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Friday 26 July 2002 Paramedics Mr Shannon asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what steps is she taking to address the current shortage of paramedics for the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. (AQW 4427/01) Ms de Brún: Additional resources made available in the current year have enabled the Ambulance Service to plan a programme of paramedic training courses. These are scheduled to start in September 2002, January 2003 and March 2003 and will result in an additional 36 paramedics. A training course for 19 new Emergency Medical Technician recruits is also planned for September 2002 to complement the 24 EMTs who completed their training in June this year. These measures will help address the current skill mix imbalance in paramedic staff and ensure that there is a good pool of EMTs from which further paramedics can be recruited. Chuir acmhainní breise a cuireadh ar fáil sa bhliain reatha ar chumas na Seirbhíse Otharchairr clár cúrsaí oiliúna paraimhíochaineoirí a phleanáil. Cuirfear tús leo seo i Meán Fómhair 2002, Eanáir 2003, agus Márta 2003 agus beidh 36 paraimhíochaineoir breise ar fáil mar thoradh orthu. Tá cúrsaí oiliúna do 19 earcach Teicneoirí Liachta Eigeandála pleanáilte freisin do Mheán Fómhair chun cur leis na 24 EMT a chríochnaigh a gcuid oiliúna i Meitheamh na bliana seo. Cuideoidh na bearta seo chun tabhairt faoin míchothroime atá ann ó thaobh meascán scileanna i measc foirne paraimhíochaine agus cinnteoidh siad go mbeidh grúpa réasúnta mór EMT ann as a mbeifear ábalta paraimhíochaineoirí a earcú as amach anseo. Speech Therapists: Mr K Robinson asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what measures she will put in place to address the shortage of speech therapists in special schools in East Antrim, and ensure that the recent announcement of a replacement school at Roddensvale, Larne, will be fully utilised to the benefits of pupils, staff and parents. (AQW 4428/01) Ms de Brún: My ‘Priorities for Action 2002/03’ requires Health and Social Services Boards and Trusts to develop a range of therapy provision to reduce waiting times for children and adults requiring therapy in 2002/03. Some of the additional funding allocated to Boards to develop a range of community services in 2002/03 will be available for this purpose. A review of the health and social services workforce is currently being undertaken by my Department, which will identify training, recruitment and retention issues to be addressed within the various therapeutic professions, including speech and language therapy. Provision of healthcare services to the new school at Roddensvale will be a matter for Homefirst Community Trust and the North Eastern Education and Library Board, having regard to the assessed needs of each pupil. Éilíonn mo ‘Tosaíochtaí le hAghaidh Gnímh 2002/03’ ar Bhoird agus ar Iontaobhais Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta réimse soláthar teiripe a fhorbairt le hagaí feithimh a laghdú do pháistí agus do dhaoine fásta a bhfuil teiripe de dhíth orthu i 2002/03. Beidh cuid den mhaoiniú breise dáilte ar Bhoird le réimse seirbhísí pobail a fhorbairt i 2002/03 ar fáil leis seo a chur i gcrích. Tá athbhreithniú á dhéanamh ag an Roinn s’agam faoi láthair ar an mheitheal oibre sláinte agus seirbhísí sóisialta, a aimseoidh oiliúint, earcaíocht agus coinneálacht mar na ceisteanna a bhfuiltear le dul i ngleic leo taobh istigh de na gairmeacha teiripeacha éagsúla, teiripe urlabhra agus teanga san áireamh. Is ceist d’Iontaobhas Pobail Homefirst agus do Bhord Leabharlainne agus Oideachais an Oirthuaiscirt í seirbhísí cúram sláinte a soláthar don scoil nua i Roddensvale, i ndiaidh riachtanais mheasúnaithe gach dalta a chur san áireamh. Strategy For Stroke Ms McWilliams asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to outline (a) if she is aware of the Strategy for Stroke drawn up by individuals from the four Health Boards and the Voluntary Sector; (b) if she will endorse this strategy; and (c) any action she will take to ensure the implementation of this strategy. (AQW 4431/01) Ms de Brún: (a) I am aware that a multi-disciplinary group, under the direction of the four Health and Social Services Board Chief Executives, has developed an evidence- based strategy for stroke services. (b) I regard the work undertaken by the group as an important foundation for the future development of stroke services; (c) In Priorities for Action 2002/03, which sets out my planning priorities for the health and social services this year, I asked Boards, Trusts and Local Health and Social Care Groups, as a pilot exercise for the development of regional service development frameworks, to review stroke services in order to identify:
(a) Táim ar an eolas gur fhorbair grúpa il-disciplíneach, faoi stiúir na bPríomhfheidhmeanach sna ceithre Bhord Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta straitéis fianaise- bhunaithe do sheirbhísí stróc. (b) Sílim gur bunchloch thábhachtach an obair atá ar siúl ag an ngrúpa d’fhorbairtí amach anseo sna seirbhísí stróc. (c) In Priorities for Action 2002/03, a leagann amach mo thosaíochtaí pleanála do sheirbhísí sóisialta agus sláinte i mbliana, d’iarr mise ar Bhoird, ar Iontaobhais agus ar Ghrúpaí Cúraim Sóisialta agus Sláinte, mar chleachtadh píolótach d’fhorbairt chreatanna forbartha seirbhísí réigiúnacha, athbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar sheirbhísí stróc chun iad seo a leanas a aithint:
Operations Outside of NI Ms McWilliams asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to recommend that each Health Board publish on a monthly basis the number of operations performed outside of Northern Ireland. (AQW 4432/01) Ms de Brún: Details of operations performed outside of Northern Ireland are collated by Health Boards on a quarterly basis. The figures are available on request, subject to the protection of patient confidentiality Bailítear sonraí ar obráidí a dhéantar taobh amuigh de Thuaisceart Éireann ag Boird Shláinte ar bhonn ráithiúil. Tá na figiúirí ar fáil ach iad a iarraidh, faoi réir cosaint rúndacht an othair. Dangers of Smoking Mr Armstrong asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (a) what measures are in place to inform potential and actual smokers in the 16-24 age group of the dangers of smoking and; (b) what steps are being taken to reduce heavy smoking, particularly among the 45-54 age group. (AQW 4469/01) Ms de Brún: My Department is funding a range of measures aimed at increasing awareness among young people and adults of the dangers of smoking and at helping smokers to quit. These include public information campaigns and the development of a range of smoking cessation services in each Health and Social Services Board area. Specialist cessation services provide intensive advice and support and highlight the benefits, particularly for highly dependent smokers, of medicines which enhance the attempt to quit. In addition, a telephone helpline for smokers wishing to quit will be established later this year to complement existing cessation services. I will shortly issue for consultation, a comprehensive 5 year Tobacco Action Plan to tackle smoking. In addition to a Chapter on helping smokers quit, the Plan will address issues such as prevention and protecting the public from tobacco smoke. Tá mo Roinn ag maoiniú réimse beart a bhfuil sé de chuspóir acu eolas i measc ógánach agus daoine fásta a mhéadú ar na baoil ó thobac a chaitheamh, agus cuidiú le caiteoirí le héirí as. San áireamh tá feachtais eolais phoiblí agus forbairt réimse seirbhísí éirí as tobac i ngach ceantar Bhord Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta. Tugann sainsheirbhísí éirí as tobac comhairle agus tacaíocht dhian agus cuireann siad béim ar thairbhí cógas a chuidíonn leis an iarracht le héirí as, go háirithe do chaiteoirí a bhraitheann go mór ar thoitíní. Ina theannta sin, bunófar líne chabhrach teileafóin níos moille sa bhliain do chaiteoirí ar mian leo éirí as tobac, le cur leis na seirbhísí éirí as tobac atá ar fáil anois. Beidh mé ag eisiúint Plean chuimsithigh Ghnímh 5 bliain ar Thobac le haghaidh comhairliúcháin ar ball le tabhairt faoi chaitheamh tobac. Mar bharr ar Chaibidil ar chuidiú a thabhairt do chaiteoirí le héirí as, tabharfaidh an Plean faoi cheisteanna amhail cosc agus cosaint an phobail ar thoit tobac. Diabetics Mr Armstrong asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety if she has any plans to provide diabetics who also suffer from anxiety and depression with access to psychological support services, particularly for those who live outside Belfast. (AQW 4470/01) Ms de Brún: Diabetics who also suffer from anxiety and depression have access to the full range of primary care and mental health services. Tá rochtain iomlán ag Diaibéitigh a bhfuil imní agus dúlagar ag dul dóibh ar réimse iomlán seirbhísí cúraim phríomhúil agus sláinte meabhraí. Tackling Alcohol Abuse Mr Armstrong asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, in light of the findings of the Northern Ireland Health and Social Wellbeing Survey 2001, what measures are in place to tackle high levels of excessive drinking, particularly among the 16-24 age group (AQW 4471/01) Ms de Brún: The Strategy for Reducing Alcohol Related Harm was published in September 2000. In May 2001, the Executive endorsed a ‘Model for the Joint Implementation of the Drug and Alcohol Strategies’, which allows for a concerted approach. The joint implementation of both the drug and alcohol strategies is now underway and six working groups have been formed to cover the areas of Treatment, Education & Prevention, Communities, Information & Research, Social Legislation and Criminal Justice. The six Working Groups have developed a Regional Action Plan based on the key output areas detailed in the Strategies and the four Drug and Alcohol Co-ordination Teams have translated this into local targets to ensure a coherent and consistent delivery. The Action Plans include development of a health education programme, targeted at young people between the ages of 16 and 25 years. The programme will ensure that young people are informed of the dangers of misusing alcohol. A Public Information Campaign is also being developed in conjunction with the Health Promotion Agency to specifically address young adult binge drinking. In particular, work is being undertaken in partnership with the Drinks Industry to address a number of issues including under age drinking, the consumption of alcohol in public places and responsible trading practices. Foilsíodh An Straitéis Chun An Dochar a Bhaineann le hAlcól A Laghdú i Meán Fómhair 2000. I mí na Bealtaine 2001, d’aontaigh Coiste an Fheidhmiúcháin ‘Samhail le hAghaidh Chomhchur i bhFeidhm na Straitéisí Drugaí agus Alcóil’, a thacaíonn le cur chuige comhbheartaithe. Tá comhchur i bhfeidhm an dá straitéis faoi lánseol anois agus bunaíodh sé ghrúpa oibre leis na hábhair Cóireáil, Oideachas & Cosc, Pobail, Eolas & Taighde, Reachtaíocht Shóisialta agus Ceart Coiriúil a chlúdach. Tá Plean Réigiúnach Gnímh forbartha ag na sé Ghrúpa Oibre bunaithe ar eochaircheantair aschuir atá sonraithe sna Straitéisí agus d’aistrigh na ceithre Fhoireann Drugaí agus Alcóil seo go dtí spriocanna áitiúla le soláthar comhleanúnach agus comhsheasmhach a chinntiú. Clúdaíonn na Pleananna Gnímh forbairt chlár oideachais sláinte, dírithe ar ógánaigh idir 16 agus 25 bliain d’aois. Cinnteoidh an clár go gcuirfear ógánaigh ar an eolas faoi na dainséir le mí-úsáid alcóil. Táthar ag forbairt Feachtas Eolais Phoiblí i gcomhar leis an Ghníomhaireacht um Chothú Sláinte le dul i ngleic le spraoi óil ógánach go háirithe. Ach go háirithe, táthar ag tabhairt faoi obair i bpáirtíocht leis an Tionscal Ólacháin le tabhairt faoi roinnt ceisteanna, ag ól faoi aois, ag ól alcóil in áiteanna poiblí agus cleachtais fhreagracha thrádála san áireamh. Fire Fighters: Vacancies Mr Beggs asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail the current establishment and number and the type of vacancies for (i) part-time; and (ii) full-time fire-fighters at (a) Carnlough Fire Station; (b) Larne Fire Station; (c) Whitehead Fire Station; and (d) Carrickfergus Fire Station. (AQW 4504/01) Ms de Brún: The stations highlighted in your question are retained Fire Stations in which all posts are part-time. The information requested is as follows: -
Is Stáisiúin Choiméadta na stáisiúin ar fad a tugadh chun suntais i do cheist agus is postanna páirt-aimseartha atá iontu ar fad. Seo a leanas an t-eolas a bhí uait:
GMC: Dr Wasson Dr Birnie asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what assessment she can make (a) on the current employment and remuneration status of Dr Ciaran Wasson; (b) as to whether the EHSSB has refused to enter into dialogue with either Dr Wasson or his Union representative on matters relating to the GMC hearing in April 2002 which imposed conditions on his registration and, if so, why this might be so. (AQW 4519/01) Ms de Brún: Dr Wasson is an independent contractor who is professionally accountable to the General Medical Council (GMC). In relation to his contract with the Eastern Health and Social Services Board, the Board must be satisfied of his compliance with the restrictions placed on him by the GMC. I am advised that Eastern Health and Social Services Board officials have met twice with Dr Wasson and his union representative on matters relating to the GMC hearing and are content to meet him again should he have proposals which may satisfy the GMC ruling with regard to his ability to provide general medical services. The restrictions imposed on him are a matter between him and the GMC. Is conraitheoir neamhspleách é an Dr Wasson atá freagrach go gairmiúil don Chomhairle Ghinearálta Míochaine (GMC). Maidir lena chonradh le Bord Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta an Oirthir, is gá don Bhord bheith sásta lena ghéilliúlacht leis na srianta curtha air ag an GMC. Cuireadh in iúl dom gur bhuail oifigigh Bhord Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta an Oirthir leis an Dr Wasson faoi dhó agus lena ionadaí ceardchumainn faoi ábhair bainteach leis an GMC agus tá siad sásta le bualadh leis arís dá mbeadh moltaí aige a shásódh rialú an GMC i dtaca lena ábaltacht chun seirbhísí míochaine ginearálta a sholáthar. Is idir é féin agus an GMC na srianta a cuireadh air. Mater Hospital Mr A Maginness asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety if the Mater Hospital, which is the subject of a proposed down-grading, treated more medical patients than the Antrim and Causeway hospitals, who are retaining their acute services. (AQW 4520/01) Ms de Brún: The latest information available is for 2000-2001. Information for Causeway Hospital is unavailable for the financial year 2000-2001 as services were not transferred from Coleraine and Route Hospitals to the new hospital until May 2001. In 2000-2001 4,783 medical patients were treated at Mater Hospital, compared to 4,597 at Coleraine Hospital, 24 at Route Hospital and 9,763 at Antrim Hospital. Baineann an t-eolas is deireanaí atá ar fáil le 2000-2001. Níl eolas ar fáil don bhliain airgeadais 2000-2001 d’Ospidéal Causeway mar nár haistríodh seirbhísí ó Ospidéal Chúil Raithin agus Ospidéal Route chuig an ospidéal nua go dtí Bealtaine 2001. I 2000-2001 cuireadh cóireáil ar 4,783 othar liachta in Ospidéal an Mater i gcompráid le 4,597 in Ospidéal Chúil Raithin, 24 in Ospidéal Route agus 9,763 in Ospidéal Aontroma. Hospital Access Times Mr A Maginness asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety how the access times for hospitals were calculated given the low rate of private car ownership in North Belfast. (AQW 4521/01) Ms de Brún: Details of how access times were calculated in relation to my proposals for reforming hospitals are explained at Appendix 5 of the consultation paper Developing Better Services: Modernising Hospitals and Reforming Structures. The focus of the analysis of access times was in relation to one of the guiding principles set out in Chapter 4 of the paper, ie access times to emergency care and consultant-led maternity services, in an appropriate facility, should be the minimum achievable, with the vast majority of people within 45 minutes, and everyone normally within one hour, of these services. The access times were calculated using a model called "Simplified Modelling for Spatial Systems" (SMOSS), developed by Lancaster University. They are based on travel speeds, by road, using motorised transport from the centre of each Enumeration District to each hospital. Travel by bus or train, pedestrian journeys, or rates of car ownership are not incorporated into the model. This approach is based on the premise that people needing emergency treatment for major and severe conditions will normally be transported to hospital by car, taxi or ambulance. In areas where there is low car ownership this will place increased emphasis on the importance of responsive and effective pre-hospital services, particularly ambulance services, the development of which is a priority as shown by the substantial investment in them over the past three years, as well as my proposals for their further development. Mínítear sonraí ar conas a ríomhadh amanna rochtana maidir le mo chuid moltaí ar athchóiriú ospidéal in Aguisín 5 den pháipéar comhchomhairleoireachta Seirbhísí Níos Fearr A Fhorbairt: Otharlanna A Nuachóiriú agus Struchtúir a Leasú. Bhain an fócas ar anailís a dhéanamh ar amanna rochtana le ceann de na prionsabail threoracha atá leagtha amach i gCaibidil 4 den pháipéar, i.e. ba chóir go mbeadh amanna rochtana chuig cúram éigeandála agus seirbhísí máithreachais comhairle-bhunaithe, i saoráid oiriúnach, chomh híseal agus is indéanta sin, le formhór mór na ndaoine lastigh de 45 nóiméad ó na seirbhísí sin, agus gach duine de ghnáth laistigh d’uair a chloig uathu. Ríomhadh na hamanna rochtana ag baint leasa as samhail dar teideal "Simplified Modelling for Spatial Systems" (SMOSS) a d’fhorbair Ollscoil Lancaster. Tá siad bunaithe ar luas taistil ar bhóithre ag úsáid iompar mótair ó lár gach Ceantar Áirimh chuig gach ospidéal. Níl iompar ar bhus nó ar thraein, aistir de shiúl na gcos nó ráta úinéireachta cairr curtha isteach sa tsamhail. Tá an chur chuige seo bunaithe ar an smaoineamh gur i gcarr, i dtacsaí nó in otharcharr go hiondúil a iompraítear chuig an ospidéal na daoine a mbíonn cóireáil éigeandála ag teastáil uathu do riochtaí móra nó riochtaí tromchúiseacha. Cuirfidh sé sin tuilleadh béime ar an tábhacht atá le seirbhísí réamhospidéil freagracha agus éifeachtacha i gceantair a bhfuil úinéireacht íseal ar charranna iontu, seirbhísí otharchairr ach go háirithe, ar tosaíocht é forbairt a dhéanamh orthu mar a léiríonn an infheistíocht mhór atá déanta iontu sna trí bliana atá caite chomh maith le mo mholtaí iad a fhorbairt amach anseo. Mater Hospital: Downgrading Mr A Maginness asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what evidence exists that the Mater Hospital will be able to provide a better service for its patients following the down-grading to a local hospital. (AQW 4522/01) Ms de Brún: As a Local Hospital working in partnership with acute hospitals, the Mater Hospital would form a crucial bridge between hospital and primary and community care, and would be an integral part of a total health care system providing services which are more closely integrated, patient-focused and capable of providing the highest possible levels of treatment and care. My consultation paper Developing Better Services: Modernising Hospitals and Reforming Structures explains the need for change and what kind of change is required. A change of role to a Local Hospital would enable the Mater to provide a wide range of services, including sophisticated methods of investigation, diagnosis and day procedures, and it would continue to provide the vast majority of services that people get in hospital settings, and that do not need to be delivered in a large acute hospital. This cannot be considered as "down-grading". Mar Ospidéal Áitiúil ag obair i gcomhpháirtíocht le hospidéil ghéarchúraim, bheadh Ospidéal an Mater mar nasc ríthábhachtach idir cúram ospidéal, cúram príomhúil agus cúram pobail agus bheadh sé mar chuid lárnach den chóras cúraim sláinte ina iomláine ag soláthar seirbhísí níos lánpháirtiúla, a bheadh dírithe níos mó ar othair agus a bheadh ábalta an leibhéal is airde cóireála agus cúraim a sholáthar. Míníonn mo pháipéar comhchomhairleoireachta Seirbhísí Níos Fearr A Fhorbairt: Otharlanna A Nuachóiriú agus Struchtúir a Leasú an riachtanas atá ann athrú a dhéanamh agus an cineál athraithe a theastaíonn. Chuirfeadh athrú róil mar Ospidéal Áitiúil ar chumas an Mater réimse leathan seirbhísí a sholáthar lena n-áirítear modhanna sofaisticiúla imscrúdaithe, fáthmheasa agus nósanna imeachta lae agus leanfadh sé ag soláthar formhór na seirbhísí a fhaigheann daoine ag suíomh ospidéil ach nach dteastaíonn a sholáthar i mór-ospidéal géarchúraim. Ní féidir féachaint ar sin mar ‘íosghrádú’. Mater Hospital: Downgrading Mr A Maginness asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety why the Mater Hospital is being down-graded to a local hospital if it consistently exceeds performance indicators. (AQW 4523/01) Ms de Brún: A Local Hospital will be a modern facility providing a wide range of services including day case surgery, high quality diagnostic services, out-patient clinics, pre and post natal maternity services, intermediate care, and rehabilitation and step-down beds. It will also provide a local base for expert clinicians, specialist nurses and other health professionals who will relate to local populations rather than individual facilities. A change of role to a Local Hospital cannot therefore be considered as "down-grading". I consider that to bring about a modern and more effective hospital service requires a new pattern of services with both Local Hospitals and acute hospitals working together to serve the needs of local populations. I believe that the proposals in my consultation paper Developing Better Services: Modernising Hospitals and Reforming Structures are the best practical way of achieving this. As a Local Hospital providing a wide range of services, the Mater Hospital would continue to make a distinctive contribution to the overall provision of modern, high quality hospital services. Saoráid nua-aimseartha a bheidh san Ospidéal Áitiúil a bheidh ag soláthar réimse leathan seirbhísí lena n-áirítear máinliacht chás lae, seirbhísí fáthmheasa ar ardchaighdeán, clinicí eisothair, seirbhís máithreachais réamhbhreithe agus iarbhreithe, cúram idirmheánach agus leapacha athshlánaithe agus íoschéimnithe. Cuirfidh sé bunáit áitiúil ar fáil do chliniceoirí, altraí speisialtóireachta agus gairmigh sláinte eile a bhainfidh le pobail áitiúla seachas le saoráidí aonair. Ní féidir mar sin féachaint ar an athrú róil chuig Ospidéal Áitiúil mar "ísliú céime". Measaim féin chun seirbhís ospidéil níos éifeachtaí agus níos nua-aimseartha a thabhairt chun cinn go dteastaíonn gréasán nua seirbhísí le hOspidéil Áitiúla agus ospidéil ghéarchúraim a bheidh ag obair le chéile chun freastal ar riachtanais na bpobal áitiúil. Creidim gurb iad na moltaí i mo pháipéar comhchomhairleoireachta Seirbhísí Níos Fearr A Fhorbairt: Otharlanna A Nuachóiriú agus Struchtúir a Leasú an bealach praiticiúil is fearr chun é sin a bhaint amach. Mar Ospidéal Áitiúil ag soláthar réimse leathan seirbhísí, leanfaidh Ospidéal an Mater ag cur le soláthar iomlán seirbhísí nua-aimseartha ar ardchaighdeán. NIFA: Staffing Levels Mr Beggs asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, in the last year if the fire stations at (i) Carrickfergus; (ii) Whitehead; (iii) Larne and (iv) Carnlough have (a) failed to turn out or (b) turned out with staffing levels below those specified by the NI Fire Authority. (AQW 4526/01) Ms de Brún: The table below outlines the information requested:
Tá an t-eolas a iarradh leagtha amach sa tábla thíos: