Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

Twenty eighth Meeting
Thursday, 24 October 2000
Committee Room 144, Parliament Buildings

1. Minutes of Proceedings
2. Matters Arising
3. Ground Rents Bill (NIA Bill 6/99) Committee Stage (cont'd)
4. Any Other Business
5. Date of Next Meeting

Present: Mr Francie Molloy (Chairman)
Mr James Leslie (Deputy Chairman)
Mr Billy Bell
Mr Seamus Close
Mr Derek Hussey
Mr Donovan McClelland

Apologies: No apologies were made.

In attendence: Mr Martin Wilson (Committee Clerk)
Mr Peter Hughes (Assistant Clerk)
Ms Sharon Bowman (Administrative Support)

The Chairman declared the meeting open at 2.02 p.m. The meeting was held in public session.

1. Minutes of Proceedings

1.1 Resolved: The Committee agreed the Minutes of Proceedings for 17 October 2000.

Mr Hussey attended the meeting at 2.09 p.m.


2. Matters arising:

Department of Finance and Personnel Budget and 2001/02 Budget Motion

2.1 The Committee deliberated a paper from The Department of Finance and Personnel on its Budget and on a motion to the Assembly calling for a Substantive Debate on the 2001/02 draft Budget for 13 October.

2.2 Resolved: That the DFP Budget paper be considered at a later date and that the motion be adopted.


3. Ground Rents Bill (NIA Bill 6/99) Committee Stage (cont'd)

3.1 The Committee deliberated on the Ground Rents Bill. Ms Judena Goldring and Mr Neil Lambe, Office of Law Reform appeared before the Committee and answered questions on the Bill.

Mr McClelland left the meeting at 2.20 p.m.

3.2 The Committee deliberated on the Ground Rents Bill:


That Clauses 1 to 5 stand part of the Bill.

That Clause 6 be agreed at a later date when the proposed arrangements for a streamlined procedure for the disposal of money when the identity of the rent owner is know and the rent payer has served notice would be re-considered.

That Clauses 7 to 14 stand part of the Bill.

That Clause 15 be agreed at a later date when amendments proposed by the Office of Law Reform would be considered.

That Clause 16 be agreed at a later date when the interpretation of "neighbours" and the restrictions on covenants would be re-considered.

That Clause 17 be agreed at a later date when points raised by the Committee and amendments proposed by the Office of Law Reform would be considered.

That Clauses 18 to 33 stand part of the Bill.

That Schedules 1 to 3 be considered at a later date.

That the Office of Law Reform be called before the Committee to answer questions on the Bill.


4. Any other business:

Specialist Adviser

4.1 The Committee deliberated on the appointment of a specialist adviser to assist the Committee Stage of the Government Resources and Accounts Bill (NIA Bill 6/00).

4.2 Resolved: That the need for a specialist adviser would be re-considered at a later date.


5. Date of next meeting

5.1 The Committee agreed to meet on Tuesday, 7 November at 2.00 p.m. to continue consideration of the DFP Budget, the Programme for Government and scrutiny of the Ground Rents Bill.


The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 3.55 p.m.

19 October 2000/ Menu / 7 November 2000