and the Assembly.
- The Chairman reported that neither the Scottish Office nor the Welsh Office
intended to reply to the Procedure Committee's invitation.
Date of Next Meeting
18. It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on Friday 25 September
1998 commencing at 10.30am.
Menu / 25 September