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Friday 29 June 2001 Health, Social Services and Public Safety Health and Personal Social Mrs I Robinson asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail whether she has any plans to repeal Article 100 of The Health and Personal Social Services (NI) Order 1972. (AQW 3321/00) The Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (Ms de Brún): I do not have any plans at present to repeal Article 100 of The Health and Personal Social Services (NI) Order 1972. Níl pleananna agam faoi láthair chun Airteagal 100 den Ordú 1972 Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta Pearsanta (TÉ) a aisghairm. Improving Services for Mr Shannon asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail the steps she is taking to ensure parity of spend on family and childcare services in Northern Ireland compared to England and Wales. (AQW 3325/00) Ms de Brún: In 2000/01 my Department was able to make an extra £10 million available to Health and Social Services Boards to continue the development of children’s services. In 2001/02 so far, a further £5.3 million has been secured for these services and more is being sought. My Department has also been successful in securing a total of £15.5 million over the three years 2001/02 to 2003/04 from the Executive Programme Funds for a variety of initiatives aimed at improving services for children and their families. To achieve parity with the level of spend in England and Wales considerable additional resources will be required and I will continue to do all I can to secure the necessary resources to provide the best possible level of services here. I 2000/01 bhí an Roinn s’agamsa ábalta £10 milliún breise a chur ar fáil do Bhoird Shláinte agus Sheirbhísí Sóisialta le forbairt seirbhísí páistí a leanstan ar aghaidh. I 2001/02, fuarthas £5.3 milliún breise go dtí seo do na seirbhísí seo agus tá tuilleadh eile á iarraidh. D’éirigh leis an Roinn s’agamsa £15.5 milliún san iomlán a fháil fosta do na trí bliana ó 2001/02 go 2003/04 ó Chistí Chlár an Fheidhmeannais le haghaidh scéimeanna éagsúla dírithe ar fheabhsú seirbhísí do pháistí agus dá dteaghlaigh. Leis an chomhleibhéal caiteachais i Sasana agus sa Bhreatain Bheag a bhaint amach, beidh cuid mhór acmhainní breise de dhíth agus leanfaidh mé ar aghaidh ar féidir liom a dhéanamh a dhéanamh leis na hacmhainní a bheas riachtanach leis an leibhéal seirbhísí is fearr agus is féidir a sholáthar anseo a chinntiú. Child Abuse Strategy: Mr Shannon asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to make it her policy that the components of any strategy on child abuse should include substantial investment in supporting parents and in the promotion of parenting. (AQW 3326/00) Ms de Brún: I agree that support for parents is an important element of a child abuse strategy. My Department has consistently promoted the need for parental support and the promotion of good parenting. This is demonstrated by the funding provided for a number of organisations, programmes and initiatives, including the Sure Start programme and the Parents Advice Centre (PAC) which provides a confidential advice and counselling service to parents. Alongside the four Boards, my Department also provides funds to Gingerbread, Homestart and Lifestart all of which provide support for parents. In total, some £278,000 has been made available in the current year to assist in supporting parents and promoting parenting skills. Aontaím gur gné thábhachtach de straitéis drochíde ar pháistí í tacaíocht do thuismitheoirí. Chuir an Roinn s’agamsa an gá le tacaíocht do thuismitheoirí agus cur chun cinn tuismíochta maithe chun cinn i gcónaí. Léirítear seo tríd an mhaoiniú tugtha do roinnt eagraíochtaí, clár agus tionscnamh, ina measc an clár Sure Start agus Ionad Comhairle na dTuismitheoirí (ICT) a thugann comhairle rúnda agus a sholáthraíonn seirbhís chomhairle do thuismitheoirí. Mar aon leis na ceithre Bhord, tugann an Roinn s’agamsa maoinithe fosta do Gingerbread, Homestart agus do Lifestart a sholáthraíonn uile tacaíocht do thuismitheoirí. Cuireadh thart faoi £278,000 san iomlán ar fáil sa bhliain reatha airgeadais chun cuidiú le tacaíocht do thuismitheoirí agus le cur chun cinn scileanna tuismíochta. Child Abuse Strategy: Mr Shannon asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to make it her policy that the components of any strategy on child abuse should include a Child Deaths Review Team. (AQW 3327/00) Ms de Brún: I am very concerned about child abuse and I attach the highest priority to improving safeguards for children. I am aware of the NSPCC recommendation for the establishment of child death review teams in the Society’s ‘Out of Sight’ report. My Department will be studying the report and its recommendations very carefully and will consider this particular recommendation. Tá mé iontach buartha faoi dhrochíde ar pháistí agus is ríthábhachtach liom mar thosaíocht í feabhsú i gcosaint páistí. Tá moladh an CNCCP i dtuairisc ‘As Amharc’ an Chumainn go gcuirfí foirne athbhreithithe ar bhásanna páistí ar bun ar eolas agam. Beidh an Roinn s’agamsa ag scrúdú na tuairisce agus a moltaí go han-chúramach agus déanfaidh sí machnamh ar an mholadh ar leith seo. Child Abuse Strategy: A&E Staff Training Mr Shannon asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to make it her policy that the components of any strategy on child abuse should include protocols and robust training for all A&E staff in assessing suspicious child injuries. (AQW 3328/00) Ms de Brún: The issues of staff training and Trust protocols are dealt with in the draft Departmental child protection guidance ‘Co-operating to Safeguard Children’ which is due to be issued for equality impact assessment consultation shortly. The draft guidance makes specific reference to staff in hospital accident & emergency departments who have a vital role to play in the detection of child abuse. There is already an onus on every hospital Trust to put protocols in place which enable staff to act appropriately when faced with a child that may have been abused. These must include the designation of senior medical and nursing personnel with distinct child protection responsibilities and effective communication channels within the Trust and between the Trust and other agencies including social services. Staff training in abuse detection and in child protection procedures generally, particularly in an accident & emergency setting, is essential. Child protection training is the responsibility of the designated child protection doctor and/or nurse. Déileáiltear le ceisteanna oiliúna na foirne agus prótacal Iontaobhas i ndréacht-threoir na Roinne ar chosaint páistí ‘Ag Comhoibriú le Páistí a Chosaint’ atá le cur amach le haghaidh comhairlithe ar mheasúnú éifeachta comhionannais ar ball. Déanann an dréacht-threoir tagairt ar leith do na foirne i ranna timpistí agus éigeandálaí otharlann a bhfuil ról tábhachtach acu i bhfáil amach drochíde ar pháistí. Is ar gach otharlann atá an fhreagracht cheana féin le prótacail, a chuidíonn leis an fhoireann an gníomh ceart a dhéanamh agus iad ag déileáil le páiste arbh fhéidir go ndearnadh drochíde air, a chur i bhfeidhm. Caithfidh siad seo ainmniú foirne sinsearaí leighis agus altrachta le freagrachtaí ar leith acu as cosaint páistí, agus bealaí éifeachtacha cumarsáide laistigh den Iontaobhas agus idir an tIontaobhas agus gníomhaireachtaí chomh maith le seirbhísí sóisialta, a ghlacadh san áireamh. Tá oiliúint na foirne i bhfáil amach drochíde agus i ngnáthaimh chosaint páistí i gcoitinne riachtanach, go háirithe i suíomh timpistí agus éigeandálaí. An gnáthdhochtúir agus/nó an t-altra chosaint páistí ainmnithe atá freagrach as oiliúint ar chosaint páistí. Child Abuse Strategy: Mr Shannon asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to make it her policy that the components of any strategy on child abuse should include the implementation and funding of a Quality Protects initiative. (AQW 3329/00) Ms de Brún: My Department is currently developing a consultation paper on the future of child care services, as part of the creation of a child care strategy. Consultation on the children’s services strategy will begin later this year. The strategy will address the broad range of issues in Quality Protects while looking at the National Children’s Strategy in the South. It will draw on work in hand or already completed for example in relation to residential care, fostering, adoption and leaving and after care. Tá an Roinn s’agamsa ag forbairt páipéir chomhairlithe ar thodhchaí seirbhísí cúram páistí faoi láthair, mar chuid de chruthú straitéise cúram páistí. Tosóidh comhairliú ar straitéis sheirbhísí páistí níos moille i mbliana. Tabharfaidh an straitéis faoi réimse leathan ceisteanna i gCosnaíonn Cáilíocht agus í ag amharc ar Straitéis Náisiúnta na bPáistí sa Deisceart. Bainfidh sí úsáid as obair atá idir lámha nó obair atá déanta cheana féin, mar shampla, i dtaca le Cúram Cónaithe, altramas, uchtúil agus fágáil agus le hiarchúram. Child Abuse Strategy: Mr Shannon asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to make it her policy that the components of any strategy on child abuse should include regulations to ensure all department disciplines, including GP’s, co-operate with Section 12 reviews under Co-operating to Protect Children. (AQW 3330/00) Ms de Brún: The co-operation of professionals and agencies involved in a case, which has resulted in the death or serious injury of a child, is imperative. If a case management review cannot be successfully completed because of lack of co-operation on the part of any individual or organisation, the Department has the power to instigate an enquiry under Article 152 of the Children Order. Tá comhoibriú gairmithe agus gníomhaireachtaí a bhfuil baint acu le cás ar tháinig bás nó gortú tromchúiseach páiste as, práinneach. Munar féidir athbhreithniú ar láimhseáil cháis a chur i gcrích go rathúil de dheasca easpa comhoibrithe duine aonair nó eagraíochta, tá sé ar chumas mo Roinne tús a chur le fiosrúchán faoi Alt 152 den Ord Páistí. Child Abuse: Strategy Mr Shannon asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, pursuant to AQW 2995/00, to make it her policy to introduce a comprehensive and detailed strategy to deal with the complex issue of child abuse in Northern Ireland. (AQW 3331/00) Ms de Brún: I refer the member to the Answer to AQW 3329/00 Luaim don Bhall an freagra a thug mé ar AQW 3329/00. Child Abuse Strategy: Mr Shannon asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to make it her policy that the components of any strategy on child abuse should include an education programme for parents on keeping their children safe in the community and be designed to dispel myths surrounding registered sex offenders. (AQW 3332/00) Ms de Brún: I firmly believe that a child abuse strategy must be underpinned by a programme of education both for parents and the wider community. My Department currently funds the ‘Our Duty to Care’ project within the Volunteer Development Agency. One of the project’s most recent initiatives was the production of a parent leaflet – ‘Have Fun & Be Safe’ - which was distributed widely through the schools network. The leaflet offers guidance to parents and carers to help them choose children’s activities in a way which maximises their safety. In addition, my Department has contributed to a guidance manual for the assessment and management of risk of sex offenders issued by the NIO. Creidim go daingean go gcaithfidh straitéis drochíde ar pháistí bheith neartaithe trí chlár oideachais do thuismitheoirí agus don ghnáthphobal araon. Faoi láthair, maoiníonn an Roinn s’agamsa an scéim ‘Ár nDualgas le hAire a Thabhairt’ laistigh den Ghníomhaireacht Forbartha Saorálaithe. Ba é ceann de na tionscnaimh is déanaí de chuid na scéime ná an bhileog - ‘Déan Spraoi agus Bí Slán’ a chur amach do thuismitheoirí – a scaipeadh go forleathan tríd an ghréasán scoileanna. Tugann an bhileog treoir do thuismitheoirí agus d’fheighlithe chun cuidiú leo gníomhaíochtaí páistí a roghnú ar dhóigh a uasmhéadaíonn a sábháilteacht. Ina theannta sin, chuir an Roinn s’agamsa le lámhleabhar treorach curtha amach ag OTÉ do mheasúnú agus do láimhseáil an bhaoil ó choirigh ghnéis. Child Abuse Strategy: Mr Shannon asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to make it her policy that the components of any strategy on child abuse should include a more comprehensive provision of statistical information on children’s lives and well being. (AQW 3333/00) Ms de Brún: The draft inter-agency child protection guidance ‘Co-operating to Safeguard Children’ sets out a comprehensive list of statistical information which should be collected and published in the form of an annual report. Any further gaps which may exist in the capture of good quality statistical data will be considered in the context of an overall children’s services strategy. Leagann an dréacht-threoir idirghníomhaireachta ar chosaint páistí ‘Ag Comhoibriú le Páistí a Chosaint’ liosta cuimsitheach eolais staitisticiúil amach a ba chóir a bhailiú agus a fhoilsiú i bhfoirm tuairisce bliantúla. Déanfar machnamh ar thuilleadh bearnaí ar bith eile ann go fóill i bhfáil sonraí staitisticiúla de cháilíocht mhaith i gcomhthéacs straitéise iomláine seirbhísí páistí. Child Abuse Strategy: Vetting Mr Shannon asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to make it her policy that the components of any strategy on child abuse should include robust arrangements in the vetting of those who work with children that go beyond the provision of the Protection of Children Act in England. (AQW 3334/00) Ms de Brún: My Department currently operates a vetting service, the Pre-employment Consultancy Service (PECS), to voluntary and statutory organisations seeking to employ individuals to work with children and adults with a learning disability. We intend to place the service on a statutory basis. Proposals for a Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Bill will be put forward for public consultation shortly and we will be interested to hear views as to how we might improve current vetting arrangements Tá seirbhís chigireachta, an tSeirbhís Chomhairleach Réamhfhostaíochta (CSRF), i bhfeidhm ag an Roinn s’agamsa faoi láthair thar ceann eagraíochtaí deonacha agus reachtúla ag iarraidh daoine a fhostú le hobair le páistí agus le daoine fásta le míchumas foghlama. Tá sé ar intinn againn na seirbhísí a sholáthar ar bhonn reachtúil. Molfar moltaí le haghaidh Bille Cosaint Páistí agus Daoine Leochaileacha do chomhairliú phoiblí ar ball agus beidh suim againn na tuairimí ar an dóigh arbh fhéidir linn socruithe reatha cigireachta a fheabhsú a chluinstin. IVF Treatment Mr Hilditch asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail (a) if IVF treatment is currently available in Northern Ireland; and (b) on which date it became available. (AQW 3335/00) Ms de Brún: None of the Health and Social Services Boards commissions IVF services at present. Treatment is available only on a private patient basis. I announced on 24 April that sub-fertility services, including in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment, would be the subject of a consultation exercise later this year. The consultation will address issues such as the cost of IVF and the eligibility for access to treatment. I also announced that an interim service, including the provision of a limited number of full treatment cycles of IVF, would be put in place while longer-term issues were being considered. The development of this service is now being addressed and I hope that it will become operational later this year. Ní choimisiúnaíonn Bord Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta ar bith seirbhísí TIV i láthair na huaire. Níl cóireáil ar fáil ach ar bhonn othair phríobháidigh. D’fhógair mé ar an 24 Aibreán go mbeadh seirbhísí fothoirchithe, cóireáil thoirchiú in-vítrea (TIV) san áireamh, faoi réir cleachtaidh chomhairlithe níos moille i mbliana. Rachaidh an comhairliú i gceann ceisteanna amhail costas TIV agus teideal cóireáil a fháil. D’fhógair mé fosta go gcuirfí seirbhís eatramhach, soláthar roinnt tréimhsí teoranta cóireála iomláine TIV san áireamh, i bhfeidhm agus machnamh á dhéanamh ar cheisteanna fadtéarmacha. Táthar ag dul i gceann forbairt na seirbhíse seo anois agus tá súil agam go mbeidh sí ag feidhmiú níos moille i mbliana. IVF Treatment: Criteria Mr Hilditch asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail the criteria required to receive IVF treatment. (AQW 3336/00) Ms de Brún: I refer the Member to my answer to AQW 3335/00. Luaim don Bhall an freagra a thug mé ar AQW 3335/00. Mileage Allowances: Social Workers/Health Visitors/Community Nurses Mrs I Robinson asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail (a) what assessment she has made of payments to health visitors and community nurses for the use of private cars on health service business (b) the mileage allowance for (i) social workers (ii) health visitors (iii) community nurses and (c) what steps she is taking to ensure equality of payment for mileage allowances between there vocations. (AQW 3344/00) Ms de Brún: (a) I have examined the arrangements for payment of mileage allowances and the amounts paid to health visitors and community nurses who use their cars on health service business. Under the Health Services Agreement contained in the Finance Act 1971 such staff are required to be paid in parity with the rates of pay and conditions of service applied to their counterparts in the NHS. (b) The pay and terms and conditions of service, including mileage allowances, payable to social work staff are linked to those of similar staff employed in local authority services in GB. The essential user rates are paid to those staff whose duties are of such a nature that it is essential for them to have a motor car at their disposal whenever required. The Essential User rates are:
Casual user rates are payable to social work staff where it is merely desirable that a car should be available when required. The Casual User Rates are:
The terms and conditions of service of health visitors and community nurses provide that an employing authority may offer an official vehicle to an employee whom they require to be mobile and where they deem it is in the interest of the service to do so. Where an employing authority deems that it is uneconomic or is unable to offer a vehicle the employee may be paid a regular car users allowance if defined criteria in relation to distance and time spent travelling are met. Certain long serving staff have the option of an official vehicle or to continue being paid the regular user rates. The Regular User Rates are:
Health visitors and community nurses who are not classified as "Regular Car Users" but use their car in the course of their employment are entitled to standard mileage rates. The Standard Mileage Rates are:
A Public Transport Rate of 23p per mile is payable to those health visitors and community nurses who refuse the offer of an official vehicle. (c) The terms and conditions of service of all staff will be the subject of discussions my Department and representatives of employers and staff organisations will be having on the implications for the HPSS arising out of Agenda for Change-Modernising the NHS pay system. (a) Scrúdaigh mé na socruithe d’íocaíocht liúntas míleáiste agus na suimeanna íoctha do chuairteoirí sláinte agus d’altraí pobail a úsáideann a ngluaisteáin agus iad i mbun gnó seirbhíse sláinte. Faoin Aontú Seirbhísí Sláinte san Acht Airgeadais 1971 ní mór an fhoireann sin a íoc cothrom le rátaí íocaíochta agus le coinníollacha seirbhíse a gcomhghleacaithe sa SNS. (b) Tá pá, téarmaí agus coinníollacha seirbhíse, liúntais mhíleáiste san áireamh, íoctha d’oibrithe sóisialta ceangailte le pá, téarmaí agus coinníollacha foirne cosúla eile fostaithe i seirbhísí údaráis áitiúil sa Bhreatain Mhór. Íoctar na rátaí úsáideoirí riachtanacha don fhoireann sin ar gné riachtanach ar leith dá ndualgais í gluaisteán a bheith acu nuair atá sé de dhíth. Seo a leanas na Rátaí Úsáideoirí Riachtanacha:
Íoctar rátaí úsáideoirí ócáideacha d’oibrithe sóisialta nuair nach bhfuil sé ach inmhianaithe go gcuirfí gluaisteán ar fáil nuair a bheadh sé de dhíth. Seo a leanas na Rátaí Úsáideoirí Ócáideacha:
I dtéarmaí agus i gcoinníollacha seirbhíse cuairteoirí sláinte agus altraí pobail tá foráil ann go dtairgfeadh an t-údarás fostaithe feithicil oifigiúil d’fhostaí a n-iarrann siad air/uirthi le bheith gluaisteach agus a síleann siad go bhfuil sí ar mhaithe leis an tseirbhís sin a dhéanamh. Áit a síleann údarás fostaithe go bhfuil sé neamheacnamaíoch nó neamhábalta feithicil a thairiscint don fhostaí, d’fhéadfaí liúntas úsáideoirí rialta gluaisteáin a íoc don fhostaí má chomhlíontar critéir áirithe maidir le fad agus le ham caite ag taistil. Tá rogha ag foireann fhadfhostaithe áirithe feithicil oifigiúil a bheith acu nó íocaíocht ar rátaí úsáideoirí rialta a fháil go fóill. Seo a leanas na Rátaí Úsáideoirí Rialta:
Tá cuairteoirí sláinte agus altraí pobail, a úsáideann a ngluaisteáin le linn a bhfostaíochta agus nach rangaítear mar "Úsáideoirí Rialta Gluaisteáin", i dteideal rátaí caighdeánacha míleáiste. Seo a leanas na Rátaí Caighdeánacha Míleáiste:
Íoctar Ráta Iompair Phoiblí de 23p an míle do na cuairteoirí sláinte agus do na haltraí pobail sin a dhiúltaíonn tairiscint feithicle oifigiúla. (c) Beidh téarmaí agus coinníollacha seirbhíse gach foireann ábhar na gcaibidlí a bheas an Roinn s’agamsa chomh maith le hionadaithe eagraíochtaí fostóirí agus oibrithe ag déanamh ar na himpleachtaí do na SSSP de bharr Clár d’Athrú – Ag Tabhairt Chóras Íocaíochta na SNS Suas Chun Dáta. Communicable Disease Surveillance Mrs I Robinson asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail (a) the incidence rate for each of the following in the last five years (i) methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (ii) necrotising fasciitis (iii) Streptococcus A; (b) which Trusts have been affected by these diseases over the same period (c) what steps are being taken to eradicate them and (d) what guidelines have been issued to Trusts in respect of these diseases. (AQW 3345/00) Ms de Brún: (a) The positive laboratory isolates for MRSA and Streptococcus A reported to the Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre(CDSC) for each of the last five years were as follows:-
Necrotising fasciitis is an extremely rare condition. It is not notifiable and data is not recorded routinely. (b) These figures are reported on a hospital laboratory basis and not on a hospital of origin basis. The laboratories reporting these infections during the year 2000 were as follows: Altnagelvin, Antrim, Belfast City, Causeway, Craigavon, Erne, Mater, Musgrave Park, Royal Victoria Bacteriology Laboratory and The Ulster. (c&d) It would be virtually impossible to eradicate these diseases as they are almost an integral part of the human flora of bacteria. Both staphlylococcus A and streptococcus A are carried in the noses and throats of a significant proportion of the general population without causing any symptoms of illness. The Department’s primary concern is, therefore, to minimise hospital acquired infection and the development of antimicrobial resistance. To this end in 1997 detailed guidance on hospital infection control was issued by the Clinical Resource Efficiency Support Team (CREST). In April 2000 my Department, in a circular to the HPSS, set out a programme of action to be undertaken by the HPSS in the area of infection control, surveillance and antimicrobial prescribing. The present reporting of MRSA and Streptococcus A is done on a voluntary basis but in line with the Department’s "Priorities for Action", Trusts are now required, from this year, to report on Bacteraemia rates, including MRSA, in acute facilities. From this year, 2001/2002, funding is being made available to the CDSC and the Royal Group of Hospitals to carry out increased surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and hospital infection on a regional basis. The Department is also presently working on preparation of guidance to go out to the HPSS about standards of environmental cleanliness which will focus on the need for strict standards of hygiene and infection control. (a) Seo a leanas aonaránuithe deimhneacha saotharlainne do MRSA agus Streipteacocas A a tuairscíodh don Ionad Airdeallach Galar Teagmhálach (IAGT) do na cúig bliana deireanacha:-
Is fíorannamh a thagtar ar Necrotising fasciitis. Ní gá é a chur in iúl agus ní dhéantar taifead ar shonraí go rialta. (b) Tuairiscítear na figiúirí ar bhonn saotharlann otharlainne agus ní ar bhonn otharlainne as ar tháinig sé. Seo a leanas na saotharlanna a thuairiscigh na galair seo le linn na bliana 2000:- Alt na nGealbhan, Aontroim, Cathair Bhéal Feirste, An Clochán, Craigavon, An Éirne, Mater, Páirc Musgrave, Saotharlann Baictéiríocha Otharlann Ríoga Victeoiria agus Otharlann Uladh. (c&d) Is ar éigean a thiocfadh deireadh iomlán a chur leis na galair seo mar tá siad a bheag nó a mhór mar pháirt chomhtháite den fhásra duine de bhaictéir. Iompraítear stafalacocas A agus Streipteacocas A araon i ngaosán agus sceadamán líon suntasach den daonra ginearálta gan chomhartha tinnis a léiriú. Is í príomhaidhm na Roinne, mar sin de, galar faighte in otharlann agus forbairt friotaíochta frithmhiocróbaí a íoslaghdú. Chuige sin d’éisigh an Fhoireann Tacaíochta Éifeacht Achmainní Cliniciúla (FTÉAC) miontreoir ar shrianadh ionfhabhtú otharlainne. I Mí Aibreáin 2000 leag an Roinn s’agam, in imlitir do na SSSP, clár gníomhaíochta amach a bhí le tabhairt faoi ag an SSSP sa réimse srianta ionfhabhtaithe, in airdeallach agus ordú frithmhiocróbach. Tuairiscítear MRSA agus Streipteacocas A ar bhonn deonaigh ag teacht le ‘Tosaíochtaí le hAghaidh Gnímh’ na Roinne, is gá d’Iontaobhais, ón bhliain seo, rátaí Baictéaraemachta, MRSA san áireamh, a thuairsciú i ngéaracmhainní. Ón bhliain seo, 2001/2002, cuirfear maoiniú ar fáil don IAGT agus don Ghrúpa Ríoga Otharlann chun tuilleadh airdill a dhéanamh ar fhriotaíocht fhrithmhiocróbach agus ionfhabhtú otharlainne ar bhonn reigiúnach. Tá an Roinn faoi láthair ag obair ullmhúchán comhairle le dul amach chuig na SSSP faoi chaighdeáin ghlaineachta sa timpeallacht a dhíreofar ar an ghá do ghéarchaighdeáin shláinteachais agus shrianta ionfhabhtaithe. Higher and Further Education, Training and Employment Graduate Employment in Northern Ireland Mr Armstrong asked the Minister of Higher and Further Education, Training and Employment to detail the steps he is taking to encourage our most talented students to continue their careers within Northern Ireland. (AQW 3320/00) The Minister of Higher and Further Education, Training and Employment (Dr Farren): The best and most obvious way to encourage the graduates of our Higher and Further Education system to continue their careers in Northern Ireland is to provide them with the jobs and post graduate opportunities which best engage their skills. Those issues are addressed in Programme for Government and in Strategy 2010. For those who do not immediately progress into employment or post graduate places my Department provides a range of opportunities most notably 250 places on an ICT conversion programme ‘Rapid Advancement Programme’ and 250 places on a management training programme ‘Premier’. Labour Relations Agency: Review Mr Dallat asked the Minister of Higher and Further Education, Training and Employment if has any plans to carry out a review of the Labour Relations Agency. (AQW 3395/00) Dr Farren: The second Quinquennial Review of the Labour Relations Agency is now due. Consultation will begin shortly, with the review planned to start in September, after the consultation period has ended. Taskforce on Employability and Mrs I Robinson asked the Minister of Higher and Further Education, Training and Employment whether the task force on employability and long term unemployment has been set up and to detail its membership, remit and funding arrangements. (AQW 3399/00) Dr Farren: The Taskforce to date has met on three occasions and includes senior representation from across Northern Ireland Departments, the Northern Ireland Office and the Equality Commission for NI. It aims to prepare an Action Plan, integrating actions across Government departments and agencies, by 31 March 2002. Where resources are needed I hope that we can work in a collaborative way, accessing available resources to achieve common objectives. New Deal 25 +: Targets Mrs I Robinson asked the Minister of Higher and Further Education, Training and Employment to state which of the New Deal 25+ targets have actually been met, as set out in the Programme for Government for achievement by April 2001. (AQW 3411/00) Dr Farren: In the Programme for Government there are three targets relating to the New Deal 25+ all of which have been achieved. The programme is tailored to the needs of Northern Ireland in that it has early entry provision for certain groups including lone parents; it provides for up to 26 weeks work experience/training; and the Employer Subsidy is now available at any stage. Planning Applications: Mr Hilditch asked the Minister for Regional Development to detail what standard requirements exist for the provision of parking facilities when additional shops are planned in an established development. (AQW 2991/00) The Minister for Regional Development (Mr Campbell): The Department of the Environment’s Planning Service consults my Department’s Roads Service regarding transportation aspects of all planning applications. The requirements for car parking provision for an extension to an existing development or for a change of use within an existing development are generally the same as for a new development. Each application is considered on an individual basis, in conjunction with Planning Service, taking into account;
Repairs to Bridges 60181 and 61369 Mr Hussey asked the Minister for Regional Development, pursuant to AQW 869/00 and AQW 870/00, to detail when repair work to bridges 60181 and 61369 will commence now that the replacement of the twin bridge culvert on the B72 is complete. (AQW 3147/00) Mr Campbell: My Department’s Roads Service has advised that repair work to Bridges 60181 and 61369 has been delayed because of precautionary measures that were introduced to prevent the spread of Foot and Mouth disease. These measures restricted entry onto agricultural land, which is necessary to carry out the bridge repairs. Following a recent relaxation in these measures, Roads Service hopes, subject to the consent of the landowners concerned, to commence the repair work within the next few weeks. Woodburn Road/Ellis Street: Mr Hilditch asked the Minister for Regional Development, pursuant to AQW 3019/00 and AQW 3020/00, to consider a major reassessment of traffic management on Woodburn Road/Ellis Street in view of the significant number of planning applications on this stretch of road in the last five years. (AQW 3289/00) Mr Campbell: My Department’s Roads Service report that it is satisfied that the current road layout in Woodburn Road and Ellis Street copes adequately with local traffic flows. Consequently, there are no current plans to carry out a major assessment of traffic management in the area. I am informed that the majority of planning applications in the Woodburn Road/Ellis Street area over the last five years have been for changes of use and alterations to existing dwellings. Each application was assessed to evaluate its impact on the surrounding road network and none of the applications necessitated planning conditions requiring applicants to fund any improvements to the road system. Roads Service has, however, recently been consulted about a planning application for 150 houses in the area. The developer has been asked to carry out a Transportation Impact Assessment. This will determine the effect the proposed development will have on the road network and what improvements the developer may be asked to fund. Completion of Roads to Adoption Standards Mr Hilditch asked the Minister for Regional Development to consider introducing legislation whereby timescales would be set for developers to bring roads up to appropriate standard for adoption by Roads Service. (AQW 3290/00) Mr Campbell: Where completion of roads to adoption standards is not effected by developers within a reasonable period from the date of occupation of houses, the Private Streets (NI) Order 1980, as amended, enables my Department’s Roads Service to complete the necessary work at the developers’ expense. Such action is normally only initiated after efforts to persuade the developers to meet their obligations have proved unsuccessful, each case being considered on its merits. It should be recognised, however, that there are many variables that dictate the progress of housing developments and have a direct effect on their completion and, therefore, on the adoption of roads and services. My Department has no plans, currently, to introduce further legislation on this issue. I can assure you, however, that Roads Service is committed to the prompt adoption of all private streets that have been properly provided by developers and will continue to work closely with developers to bring outstanding sites to adoption standards. Vehicle Damage Claims Mr Shannon asked the Minister for Regional Development to detail the target times for settling public liability claims for vehicle damage caused by poor road surfaces. (AQW 3292/00) Mr Campbell: Not all claims made against the Department are eligible for settlement by way of compensation. The target time to conclude the investigation of a vehicle damage claim and advise a claimant of the outcome of their claim is 6 months from receipt of the claim. The conclusion of a claim may be to reject it, to refer it to another body or to make an offer of compensation. The timescale of 6 months represents an average period. It has been arrived at by taking account of the process involved within the Central Claims Unit and also the investigation process Road Accidents: Hamilton’s Corner (A5) Mr Hussey asked the Minister for Regional Development to detail the number of major and minor road traffic accidents at Hamilton’s Corner on the A5 between Sion Mills and Strabane in each of the last ten years. (AQW 3356/00) Mr Campbell: The provision of information in relation to road accidents is a matter for the Northern Ireland Office. Public Transport: Mr Hilditch asked the Minister for Regional Development, pursuant to AQW 1194/00, to detail what progress has been achieved regarding the proposed public transport service between Carrickfergus and Mallusk. (AQW 3378/00) Mr Campbell: Translink have advised that a shortage of drivers has delayed the start of the Carrickfergus to Mallusk service. Translink have also advised that currently they have a major driver recruitment programme under way which they hope will resolve this problem. Classification of Roads Mr Fee asked the Minister for Regional Development to give his Department’s definition of (a) A class roads (b) B class roads (c) C class roads (d) unclassified roads and (e) other carriageways. (AQW 3391/00) Mr Campbell: Road classifications in Northern Ireland were established during the time when local councils were responsible for local roads ie prior to the 1973 Local Government reorganisation. At that time, councils received grants for maintenance of roads and they were determined by road classification. Road classification is currently limited to route identification. Any new route outside a motorway would be classified on the basis of the comparable route classification in the area. Regional Transportation Strategy Mrs I Robinson asked the Minister for Regional Development whether the 10 year Regional Transportation Strategy will be ready by Autumn 2001. (AQW 3400/00) Mr Campbell: The Programme for Government includes a target to produce a draft Regional Transportation Strategy by autumn 2001. The Department is still aiming to meet this target. A working conference for key stakeholders will be held at the end of September/beginning of October 2001 and feedback from this event will be used to inform the final draft of the strategy. NIHE: Mr Hilditch asked the Minister for Social Development, pursuant to AQW 3184/00, to detail, by district council area, the number of people currently waiting for (a) three bedroom ground floor accommodation and (b) two bedroom ground floor accommodation. (AQW 3350/00) The Minister for Social Development (Mr Morrow): The information requested is as follows.
Strabane 2000 Pride in Mr Hussey asked the Minister for Social Development to detail his officials’ contact with the divisional commander of the RUC Strabane district command unit regarding an incident at a Strabane 2000, pride in our town sub-committee meeting on 5 April 2001. (AQW 3355/00) Mr Morrow: No officials of my Department have been in contact with the divisional commander of the RUC regarding an incident at a Strabane 2000 Pride in Our Town sub-committee meeting on 5 April 2001. NIHE Property: Mr Shannon asked the Minister for Social Development to detail the number of complaints relating to anti-social behaviour in Housing Executive property in the constituency of Strangford in the years 1999-00 and 2000-01. (AQW 3370/00) Mr Morrow: Information over the last two years is not available because all Housing Executive District Offices have only been required to collect and report on incidences of anti-social behaviour since late last year. The first return available covers for the period 1 January 2001 to 31 March 2001 and shows that there have been 146 complaints of anti-social behaviour. These range from noise (26), rubbish dumping (35), damage to property (52), harassment and intimidation (33). These figures are not exclusive to your constituency as the area covered by the 3 District Offices, Ards, Castlereagh and Downpatrick extend beyond its boundaries. I can confirm that during the quarter there has been one eviction on the grounds of anti-social behaviour and in 2 cases the Housing Executive has taken Notice Seeking Possession action which involves asking the Courts for Orders for possession. Gap Funding: Mrs Nelis asked the Minister for Social Development to detail, by name and ward, those applicants in the Foyle constituency who were awarded gap funding under the interim funding arrangements and the criteria on which the awards were judged. (AQW 3387/00) Mr Morrow: Details of the successful applicants for gap funding in the form requested are appended. The applications were assessed in accordance with selection criteria for Measures for which DSD has lead responsibility. These included the extent to which they met the project activities and selection criteria of the Measure and the distinctiveness criteria for Peace II. Distinctiveness criteria for Peace II included the extent to which the projects address the legacy of the conflict and/or take opportunities arising from peace. Other criteria applied were evidence of insufficient resources, whether the projects have a strategic role in relation to other groups and the extent of adverse impact on the community were the projects to end including New Targeting Social Need and Equality considerations. INTERIM FUNDING ARRANGEMENTS
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