Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

Twenty Seventh Meeting
Thursday, 19 October 2000
Committee Room 135, Parliament Buildings

1. Minutes of Proceedings
2. Matters Arising
3. Ground Rents Bill (NIA Bill 6/99) Committee Stage (cont'd)
4. Any Other Business
5. Date of Next Meeting

Present: Mr Francie Molloy (Chairman)
Mr James Leslie (Deputy Chairman)
Mr Alex Attwood
Mr Billy Bell
Mr Seamus Close
Mr Nigel Dodds
Mr Peter Robinson MP
Mr Peter Weir

Apologies: Mr Derek Hussey
Mr Alex Maskey

In attendence: Mr Martin Wilson (Committee Clerk)
Mr Peter Hughes (Assistant Clerk)
Ms Sharon Bowman (Administrative Support)

The Chairman declared the meeting open at 2.05 p.m.

1. Minutes of Proceedings

1.1 Resolved: The Committee agreed the Minutes of Proceedings for 12 October 2000.


2. Matters arising:

Appropriation Bill

2.1 The Committee deliberated on a proposal that Standing Orders should be amended to allow the Minister of Finance and Personnel to propose accelerated passage of a Finance Bill. And that the Motion be agreed by a simple majority of Members voting in the Assembly if it is supported by the Committee for Finance and Personnel. Or, if the Minister proposes accelerated passage without the support of the Committee that the Motion be agreed on a cross-community basis.

2.2 Resolved: That the matter be considered again at a later date.


3. Ground Rents Bill (NIA Bill 6/99) Committee Stage (cont'd)

3.1 The Committee deliberated on the arrangements for concluding consideration of the Ground Rents Bill.

3.2 Resolved: The Committee agreed to establish a Sub-group of at least four members to consider the Ground Rents Bill during any period of suspension of the proceeding of the Committee. The Sub-group would report to the Committee on its consideration of the Bill and would seek ratification of any conclusions reached.

Mr Bell, Mr Dodds and Mr Robinson left the meeting at 2.35 p.m.
The Chairman suspended the meeting at 2.35 p.m. due to the lack of a quorum.
Mr Weir attended from 2.40 p.m.

3.3 The Sub-group deliberated on Clauses 20 to 26 of the Ground Rents Bill. The Sub-group raised the following queries:

Clause 20 - no questions were raised.

Clause 21 - the interpretation of a "controller" and who could act as "controller" within the meaning of the Mental Health (NI) Order 1986.

Clause 22 - no questions were raised.

Clause 23 - the interpretation of "The Registrar" and "The Land Registry".

Clauses 24 to 26 - no questions were raised.

Mr Bell returned to the meeting at 2.56 p.m.
The Chairman re-opened the meeting at 2.56 p.m.

3.4 Resolved: That the queries raised by the Sub-group on Clauses 20 to 26 are sent to the Office of Law Reform for comment.

3.5 The Committee deliberated on Clause 27.

3.6 Resolved: That the interpretation of "controller", "The Registrar" and "The Land Registry" be considered under this Clause.

Mr Weir left the meeting at 2.59 p.m.
The Chairman suspended the meeting at 2.59 p.m. due to the lack of a quorum.

3.7 The Sub-group deliberated on Clauses 28 to 31. The Sub-group raised the following queries:

Clause 28 (2) - a concern raised by the Law Society of Northern Ireland on the Bill's interpretation of a "nominal rent"

Clauses 29 to 31 - no questions were raised.

Mr Attwood attended from 3.38 p.m.
The Chairman re-opened the meeting at 3.38 p.m.

3.8 Resolved: That the queries raised by the Sub-group on Clauses 28 to 31 are sent to the Office of Law Reform for comment.

3.9 The Committee deliberated on Clauses 32 to 33 and Schedules 1 to 3.

Clauses 32 to 32 - no questions were raised.

Clause 33 - a concern was raised on the purpose of the Bill and the interpretation of the Long and Short Title.

Schedule 1- a concern was raised on the application of the multiplier to the redemption money.

Schedule 2 - the Law Society's concern on the application of Article 35 of The Property (NI) Order 1997 to the Bill was raised.

Schedule 3 - no questions were raised.

3.10 Resolved: That the Office of Law Reform be called to appear before the Committee to answer questions on the Bill.


4. Any other business

4.1 The Committee deliberated on the arrangements for considering the Department of Finance and Personnel Budget.

4.2 Resolved: That the Committee should meet at 1.00 p.m. on 24 October to consider the DFP Budget.


5. Date of next meeting

5.1 The Committee agreed to meet on Tuesday 24 October at 1.00 p.m. to consider the DFP Budget and to continue its scrutiny of the Ground Rents Bill.


The Chairman declared the meeting closed at approximately 4.30 p.m.

10 October 2000/ Menu / 24 October 2000