Thursday 31 August 2000
Written Answers to Questions (Continued)
Beta Interferon
Mr Bradley asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to confirm that the drug
Beta Interferon will continue to be made available on the National Health
Service to multiple sclerosis patients in Northern Ireland.
(AQW 752/99)
The Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (Ms de
Brún): Beta Interferon is currently available here for patients
with multiple sclerosis who, taking into account departmental guidance,
have been assessed by a consultant neurologist as likely to benefit
from the treatment.
The place of Beta Interferon in the range of interventions and services
available for people with multiple sclerosis will be reviewed in the
light of the recommendations which the National Institute for Clinical
Excellence is expected to make this year.
Tá Beta Interferon ar fáil faoi láthair d’othair
a bhfuil scléaróis iolrach orthu más rud é,
ag féachaint do threoir na Roinne, go measann néareolaí
comhairleach ina leith gur dócha go mbainfeadh siad tairbhe as
mar chóireáil .
Déanfar athbhreithniú ar ionad Beta Interferon mar chuid
den réimse cóireála agus seirbhísí
atá ar fáil do dhaoine a bhfuil scléaróis
iolrach orthu, agus na moltaí is dócha a dhéanfaidh
an Institiúid Náisiúnta um Fheabhas Cliniciúil
níos moille i mbliana san áireamh
Artificial Fluoridation
Mr Shannon asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail any research
carried out by the British Medical Association, the British Dental Association
and the British Government on the effectiveness of artificial fluoridation
in reducing the incidence of tooth decay.
(AQW 754/99)
Ms de Brún: The Department of Health (London) has commissioned
the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, at the University of York,
to conduct a systematic review of the evidence on the safety and efficacy
of fluoride in drinking water. It is expected to report in September.
This is a major review of research. Further information is available
Questions regarding any research carried out by the British Medical
Association or the British Dental Association should be referred directly
to the organisation concerned.
D’ordaigh an Roinn Sláinte (Londain) athbhreithniú cuimsitheach
ar an fhianaise atá leis an éifeacht agus sabháilteacht
atá ag baint le fluairít sa ghnáthuisce ar an Ionad
Athbhreithnithe agus Craobhscaoilte SSN, in Ollscoil Eabhraigh (York).
Táthar ag dúil le tuairisc i Mí Mheán Fómhair.
Is athbhreithniú an-mhór é seo ar an taighde agus
is féidir tuilleadh eolais a fháil ó
Moltar go gcuirtear ceist ar bith a bhaineann le taighde de chuid an
British Medical Association nó an British Dental Association
ar na heagraíochtaí sin.
Prescription Fraud
Mr Berry asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what is the detection rate
of prescription fraud for each of the 18 constituencies.
(AQW 757/99)
Ms de Brún: Current systems within the Central Services
Agency would not readily identify this information, and to establish
a dedicated system for the purpose would involve disproportionate cost
to the service.
Níl sé ar chumas na gcóras reatha taobh istigh
de Ghníomhaireacht na Lárseirbhísí an t-eolas
seo a aimsiú go réidh agus bheadh sé róchostasach
don tseirbhís córas chun na críche áirithe
sin a bhunú.
Occupational Therapy
Mrs I Robinson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what action has been taken
to reduce waiting times for occupational therapy in the Strangford constituency.
(AQW 761/99)
Ms de Brún: Health and social services boards and trusts
are responsible for ensuring that occupational therapy provision is
adequate to meet the assessed needs of their populations. A number of
measures have been taken to reduce waiting times, and boards have indicated
that additional resources will be allocated to occupational therapy
services in the current year. Meanwhile, the Housing Executive and my
Department are undertaking a review of the housing adaptations service.
A preliminary report is expected in the autumn.
The Ulster Community and Hospitals Trust has introduced measures to
reduce the number of inappropriate referrals for occupational therapy
assessment and thereby reduce waiting times. These include a revised
process for handling heating referrals to reduce the need for occupational
therapy domiciliary visits; a streamlining of the arrangements for handling
referrals for housing adaptation assessments enabling a greater number
of referrals to be processed; and new arrangements for reducing waiting
times for people requiring small items of equipment.
Tá Boird agus Iontaobhais Shláinte agus Leasa Shóisialaigh
freagrach as ag cinntiú go bhfuil an teiripe saothair a sholáthraítear
sásúil le riachtanais mheasúnaithe a ndaonraí
a chomhlíonadh. Glacadh le moltaí le hamanna feithimh
a laghdú agus tá sé curtha in iúl ag na
Boird go ndáilfear achmhainní breise ar sheirbhís
teiripe saothair sa bhliain seo. Idir an dá linn, tá an
Feidhmeannas Tithíochta agus an Roinn s’agamsa ag glacadh orainn
féin athbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar an tseirbhís
tithíochta oiriúnaithe. Táthar ag súil le
réamhthuairisc san Fhómhar.
Tá Iontaobhas Phobal agus Ospidéil Uladh i ndiaidh dul
i mbun beart le líon na ndaoine a chuirtear gan ghá le
haghaidh measúnú i leith teiripe ceirde a laghdú
ar an dóigh gur féidir na tréimhsí feithimh
a laghdú fosta. Seo roinnt díobh: tá próiseas
leasaithe ann chun déileáil leis na daoine a chuirtear
le haghaidh cóireáil teasa sa dóigh nach gá
an oiread sin cuairteanna a thabhairt ar dhaoine sa bhaile chun teiripe
cheirde a thabhairt dóibh; tá feabhas curtha ar na socruithe
a bhaineann le cásanna a láimhseáil ina bhfuil
measúnú le déanamh ar iarratais chun tithe a oiriúnú;
dá thairbhe is féidir líon níos mó
cásanna den sórt sin a phróiseáil; agus
tá socruithe nua ann a laghdóidh na tréimhsí
is gá do dhaoine fanacht nuair atá míreanna beaga
trealaimh uathu.
Maternity Services
Ms McWilliams asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what progress has been
made in the provision of the new-build maternity unit which underpinned
the recent consultation on maternity services and which was referred
to in her letter of 10 February to the Health, Social Services
and Public Safety Committee.
(AQW 766/99)
Ms de Brún: The Royal Group of Hospitals (RGH) is currently
working on a business case for the new maternity hospital. The trust
hopes to submit the business case to my Department by the end of August.
Officials from my Department will meet with RGH officials on 7 August
to ensure that the case is being processed in a timely and effective
Tá Grúpa na nOspidéal Ríoga (GOR) ag obair
faoi láthair ar chás gnó don Ospidéal Máithreachais
nua. Tá súil ag an Iontaobhas an cás gnó
a chur isteach chuig an Roinn s’agam roimh dheireadh Mhí Lúnasa.
Buailfidh feidhmeannaigh ón Roinn s’agam le feidhmeannaigh ó
GOR ar an 7ú Lúnasa le cinntiú go bhfuil an cás
ag dul chun cinn go tráthúil agus go héifeachtúil.
Ambulance Service:
Attacks on Paramedics
Mr Paisley Jnr asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety if she is aware of an increase
in the number of attacks on paramedics in the course of their duties;
if the RUC has been asked to investigate the upsurge of such attacks;
and to make representations to make attacks on paramedics a specified
criminal offence.
(AQW 767/99)
Ms de Brún: There has been a marked increase in the number
of reported verbal and physical assaults on Ambulance Service
staff in general since 1998. The Ambulance Service has revised
its guidance to staff, in conjunction with trade unions, on handling
violence towards employees. The Ambulance Service treats all incidents
of violence seriously and encourages prosecution where appropriate.
However, the decision to pursue prosecution rests with the individual
employee. There are currently no plans to make attacks on Ambulance
Service staff a specified offence.
Ó 1998, bhí méadú suntasach ar líon
na n-ionsaithe béil agus fisiciúla ar fhoireann na Seirbhíse
Otharcharr go ginearálta a tuairiscíodh. Leasaigh an tSeirbhís
Otharcharr i gcomhoibriú leis na Ceardchumainn an chomhairle
thugann sí dá cuid foirne maidir le láimhseáil
foréigin ar a cuid fostaithe. Déileálann an tSeirbhís
Otharcharr le gach tarlúint fhoréigneach i ndáiríre
agus molann sí ionchúiseamh más ceart é.
Tá an cinneadh faoin fhostaí indibhidiúil ionchúiseamh
a dhéanamh áfach. Faoi láthair, níl sé
i gceist coir faoi leith a dhéanamh d’ionsaithe ar fhoireann
na Seirbhíse Otharcharr.
Departmental Publications (Irish)
Mr Paisley Jnr asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety if the decision to publish
departmental documents in Irish has been raised at Executive Committee
meetings, and if she intends to continue this policy.
(AQW 768/99)
Ms de Brún: It is my intention that the present policy
will continue and the matter has not been raised at the Executive Committee.
Tá sé ar intinn agam leanúint leis an pholasaí
atá ann faoi láthair agus níor tarraingíodh
anuas an cheist seo ag an Choiste Feidhmeannais.
Drug-Related Crimes (RUC)
Mr Paisley Jnr asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to confirm that the Committee
established to co-ordinate an anti-drugs strategy will make direct co-operation
with the RUC a priority in the campaign against drug-related crimes.
(AQW 769/99)
Ms de Brún: The structures agreed by the Executive Committee
will ensure effective co-operation between all those with a role to
play in tackling drug misuse. The new ministerial group, which I will
chair, will ensure that drug misuse is given appropriate priority at
Executive Committee level. It will include the Ministers with responsibility
for education, social development, and further and higher education.
Adam Ingram MP has also agreed to meet with the group on a regular basis.
The Central Co-ordinating Group for Action Against Drugs, which includes
senior representatives from a wide range of Departments and agencies,
also continues to meet on a regular basis.
Déanfaidh na struchtúir aonaithe ag an Choiste Feidhmeanach
cinnte de chomhoibriú cách a bhfuil ról acu le
dul i ngleic le mí-úsáid drugaí. Déanfaidh
an Grúpa de chuid Airí, ar a mbeidh mise i mo chathaoirleach,
cinnte go dtabharfar tosaíocht chuí do mhí-úsáid
drugaí ag leibhéal Coiste Fheidhmeannaigh. Beidh airí
a bhfuil na cúraim a leanas acu, oideachas; forbairt shóisialta;
agus breis agus ard oideachas san áireamh. D’aontaigh Adam Ingram
BP go mbuailfeadh sé leis an ghrúpa ar bhonn rialta. Cruinníonn
An Grúpa Comhordaithe Lárnach do Ghníomhach in
Éadan Drugaí, ar a bhfuil ionadaithe sinsir ó réimse
leathan Ranna agus gníomhaireachtaí, le chéile
go rialta.
Clinical Negligence Compensation
Mrs I Robinson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail (i) the amount
paid in settlement of clinical negligence claims by each board and trust
in each of the last 10 years; (ii) the amount of outstanding liability
for each board and trust; (iii) the number of structured settlements
in each board and trust; (iv) the sector in which most claims have been
(AQW 774/99)
Ms de Brún: The information on the amount paid in settlement
of clinical negligence claims by each board and trust in each of the
last 10 years is not readily available in the form requested and could
only be obtained at disproportionate cost.
The amount of the outstanding liability for each board and trust is
given in the attached Table 1. This information discloses the amounts
for provisions and contingent liabilities in respect of clinical negligence
as at 31 March 2000.
Table 1
Board / Trust |
Outstanding Liability at 31 March
2000 - £000 |
Provision |
Contingent Liability |
Boards |
Northern HSS Board |
6,411 |
- |
Southern HSS Board |
15,165 |
17,781 |
Eastern HSS Board |
35,999 |
- |
Western HSS Board |
15,985 |
- |
Trusts |
Belfast City Hospital |
4,453 |
- |
Royal Group of Hospitals |
5,458 |
- |
Ulster, North Down & Ards |
2,800 |
- |
Down & Lisburn |
946 |
- |
South & East Belfast |
518 |
- |
North & West Belfast |
238 |
- |
Craigavon & Banbridge |
77 |
78 |
Craigavon Area |
1,755 |
- |
Newry & Mourne |
1,043 |
1,109 |
Green Park |
381 |
- |
Mater |
2,438 |
678 |
Causeway |
1,074 |
384 |
NI Ambulance Service |
- |
- |
Homefirst |
19 |
20 |
Foyle |
156 |
- |
Sperrin Lakeland |
603 |
579 |
Armagh & Dungannon |
308 |
413 |
Altnagelvin |
1,406 |
2,352 |
United Hospitals |
3,078 |
1,064 |
Total |
100,311 |
24,458 |
The above figures have been extracted from the 1999-2000 annual accounts
of HSS boards and trusts.
Two structured settlements have been entered into as at 31 March 2000.
Both have occurred in the Western Health and Social Services Board area.
The speciality in which most claims have been lodged is obstetrics.
Níl an t-eolas ar an mhéid a íocadh ag gach Bord
agus Iontaobhas le 10 mbliana anuas as socruithe ar éilimh fhaillí
chliniciúla ar fáil faoi láthair sa leagan amach
a iarradh agus ní rabhthas ábalta iad a fháil ach
ar chostas díréireach.
Tá méid an fhiachais gan íoc do gach Bord agus
Iontaobhas i Tábla 1 thíos. Tugann an t-eolas seo le fios
na suimeanna d’ fhorálacha agus d’ fhiachais theagmhasacha maidir
le faillí cliniciúil ag an 31ú Márta 2000.
Tábla 1
Bord / Iontaobhas |
Fiachas gan Íoc ag an 31ú Márta
2000 - £000 |
Foráil |
Fiachas Teagmhasach |
Boird |
Bord SSS Tuaisceartach |
6,411 |
- |
Bord SSS Deisceartach |
15,165 |
17,781 |
Bord SSS Oirthearach |
35,999 |
- |
Bord SSS Iartharach |
15,985 |
- |
Iontaobhais |
Ospidéal Chathair Bhéal Feirste |
4,453 |
- |
Grúpa Ríoga na nOspidéal |
5,458 |
- |
Ulaidh, An Dún Thuaidh agus Aird |
2,800 |
- |
An Dún agus Lios na gCearrbhach |
946 |
- |
Béal Feirste Theas agus Thoir |
518 |
- |
Béal Feirste Thuaidh agus Thiar |
238 |
- |
Craigavon agus Droichead na Banna |
77 |
78 |
Ceantar Craigavon |
1,755 |
- |
An tIúr agus na Beanna Boirche |
1,043 |
1,109 |
An Pháirc Ghlas |
381 |
- |
An tOspidéal Máithreachais |
2,438 |
678 |
Ospidéal an Chlocháin |
1,074 |
384 |
Seirbhís Otharcharr TÉ |
- |
- |
Homefirst |
19 |
20 |
An Feabhal |
156 |
- |
Sliabh Speirín |
603 |
579 |
Ard Mhacha agus Dún Geanainn |
308 |
413 |
Alt na nGealbhán |
1,406 |
2,352 |
Ospidéil Aontaithe |
3,078 |
1,064 |
Iomlán |
100,311 |
24,458 |
Glacadh na figiúirí thuasluaite ó chuntais bhliaintiúla
1999/2000 Bhoird agus Iontaobhais SSS.
Rinneadh dhá shocrú struchtútha faoin 31ú
Márta 2000. Tharla an dá shocrú i gceantar an Bhoird
Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta Thiar.
Ba i gCráimhseachas a cuireadh isteach bunús na n-éileamh.
Mrs I Robinson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail the amount spent
on the management of incontinence by each board in the last year; and
if she will undertake to introduce across Northern Ireland the incontinence
programme developed in the Eastern Health and Social Services Board
(AQW 775/99)
Ms de Brún: It is not possible to detail the amount spent
by each health and social services board on the management of incontinence
last year. Effective continence services comprise a broad range of hospital,
family practitioner and community-health treatments and prescribing,
combined with counselling and aftercare. A combined total of £3·0 million
is spent each year, by all boards, on continence products.
I am aware of the Eastern Board’s excellent continence initiative to
promote a positive profile of continence issues and improve the range
of supports for individuals and carers of all ages in the community.
There are also excellent examples of good practice by other boards and
It is for each health and social services board to commission continence
services appropriate to the assessed needs of its resident population.
In commissioning these services, boards are expected to have regard
to the recommendations of the Department’s Central Nursing Advisory
Committee 1995 report on the review of continence services. I would
also expect boards to share their experience of best practice in developing
continence services.
Ní féidir mionchuntas a thabhairt ar na suimeanna a chaith
gach Bord Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta
ar bhainistíocht neamhchoinneálachta anuraidh. Tá
seirbhísí coinneálachta éifeachtúla
comhdhéanta de réimse leathan cóireálacha
ospidéil, lia teaghlaigh agus sláinte pobail agus ordú
chomh maith le comhairliú agus le hiarchúram. Caitheann
na Boird uilig £3.0 milliún sa chomhiomlán gach bliain
ar earraí don choinneálacht.
Is eol domh tionscnamh coinneálachta ar fheabhas an Bhoird Thoir
le próifíl dhearfach cúrsaí coinneálachta
a chur chun cinn leis an réimse tacaí do dhaoine aonair
agus d’ fheighlithe de gach aois sa phobal a fheabhsú. Tá
éiseamláirí ar fheabhas de chleachtadh maith ag
Boird agus ag Iontaobhais eile ann.
Tá sé faoi gach Bord Sláinte agus Seirbhísí
Sóisialta seirbhísí coinneálachta cuí
do riachtanais mheasúnaithe a dhaonra cónaithe a choimisiúnú.
I gcoimisiúnú na seirbhísí seo táthar
ag súil leis na Boird moltaí Thuairisc Choiste Comhairle
Bhanaltrachta Lárnaí na Roinne ar Athbhreithniú
Seirbhísí Coinneálachta 1995 a ghlacadh san áireamh.
Tá mé ag súil leis na Boird a dtaithí ar
an chleachtadh is fearr i bhforbairt sheirbhísí coinneálachta
a fhoilsiú.
Occupational Therapy
Ms Ramsey asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail the numbers of
patients on a waiting list for occupational therapy in the North and
West Belfast Trust Board area and the Down Lisburn Trust Board Area.
(AQW 781/99)
Ms de Brún: There are currently 2,253 people waiting
for occupational therapy in the North and West Belfast Trust area. At
the end of May 1,036 people were waiting in the Down Lisburn Trust area.
Faoi láthair, tá 2,253 duine ag fanacht le teiripe saothair
i gceantar Iontaobhas Bhéal Feirste Thuaidh agus Thiar. Ag deireadh
mí na Bealtaine bhí 1,036 duine ag fanacht i gceantar
Iontaobhas an Dúin/Lios na gCearrbhach.
Ms Ramsey asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and
Public Safety what plans exist to reduce waiting lists for occupational
therapy assessment.
(AQW 782/99)
Ms de Brún: Health and social services boards and trusts
are responsible for ensuring that occupational therapy provision is
adequate to meet the assessed needs of their populations. A number of
measures have been taken to reduce waiting times, and boards have indicated
that additional resources will be allocated to occupational therapy
services in the current year. Meanwhile, the Housing Executive and my
Department are undertaking a review of the housing adaptations service.
A preliminary report is expected in the autumn.
Tá Boird agus Iontaobhais Shláinte agus Leasa Shóisialaigh
freagrach as ag cinntiú go bhfuil an teiripe saothair a sholáthraítear
sásúil le riachtanais mheasúnaithe a ndaonraí
a chomhlíonadh. Glacadh le moltaí le hamanna feithimh
a laghdú agus tá sé curtha in iúl ag na
Boird go ndáilfear achmhainní breise ar sheirbhís
teiripe saothair sa bhliain seo. Idir an dá linn, tá an
Feidhmeannas Tithíochta agus an Roinn s’agamsa ag glacadh orainn
féin athbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar an tseirbhís
tithíochta oiriúnaithe. Táthar ag súil le
réamhthuairisc san Fhómhar.
Children in Residential Care
Ms Ramsey asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety how much money has been
allocated to implement the recommendations of the Department of Health
and Social Services report on residential care, ‘Children Matter’, and
how much it would take to implement its recommendations in full.
(AQW 783/99)
Ms de Brún: In 2000-01 a total of £8·5 million is being
made available to health and social services boards for children’s services,
including implementing ‘Children Matter’.
With regard to the costs of fully implementing ‘Children Matter’, the
best estimate that can be given at this stage is that capital costs
would be in the region of £20 million, with ongoing revenue costs of
about £9 million. These costs would be spread over a number of years.
It should be noted that these are estimates and that actual costs will
depend on options decided upon as the programme of developing children’s
residential care is carried forward.
Sa tréimhse 2000/01 tá £8.5 milliún san iomlán
á chur ar fáil do na Boird Sláinte agus Seirbhísí
Sóisialta i leith seirbhísí do leanaí, agus
cur i bhfeidhm "Children Matter" san áireamh.
Maidir leis na costais chun "Children Matter" a chur i bhfeidhm
go iomlán, de réir an mheastacháin is fearr is
féidir a thabhairt ag an phointe seo bheadh tuairim agus £20
milliún i gceist mar chostas caipitiúil agus thart faoi
£9 milliún mar chostas reatha ioncaim. Bheadh na costais seo
spréite thar roinnt blianta. Ba cheart a thabhairt faoi deara
nach bhfuil iontu seo ach meastacháin agus go mbeidh na costais
fein ag brath ar na roghanna a ghlacfar de réir mar a chuirfear
an clár i bhfeidhm a bhaineann le forbairt a dhéanamh
ar chúram cónaithe do leanaí.
Children in
Residential or Foster Care
Ms Ramsey asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail for each Health
Trust the numbers of children in (i) residential care (ii) foster care.
(AQW 784/99)
Ms de Brún: At 31 March 2000 — the latest date for which
such figures are available — the numbers of children in each trust area
in residential care and in foster care are as shown in the following
Trust |
No of Children in Residential Care at 31 March
2000 |
No of Children in Foster Care at 31 March 2000 |
Armagh and Dungannon HSS Trust |
7 |
60 |
Causeway HSS Trust |
11 |
98 |
Craigavon and Banbridge HSS Trust |
9 |
80 |
Down Lisburn HSS Trust |
22 |
123 |
Foyle HSS Trust |
48 |
242 |
Homefirst HSS Trust |
32 |
283 |
Newry and Mourne HSS Trust |
9 |
38 |
North and West Belfast HSS Trust |
42 |
276 |
South and East Belfast HSS Trust |
40 |
174 |
Sperrin Lakeland HSS Trust |
15 |
103 |
Ulster Community and Hospitals HSS Trust |
29 |
119 |
Total |
264 |
1,596 |
Sa tábla thíos seo a leanas léirítear líon
na bpáistí i ngach Iontaobhas atá faoi chúram
cónaithe agus altrama ag an 31 Márta 2000, an dáta
is déanaí atá figiúirí mar seo ar
Iontaobhas |
Líon na bPáistí faoi chúram
cónaithe ag an 31 Márta 2000 |
Líon na bPáistí faoi chúram
altrama ag an 31 Márta 2000 |
Iontaobhas SLS Ard Mhacha agus Dhún Geanainn |
7 |
60 |
Iontaobhas SLS an Chlocháin |
11 |
98 |
Iontaobhas SLS Chraigavon & Dhroichead na Banna |
9 |
80 |
Iontaobhas SLS an Dúin/Lios na gCearrbhach |
22 |
123 |
Iontaobhas SLS an Fheabhail |
48 |
242 |
Iontaobhas SLS Homefirst |
32 |
283 |
Iontaobhas SLS an Iúir agus na mBeann Boirche |
9 |
38 |
Iontaobhas SLS Bhéal Feirste Thuaidh & Thiar |
42 |
276 |
Iontaobhas SLS Bhéal Feirste Theas & Thoir |
40 |
174 |
Iontaobhas SLS Shliabh Speirín |
15 |
103 |
Iontaobhas SLS Ospidéal & Phobal Uladh |
29 |
119 |
Iomlán |
264 |
1,596 |
Children Order 1995
Ms Ramsey asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety when the Children Order
1995 will be fully implemented.
(AQW 785/99)
Ms de Brún: All of the substantive provisions of the
Children Order 1995 are in force. The Order deals with a very wide range
of issues regarding the welfare of children, including the provision
of social services and wider court-related matters. With regard to the
social services aspects of the Order, it has always been accepted that
the legislation provides a broad framework and that implementation is
a continuous process.
The term "implementation of the Children Order" is widely
used with regard to the funds for the four health and social services
boards to enable them to meet the additional demands of the Children
Order within the child care system. In the current financial year a
further £8·5 million is being made available to the boards for children’s
services, which will include continuing to implement the Children Order
in key areas such as residential and foster care.
Tá forálacha substaintiúla uile an Oird Páistí
1995 curtha i bhfeidhm anois. Déileálann an tOrd le réimse
leathan ceisteanna maidir le leas páistí mar aon le soláthar
seirbhísí sóisialta agus cúrsaí cúirte
coitianta. Maidir le seirbhísí sóisialta an Oird,
glactar i gcónaí go soláthraíonn an reachtaíocht
creatphlean leathan agus gur próiseas leanúnach atá
Úsáidtear an téarma "cur i bhfeidhm an Oird
Páistí" go forleathan i dtaca le maoinithe do na
ceithre Bhord Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta
chun cuidiú leo éilimh bhreise an Oird Páistí
a chomhlíonadh sa chóras cúraim páistí.
Sa bhliain airgeadais seo tá £8.5 milliún breise á
chur ar fáil do na Boird do sheirbhísí páistí
ina leanfar ar aghaidh le cur i bhfeidhm an Oird Páistí
i limistéir thábhachtacha cósúil le cúram
cónaitheach agus altrama.
Mental Health
Mr Ford asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what plans exist to review
the working of the Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 and the
functions of the Mental Health Tribunal and the Mental Health Commission.
(AQW 786/99)
Ms de Brún: A review of the Mental Health Commission
is to be undertaken this year. While there are no immediate plans to
review the Mental Health (NI) Order 1986 or the Mental Health Review
Tribunal, my Department is monitoring closely developments on proposals
for changes to the mental health legislation in England, Scotland and
Wales, which will better inform a future review of the Order.
Beimid ag glacadh orainn féin athbhreithniú a dhéanamh
ar an Choimisiún Sláinte Meabhrach an bhliain seo. Cé
nach bhfuil sé ar intinn agam athbhreithniú láithreach
a dhéanamh ar an Ord Sláinte Meabhrach (TÉ) nó
ar an Bhinse Athbhreithnithe Sláinte Meabhrach, tá an
Roinn s’agam ag coinneáil súile géire ar an chor
nua sna moltaí d’athruithe ar reachtaíocht na sláinte
meabhrach i Sasana, in Albain, agus sa Bhreatain Bheag a chuirfidh ar
an eolas muid agus athbhreithniú eile ar an Ord á dhéanamh
againn sa todhchaí.
Radon Gas
Mrs I Robinson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what is the level of radon
gas in each of the 18 constituencies, and if any deaths attributable
to this gas have been recorded.
(AQW 787/99)
Ms de Brún: In May 1999 the Environment and Heritage
Service of the Department of the Environment published a report showing
the risk from radon gas in private dwellings here. The report, based
on some 16,000 measurements in private dwellings, shows the level of
risk in each 5 km square in the Province. Information is also provided
by postcode and by district council area, but is not available by constituency
It is not possible to identify precise numbers of deaths attributable
specifically and solely to radon gas. In the report of the Cancer Registry
1993-95 it is stated that over 90% of all lung cancers are caused by
tobacco smoking but that exposure to radon must also be considered a
risk factor.
The report on radon in dwellings includes an estimated value for the
number of deaths caused by exposure to radon in dwellings, calculated
by the National Radiological Protection Board. This figure is 60 deaths
per year — about 7% of the total lung cancer deaths here annually.
Foilsíodh tuairisc ag Seirbhísí Timpeallachta
agus Oidhreachta de chuid Roinn na Timpeallachta i Mí na Bealtaine
1999 a léirigh baol an Radóin i gcónaithe príobháideacha
sa Tuaisceart. Rinneadh tomhais ar 16,000 cónaí príobháideach
agus léirítear leibhéil an bhaoil in achan 5km
cearnach sna Sé Chondae. Tugtar an t-eolas de réir Cheantair
Chomhairle agus chód poist ach níl sé ar fáil
de réir na dteorainneacha dáilcheantar.
Ní féidir a rá go cruinn cá mhéad
bás a thug an Radón féin. De réir Chlárlann
na hAilse 1993-95 is é an caitheamh tobac ba chúis le
90% d’ailse na scamhán ach go gcaithfear tionchar an Radóin
bheith san áireamh againn nuair a thráchtar ar ábhair
Mar chuid den tuairisc ar Radón in Áiteanna Cónaithe
tugtar meastachán ar an bhás a thugann tionchar an Radóin
i gcónaithe príobháideacha a áiríodh
ag an National Radiological Protection Board. Deirtear gur 60 bás
in aghaidh na bliana atá ann – thart faoi 7% d’iomlán
na mbás a thugann ailse na scamhán anseo gach bliain.
Children in
Residential Care
Ms Ramsey asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, in view of the additional
110 residential care places recommended in the DHSS report ‘Children
Matter’, to detail (i) the total number of places now required; (ii)
how many are required in each trust area; (iii) how much funding has
been allocated in each trust area.
(AQW 790/99)
Ms de Brún: In ‘Implementing "Children Matter"’—
a joint plan drawn up by the four health and social services boards
— the estimated total number of required residential child care places
was 453. This includes differentiated and specialised provision and
facilities which may be run by voluntary or private bodies. The joint
plan was drawn up at board level, and it is not possible to break the
figure down into requirements for each trust area. Revenue funds are
not allocated by the Department to trusts, which earn all their income
through contracts with commissioners of care, including health and social
services boards. Capital funds for new homes are allocated as and when
business cases for the investment are cleared.
Sa chomhphlean "Ag Cur Tábhacht Páistí i
bhFeidhm", a dréachtaíodh ag na ceithre Bhord Sláinte
agus Leasa Shóisialaigh, measadh gurbh é 453 an líon
iomlán d’áiteanna cónaitheacha do pháistí
faoi chúram a bhí a dhíth. Cuireann sé seo
soláthar áiseanna idirdhealaithe agus sainiúla
san áireamh maille le háiseanna a d’fhéadfadh a
bheith á reachtáil ag comhlachtaí deonacha nó
príobháideacha. Dréachtaíodh an comhphlean
seo ag leibhéal Boird agus ní féidir an figiúr
seo a bhriseadh síos ina riachtanais do gach cheantar Iontaobhais
faoi leith. Ní dháileann an Roinn cistí ioncaim
ar Iontaobhais a shaothraíonn a gcuid ioncaim trí chonarthaí
le coimisinéirí cúraim, na Boird Shláinte
agus Leasa Shóisialaigh san áireamh. Dáiltear maoiniú
caipitil do thithe nua a luaithe is a ghlactar leis na cásanna
gnó don infheistíocht.
Secure Accommodation
for Children
Ms Ramsey asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety how many secure accommodation
beds there are in each board area.
(AQW 791/99)
Ms de Brún: Secure accommodation for children who are
looked after by HSS trusts is provided in one regional facility. This
is located at the Lakewood Centre in Bangor and provides eight secure
places for young people. The four health and social services boards
each contract with Lakewood for a share of the places. Under these arrangements,
the Eastern Board has three places, the Western Board two, the Northern
Board two, and the Southern Board one. The Department has provided the
capital resources for the provision of a second secure unit at the Lakewood
site. Boards have agreed to purchase up to eight places in the new secure
unit which is due to come into operation in the next few months.
Tá an chóiríocht dhaingean do leanaí atá
faoi chúram na nIontaobhas SSS á chur ar fáil in
aon áit réigiúnach amháin. Tá sí
suite in Ionad Lakewood i mBeannchar agus tá cóiríocht
dhaingean ar fáil d’ochtar daoine óga ann. Déanann
gach ceann de na ceithre Bhord Sláinte agus Seirbhísí
Sóisialta conradh le Lakewood le sciar den chóiríocht
don ochtar a fháil. Faoi na socruithe seo tá trí
áit chóiríochta ag Bord an Oirthir, dhá
áit ag Bord an Iarthair, dhá áit ag Bord an Tuaiscirt
agus áit amháin ag Bord an Deiscirt. Tá an Roinn
i ndiaidh acmhainní caipitiúla a chur ar fáil chun
an dara haonad daingean a sholáthar ag Lakewood. Tá na
Boird i ndiaidh aontú go gceannóidh siad suas le 8 n-áit
chóiríochta san aonad daingean nua seo a bheas in úsáid
i gceann cúpla mí.
Ms Ramsey asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and
Public Safety how many children are currently waiting for secure accommodation
places in each board area.
(AQW 792/99)
Ms de Brún: The number of children waiting for a secure
accommodation place in each health and social services board area will
vary from time to time. At 14 July, there were approximately 15 children
for whom secure accommodation would be the preferred placement option
— seven in the Eastern Board area; four in the Northern Board area;
two in the Western Board area; and two in the Southern Board area.
Athróidh líon na bpáistí a bheas ag fanacht
ar áiteanna cóiríochta daingne i ngach Bord Sláinte
agus Leasa Shóisialaigh ó am go ham. Ag an 14 Iúil,
bhí thart fá 15 pháiste ann arbh í cóiríocht
daingean an rogha áite ab’fhearr dóibh lena chur ann;
7 sa Bhord Oirthearach, 4 sa Bhord Tuaisceartach, 2 sa Bhord Iartharach
agus 2 sa Bhord Deisceartach.
Children in Care
Ms Ramsey asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety how many children are currently
in care in each board area.
(AQW 793/99)
Ms de Brún: At 31 March 2000 — the latest date for which
such figures are available — the numbers of children in care, according
to type of care, in each board area are as shown in the following table:
Eastern Board |
Northern Board |
Southern Board |
Western Board |
Total |
In residential care |
133 |
43 |
25 |
63 |
264 |
In foster care |
692 |
381 |
178 |
345 |
1,596 |
Placed with family |
208 |
118 |
57 |
88 |
471 |
Other |
43 |
14 |
15 |
11 |
83 |
1,076 |
556 |
275 |
507 |
2,414 |
Ag an 31ú Márta 2000, an dáta is déanaí
lena bhfuil figiúirí mar seo ar fáil, léirítear
sa tábla seo thíos líon na bpáistí
atá faoi chúram, de réir an tsóirt chúraim,
i ngach ceantar Boird.
Bord Oirthearach |
Bord Tuaisceartach |
Bord Deisceartach |
Bord Iartharach |
Iomlán |
Faoi chúram cónaitheach |
133 |
43 |
25 |
63 |
264 |
Faoi chúram altrama |
692 |
381 |
178 |
345 |
1,596 |
Curtha le teaghlach |
208 |
118 |
57 |
88 |
471 |
Eile |
43 |
14 |
15 |
11 |
83 |
1,076 |
556 |
275 |
507 |
2,414 |
Children in
Residential Care
Ms Ramsey asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety how many children are waiting
for residential care beds in each board area.
(AQW 794/99)
Ms de Brún: At 12 May 2000 — the latest date for which
such figures are available — the numbers of children awaiting placement
in residential children’s homes in each health and social services board
area are shown in the following table:
Board |
Northern Board |
Southern Board |
Board |
Total |
24 |
15 |
8 |
30 |
77 |
Ag an 12ú Bealtaine 2000, an dáta is déanaí
lena bhfuil figiúirí mar seo ar fáil, léirítear
sa tábla seo a leanas líon na bpáistí atá
ag fanacht ar chóiríocht i dtithe cónaitheacha
do pháistí i ngach cheantar Bhord Sláinte agus
Leasa Shóisialaigh faoi leith.
Bord Oirthearach |
Bord Tuaisceartach |
Bord Deisceartach |
Bord Iartharach |
Iomlán |
24 |
15 |
8 |
30 |
77 |
Mrs I Robinson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail (i) how many
sunbeds are in use in Northern Ireland; (ii) the current regulations
governing their use; (iii) whether evidence exists to link an increase
in skin cancer in Northern Ireland with their widespread use.
(AQW 800/99)
Ms de Brún: Owing to the fragmented nature of the industry,
the large number of small operators and the fact that individuals have
them in their own homes, it is not possible to detail how many sunbeds
are in use here.
The Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment has advised that there
are no regulations specific to sunbeds. However, anyone who operates
a sunbed on a commercial basis here must do so in accordance with the
general duty of care imposed by the Health and Safety at Work (NI) Order
There is no evidence available which directly links an increase in
skin cancer with the use of sunbeds. However, in 1997 the Department
issued a strategy for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of malignant
melanoma and other skin cancers here. The strategy recommended that
district councils should work for the eventual elimination of artificial
tanning equipment and, in the meantime, perform a monitoring role to
ensure that operators have appropriate training.
Ó tharla gur tionscnamh é atá scaipthe go maith
ina chodanna agus go bhfuil oiread áirithe gnó beag ann
agus go bhfuil oiread leapacha gréine sa bhaile ag daoine, ní
féidir a rá go beacht cá mhéad acu atá
in úsáid ag daoine.
Tá tugtha le fios ag an Aire Fiontair, Trádála
agus Infheistíochta, nach ann do rialacha ar leith do na leapacha
gréine. Ina dhiaidh sin, más ag úsáid leapa
gréine ina ghnó atá duine caithfear a dhéanamh
de réir na ndualgas cúraim atá san Acht Sláinte
agus Sabháilteachta (TÉ) 1978.
Níl fianaise ar bith ann a thaispeánann cónasc
díreach idir méadú ailse craicinn agus úsáid
leapa gréine. I 1997 ámh, d’eisigh an Roinn Straitéis
um Chosc, Dhiagnóis agus Chóireáil Mheileanóma
Urchóidigh chomh maith le hailsí craicinn eile. Mhol an
straitéis gur chóir do na comhairlí dúiche
obair chun deireadh a chur le trealamh saorga grianga agus idir an dá
linn ról monatóireachta a chur i bhfeidhm le cinntiú
go mbíonn an traenáil chuí ag úsáideoirí.
Air Ambulance Service
Mr Gibson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety if an assessment has been
undertaken of the feasibility of an air ambulance service.
(AQW 807/99)
Ms de Brún: The issue of an air ambulance service is
addressed in the report of the strategic review of the Ambulance Service.
I also understand that Ards Borough Council, along with other
parties, is taking steps to establish a charitable trust to fund the
provision of an air ambulance service. Consultation on the strategic
review report ended on 30 June, and I will wish to carefully consider
the responses made before taking any decisions on how ambulance services
can be improved.
Tá ceist na seirbhíse aer-otharcharranna á plé
i dTuarascáil ar Athbhreithniú Straitéiseach na
Seirbhíse Otharcharranna. Tuigim fosta go bhfuil Comhairle Bhuirg
na hArda i mbun oibre i gcomhar le dreamanna eile chun iontaobhas carthanais
a bhunú le seirbhís aer-otharcharranna a mhaoiniú.
Bhí deireadh leis an phróiseas comhairliúcháin
faoin Tuarascáil ar an Athbhreithniú Straitéiseach
ar an 30 Meitheamh agus beidh mé ag scrúdú na bhfreagraí
a fuarthas sula ndéanfaidh mé cinneadh ar bith faoin dóigh
ab fhearr leis na seirbhísí otharcharranna a fheabhsú.
Alternative Medicine
Mrs Carson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what policy she intends
to pursue in relation to alternative medicines, particularly homeopathy,
herbal medicine and Chinese medicine.
(AQW 810/99)
Ms de Brún: The Science and Technology Committee of the
House of Lords has established a subcommittee to produce by autumn 2000
a report on complementary and alternative medicine in the NHS. This
report will help inform the wider debate on the use of complementary
therapies, and I shall consider the applicability of any recommendations
for the health and personal social services.
At present, alternative medicine, including homeopathy, may be provided
under the Health Service if doctors consider this to be the most appropriate
form of treatment in an individual case.
Tá Coiste Eolaíochta agus Teicneolaíochta Theach
na dTiarnaí i ndiaidh fochoiste a bhúnú chun tuarascáil
a ullmhú faoi fhómhar 2000 ar an leigheas comhlánach
agus ar an leigheas malartach sa SNS. Beidh an tuarascáil seo
ina cuidiú chun eolas a chur ar fáil le linn na díospóireachta
gínearálta faoi úsáid teiripí comhlánacha
agus déanfaidh mé breithniú ar aon mholadh do na
Seirbhísí Sláinte agus Sóisialta Pearsanta
le fáil amach an mbeidh siad infheidhmithe.
Faoi láthair féadfar leigheas malartach, agus hoiméapaite
san áireamh, a chur ar fáil mar chuid den tseirbhís
sláinte má tá dochtúirí den bharúil
gurb é sin an chóireáil is oiriúnaí
i ngach cás aonair.
Cardiac Surgery
Mrs Carson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to confirm whether she
has met with the Chest, Heart and Stroke Association regarding concerns
about the lengthy waiting list for cardiac surgery and, if not, to indicate
when a meeting will take place.
(AQW 811/99)
Ms de Brún: I intend to meet representatives of the organisation
in the very near future. I will welcome the opportunity to hear the
organisation’s views on how waiting times for cardiac surgery can be
Tá sé de rún agam bualadh le hionadaithe na heagraíochta
ar ball. Cuirfidh mé fáilte roimh an deis dearcadh na
heagraíochta a chluinstin faoin dóigh ar féidir
uaireanta feithimh do mháinliacht chroí a laghdú.
Health Service Users
Mrs Carson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety if she will initiate a
survey of health service users in order to ascertain their views on
priorities for the delivery of health services.
(AQW 812/99)
Ms de Brún: I will be seeking the views of a wide range
of health and social services users and staff in determining the way
forward for the HPSS. I am currently considering options as to the most
effective means of consulting service users. In doing so, I want to
ensure broad community participation in shaping our services.
Rachaidh mé i gcomhairle le réimse leathan de lucht úsáidte
seirbhísí sláinte agus sóisialta agus leis
na baill foirne le linn domh teacht ar chinneadh faoin dóigh
a rachaidh na SSSP chun tosaigh. Faoi láthair tá mé
ag cuimhneamh ar na roghanna maidir leis an dóigh is éifeachtaí
le dul i gcomhairle le lucht úsáidte na seirbhísí.
Agus mé ina cheann, ba mhaith liom a chinntiú go mbeidh
réimse leathan den phobal rannpháirteach linn agus muid
ag forbairt na seirbhísí.
SHSSB: Equality Obligations
Mrs Carson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what steps will be taken
to ensure that the Southern Health and Social Services Board complies
with equality obligations set out in section 75 of and schedule 9 to
the Northern Ireland Act 1998, especially with regard to consultation
periods, and if she will make a statement.
(AQW 813/99)
Ms de Brún: The Southern Health and Social Services Board,
like other public authorities, is obliged to comply with the Equality
Commission’s guidelines, which set out consultation requirements.
The board has set out how it will consult in its equality scheme submitted
to the Equality Commission, and it will be required to report annually
to the commission on the actions taken.
Amhail údaráis phoiblí eile tá iallach
ar Bhord Sláinte agus Seirbhísí Sóisialta
an Deiscirt cloí le treoirlínte an Choimisiúin
Comhionannais a leagann amach riachtanais chomhairleacha.
Leagtha an Bhord amach an dóigh a rachfaidh sé i mbun
comhairle ina Scéim Chomhionannais atá curtha isteach
chuig an Choimisiún Comhionannais agus beidh gá air tuairisciú
don Choimisiún ar na bearta a rinneadh.
Cardiac Surgery
Mrs I Robinson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety how many cardiac patients
died while waiting for surgery in the year 1999-2000.
(AQW 814/99)
Ms de Brún: The information requested is not readily
Níl an t-eolas a iarradh ar fáil gan stró.
Neonatal Deafness
Ms Lewsley asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety if plans exist to introduce
a screening programme for neonatal deafness, and, if so, when such a
programme will be implemented.
(AQW 816/99)
Ms de Brún: The National Screening Committee recently
recommended the introduction of a programme for universal neonatal hearing
screening. A pilot programme is currently being developed in order to
establish the most effective way of putting this recommendation into
practice. The results from the pilots, which will run for at least a
year, starting this winter, will determine the roll-out of the next
stages of the programme.
Mhol an Coiste Náisiúnta Scagtha ar na mallaibh tús
a chur le clár scagadh éisteachta nua-naíoch uilíoch.
Tá clár píolóta á fhorbairt faoi
láthair chun an bealach is éifeachtaí leis an mholadh
seo a chur i bhfeidhm a fháil amach. Socróidh toradh na
gcláranna píolóta, a bheidh ar siúl go gceann
bliana ar a laghad ón gheimhreadh seo, leagan amach céimeanna
eile an chláir.
Hospital Waiting Lists
Mrs Carson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety how she proposes to reduce
the waiting lists for inpatients and outpatients.
(AQW 822/99)
Ms de Brún: I issued a framework for action on waiting
lists earlier this month. It set out a comprehensive programme of action
for the health and social services. Boards and trusts have been asked
to bring forward action plans to tackle waiting lists in their areas.
To support the implementation of these plans, additional resources of
£5 million have been allocated.
D’fhoilsigh mé plean do thabhairt faoi liostaí feithimh
níos luaithe sa mhí seo. Leag sé amach clár
cuimsitheach gníomhartha do na Seirbhísí Sláinte
agus Sóisialta. Iarradh ar Bhoird agus ar Iontaobhais pleananna
gníomhartha le dul i ngleic leis na liostaí feithimh ina
gceantair féin a thabhairt chun tosaigh. Le thacú le cur
i gcrích na bpleananna seo, dáileadh £5 mhilliún
d’acmhainní breise orthu.
South Tyrone and
Craigavon Area Hospitals
Mrs Carson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety if she will consider utilising
bed spaces in South Tyrone in a bid to reduce the pressure on bed spaces
in Craigavon Area Hospital.
(AQW 823/99)
Ms de Brún: On 10 July I announced that I had accepted
the Southern Board’s decision to temporarily transfer acute in-patient
medical services and related services from South Tyrone Hospital to
Craigavon Area Hospital. An additional 92 beds will be provided at Craigavon
Area Hospital. This includes provision for the services to be transferred
and a small additional increase to cope with winter pressures and waiting
lists at Craigavon Area Hospital.
I have made it clear that I want to see the remaining services at South
Tyrone stabilised and enhanced. I have asked for early progress on the
rebalancing of elective day surgery from Craigavon Area Hospital to
South Tyrone Hospital, followed by the further development of other
clinical services at South Tyrone Hospital.
Ar 10 Iúil d’fhogair mé gur ghlac mé le cinneadh
an Bhoird Theas le haistriú sealadach géarsheirbhísí
liachta na n-othar seachtrach agus seirbhísí bainteach
leo ó Otharlann Thír Eoghain go dtí Otharlann Cheantar
Chraigavon. Chomh maith leis seo soláthrófar 92 leaba
bhreise ag Otharlann Cheantar Chraigavon. Clúdaíonn seo
foráil leis na seirbhísí a aistriú, agus
méadú beag le cuidiú le brú an gheimhridh
agus liostaí feithimh ag Otharlann Cheantar Chraigavon.
Ta sé ráite go sóiléir agam gur mhaith
liom cur leis na seirbhísí i dTír Eoghain Theas
agus iad sin atá ann faoi láthair a bhuanú. D’iarr
mé tús luath leis an dul chun cinn le hathchothromú
leathanta roghnacha le máinliacht lae ó Otharlann Cheantar
Chraigavon go dtí Otharlann Thír Eoghain Theas, agus go
leanfar le forbairt bhreise ar sheirbhísí cliniciúla
ag Otharlann Thír Eoghain Theas.
Mrs Carson asked the Minister of Health, Social Services and
Public Safety what she intends to do to reinstate the services temporarily
transferred from South Tyrone Hospital to Craigavon Area Hospital, and
if she will make a statement.
(AQW 824/99)
Ms de Brún: On 10 July I announced that I had accepted
the Southern Board’s decision to temporarily transfer acute in-patient
medical services and related services from South Tyrone Hospital to
Craigavon Area Hospital.
This will be re-examined in the light of strategic decisions on the
long-term future of South Tyrone Hospital. Meanwhile, I have taken steps
to ensure that the remaining services at South Tyrone Hospital are stabilised
and to begin a process of bringing new and sustainable services to the
hospital site.
Ar 10 Iúil d’fhogair mé gur ghlac mé le cinneadh
an Bhoird Theas le haistriú sealadach géarsheirbhísí
liachta na n-othar seachtrach agus seirbhísí bainteach
leo ó Otharlann Thír Eoghain go dtí Otharlann Cheantar
Déanfar athscrúdú air seo ag glacadh san áireamh
cinnidh straitéiseacha a rinneadh ar thodhchaí fadtréimhseach
d’Otharlann Thír Eoghain Theas. Idir an dá linn, tá
gníomhartha déanta agam le cinntiú go ndéantar
buan na seirbhísí atá fágtha ag Otharlann
Thír Eoghain Theas, agus go gcuirfear tús le próiseas
a thabharfaidh seirbhísí nua inbhuanaithe go suíomh
na hotharlainne.
Mrs Carson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety if she will outline and
list what up-to-date statistics are available with regard to the incidence
of HIV/AIDS in Northern Ireland.
(AQW 825/99)
Ms de Brún: The latest available information on HIV and
AIDS by exposure category relates to the period ending 31 March 2000
and is set out in the tables below. The figures exclude those first
diagnosed elsewhere but who may now reside here and attend specialist
Total HIV cases by exposure category to 31 March 2000
Exposure Category |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Sexual intercourse |
Between: men
Between: men and women |
19 |
26 |
45 |
Injecting drug use |
4 |
3 |
7 |
Blood tissue factor or blood factor |
19 |
1 |
20 |
Other undetermined |
3 |
- |
3 |
Total |
162 |
30 |
192 |
Total AIDS cases by exposure category to 31 March 2000
Exposure Category |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Sexual intercourse |
Between: men
Between: men and women |
6 |
8 |
14 |
Injecting drug use |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Blood tissue factor or blood factor |
12 |
1 |
13 |
Other undetermined |
2 |
- |
2 |
Total |
72 |
11 |
83 |
Source: Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre
Baineann an t-eolas is déanaí ata ar fáil ar VED
agus ar SEIF de réir catagóra tolgtha leis an tréimhse
a chríochnaíonn ar an 31ú Márta 2000 agus
é arna leagan amach sna táblaí thíos. Ní
chuireann na figiúirí sa áireamh iad siúd
a fáthmheasadh in áit eile, a chónaíonn
anseo anois agus a fhreastalaíonn ar shainchlinicí.
Iomlán na gcásanna VED de réir
catagóra tolgtha go dtí 31ú Márta 2000
Catagóir Tolgtha |
Fir |
Mná |
Iomlán |
Caidreamh collaí |
Idir: fir
Idir: fir agus mná |
19 |
26 |
45 |
Mí-úsáid instealladh drugaí |
4 |
3 |
7 |
Factóir fhíocháin fola nó factóir
fola |
19 |
1 |
20 |
Eile |
3 |
- |
3 |
Iomlán |
162 |
30 |
192 |
Iomlán na gcásanna SEIF de réir catagóra
tolgtha go dtí 31ú Márta 2000
Catagóir Tolgtha |
Fir |
Mná |
Iomlán |
Caidreamh collaí |
Idir: fir
Idir: fir agus mná |
6 |
8 |
14 |
Mí-úsáid instealladh drugaí |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Factóir fhíocháin fola nó factóir
fola |
12 |
1 |
13 |
Eile |
2 |
- |
2 |
Iomlán |
72 |
11 |
83 |
Foinse: Ionad Faire um Ghalair Thógálacha
Mrs Carson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety if she will provide up-to-date
statistics on abortion rates in Northern Ireland.
(AQW 826/99)
Ms de Brún: I can confirm that for the financial year
1998-99 — the latest complete year for which data is available — a total
of 1,602 abortions (spontaneous, medical and other/unspecified) were
recorded in hospitals here. This equates to 63.2 recorded abortions
per 1,000 live births, still births and recorded abortions.
The latest figures available for the year 1999-2000 show that 1,416
abortions (spontaneous, medical and other/unspecified) were recorded
in hospitals here. This figure is provisional and is likely to be an
underestimate of the total for the year. It will probably rise as coding
is completed in advance of the file being closed in September/October
Is féidir liom cinntiú don bhliain airgeadais 1998/99,
an bhliain is moille ar a bhfuil eolas ar fáil, go raibh 1,602
ginmhilleadh san iomlán (spontáineach, liachta agus eile/neamhshonraithe)
taifeadta in ospidéil anseo. Is ionann seo agus 63.2 ginmhilleadh
taifeadta an 1,000 breith bheo, breith mharbh agus ginmhillteadh taifeadta.
Taispeánann na figiúir is déanaí don bhliain
1999/2000 go raibh 1,416 ginmhilleadh (spontáineach, liachta
agus eile/neamhshonraithe) taifeadta in ospidéil anseo. Is figiúr
sealadach seo agus is dócha gur measúnú róghearr
é ar uimhir iomlán na bliana agus go méadóidh
sé de réir mar a chríochnaíonn códú
sula ndruidfear an comhad i Meán Fómhair/Deireadh Fómhair
Hospital Referrals: Guidance for GPs
Mr M Murphy asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety if there is guidance available
to general practitioners on referring patients to whichever hospital
is most convenient.
(AQW 832/99)
Ms de Brún: The referral of a patient to hospital by
a general practitioner is influenced by a number of factors, including
the patient’s circumstances and condition, as well as the availability
and accessibility of services and whether the patient has any preference
for a particular hospital, if there is a choice. GPs discuss these issues
with patients before making referrals and make use of a number of sources
of information, including information on waiting times issued by individual
Téann roinnt fachtóirí i bhfeidhm ar sheoladh
othair chuig ospidéal ag Lia Ginearálta (LG), ina measc,
cúrsaí agus tosca an othair aonair, chomh maith le hinfhaighteacht
agus so-aimsiú seirbhísí mar aon le rogha an othair
indibhidiúil d’ospidéal ar leith, má tá
rogha ann. Pléann LGanna na ceisteanna seo le hothair roimh sheoltaí
agus baineann siad úsáid as roinnt foinsí eolais,
eolas ar amanna feithimh foilsithe ag ospidéil indibhidiúla
san áireamh.
Hospital Facilities:
North/South Agreement
Mr M Murphy asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety if there is an intergovernmental
agreement in place by which hospitals in Newry and Mourne and North
Louth are accredited as places for treatment to encourage residents
to access their most convenient hospital.
(AQW 833/99)
Ms de Brún: Under the Co-operating and Working Together
(CAWT) initiative, hospitals north and south of the border already co-operate
closely on the provision of some services. Current practical examples
of this include formal co-operation between the Ambulance Services north
and south of the border and arrangements by which a number of residents
in the North Eastern Health Board area with end-stage renal failure
have regular renal dialysis at Daisy Hill Hospital. I can confirm also
that Daisy Hill is approved by voluntary health insurance for treating
patients from the South of Ireland.
The North/South Ministerial Council established under the Good Friday
Agreement has already met on a number of occasions to explore the capacity
for cross-border working. The possibility of more structured arrangements
being developed to support existing good practice on the ground is being
Faoi scáth an tionscnaimh CAOC (Comhoibriú agus ag Obair
le Chéile), atá ospidéil ó thuaidh agus
ó dheas ag comhoibriú go dlúth cheana féin
ar sholáthar roinnt seirbhísí. I measc na samplaí
praiticiúla láithreacha de seo tá comhoibriú
foirmiúil idir seirbhísí otharcharr thuaidh agus
theas, agus socruithe inar féidir le cónaitheoirí
le cliseadh duánach rialta i gceantar Bhord Sláinte an
Oirthuaiscirt scagdhealú duánach rialta a bheith acu in
Ospidéal Daisy Hill. Tig liom a dhearbhú fosta go bhfuil
Ospidéal Daisy Hill ceadaithe ag Árachas Sláinte
Deonach othair ón Deisceart a chóireáil.
Bhuail an Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh/Theas a bunaíodh faoi
Chomhaontú Aoine an Chéasta le chéile roinnt uaireanta
cheana féin leis na hacmhainní do chomhobair thrasteorann
a scrúdú. Tá an fhéidearthacht d’fhorbairt
socruithe níos struchtúrtha le tacú le cleachtadh
maith ag an bhunleibhéal á scrúdú.
Hospital Waiting Lists
Mrs Carson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what steps will be taken
to reduce hospital waiting lists to at least the United Kingdom national
average, and if she will make a statement.
(AQW 834/99)
Ms de Brún: Our waiting lists are a matter of serious
concern to me. I issued a framework for action on waiting lists this
month. It set out a comprehensive programme of action for the health
and social services. Boards and trusts have been asked to bring forward
action plans to tackle waiting lists in their areas. To support the
implementation of these plans, additional resources of £5 million have
been allocated.
I am also now studying ‘The NHS Plan’,which was launched in England
on 27 July and which includes proposals to reduce waiting times for
inpatient and outpatient treatment. I want to establish the extent to
which those proposals are applicable to the waiting list problem in
the HPSS.
Is ábhar mór imní domhsa iad ár liostaí
feithimh. D’fhoilsigh mé plean do thabhairt faoi liostaí
feithimh níos luaithe sa mhí seo. Leag sé amach
clár cuimsitheach gníomhartha do na Seirbhísí
Sláinte agus Sóisialta. Iarradh ar Bhoird agus ar Iontaobhais
pleananna gníomhartha le dul i ngleic leis na liostaí
feithimh ina gceantair féin a thabhairt chun tosaigh. Le cur
i gcrích na bpleananna seo a thacú, dáileadh £5
mhilliún d’acmhainní breise orthu.
Tá mé ag scrúdú anois The NHS Plan
a lainseáladh i Sasana ar an 27ú Iúil agus a chuimsíonn
moltaí le hamanna feithimh do chóireáil othar cónaitheach
agus othar seachtrach a ísliú. Ba mhian liom fáil
amach a mhéad agus is féidir na moltaí sin a chur
i bhfeidhm ar fhadhb an liosta fheithimh sa SSSP.
Hospital Waiting Lists
Mrs Carson asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety why the number of patients
on hospital waiting lists increased by some 2,500 to 47,000 in the three-month
period from January to March 2000.
(AQW 835/99)
Ms de Brún: Under the Co-operating and Working Together
(CAWT) initiative, hospitals north and south of the border already co-operate
closely on the provision of some services. Current practical examples
of this include formal co-operation between the Ambulance Services north
and south of the border and arrangements by which a number of residents
in the North Eastern Health Board area with end-stage renal failure
have regular renal dialysis at Daisy Hill Hospital. I can confirm also
that Daisy Hill is approved by voluntary health insurance for treating
patients from the South of Ireland.
The North/South Ministerial Council established under the Good Friday
Agreement has already met on a number of occasions to explore the capacity
for cross-border working. The possibility of more structured arrangements
being developed to support existing good practice on the ground is being
Faoi scáth an tionscnaimh CAOC (Comhoibriú agus ag Obair
le Chéile), atá ospidéil ó thuaidh agus
ó dheas ag comhoibriú go dlúth cheana féin
ar sholáthar roinnt seirbhísí. I measc na samplaí
praiticiúla láithreacha de seo tá comhoibriú
foirmiúil idir seirbhísí otharcharr thuaidh agus
theas, agus socruithe inar féidir le cónaitheoirí
le cliseadh duánach rialta i gceantar Bhord Sláinte an
Oirthuaiscirt scagdhealú duánach rialta a bheith acu in
Ospidéal Daisy Hill. Tig liom a dhearbhú fosta go bhfuil
Ospidéal Daisy Hill ceadaithe ag Árachas Sláinte
Deonach othair ón Deisceart a chóireáil.
Bhuail an Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh/Theas a bunaíodh faoi
Chomhaontú Aoine an Chéasta le chéile roinnt uaireanta
cheana féin leis na hacmhainní do chomhobair thrasteorann
a scrúdú. Tá an fhéidearthacht d’fhorbairt
socruithe níos struchtúrtha le tacú le cleachtadh
maith ag an bhunleibhéal á scrúdú.
Foster Carers: Allowances
Ms Ramsey asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety the amount of allowance
paid to foster parents for each child fostered in each trust area.
(AQW 838/99)
Ms de Brún: It is not possible to provide information
on the amount of allowance paid to individual foster carers in respect
of each child fostered. All health and social services trusts use a
standard scale of rates to determine the amount of allowance. The basic
allowances are as follows:
Weekly rate from 1st April 2000
Age Group |
Per Week |
0 - 4 |
£60.34 |
5 - 10 |
£73.50 |
11 - 15 |
£88.20 |
16 + |
£118.02 |
Extra allowances are payable in addition to the basic rates. Some of
these are paid automatically — for example, for birthdays, holidays
and Christmas. Other allowances must be applied for by the foster carers.
Enhanced allowances are paid for children with special needs — for example,
children who are emotionally disturbed or children with a physical or
learning disability. Such enhancements are assessed on an individual
Ní féidir eolas a sholáthar ar an méid
liúntas a dhíoltar do gach feighlí altrama aonair
maidir le gach páiste atá faoina gcúram. Baineann
gach Iontaobhas Seirbhísí Sláinte agus Sóísialta
úsáid as scála gnáthráta leis an
méid liúntais a dhíoltar d’ fheighlithe altrama
a shocrú. Seo a leanas na bunliúntais:
Ráta seachtainiúil ón 1ú Aibreán
Aoisghrúpa |
An tSeachtain |
0 - 4 |
£60.34 |
5 - 10 |
£73.50 |
11 - 15 |
£88.20 |
16 + |
£118.02 |
Díoltar liúntais bhreise le cois na mbunrátaí.
Díoltar cuid díobh go huathoibríoch, mar shampla,
do bhreithlaethanta, do shaoirí agus don Nollaig. Caithfidh feighlithe
altrama iarratas a chur isteach do liúntais eile. Díoltar
liúntais mhéadaithe do pháistí le riachtanais
speisialta, mar shampla, do pháistí atá suaite
go mothúchánach nó do pháistí le
míchumas fisiciúil nó foghlamtha. Measúnaítear
liúntais mhéadaithe mar seo ar bhonn indibhidiúil.
Social Worker Post
Ms Ramsey asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety if and when the vacant
post of principal social worker of the North and West Trust will be
(AQW 839/99)
Ms de Brún: The North and West Belfast HSS Trust does
not have a vacant principal social worker post.
Níl folúntas poist do Phríomhoibrí Sóisialta
ag Iontaobhas SLS Bhéal Feirste Thuaidh agus Theas.
Fostering and Residential Care
Ms Ramsey asked the Minister
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail for each trust
the number of (i) children waiting to be fostered; (ii) children judged
in need of residential care; (iii) children in need of care who have
not yet been placed in residential care.
(AQW 840/99)
Ms de Brún: The information in the following table was
provided by health and social services boards during week commencing
Monday 17 July 2000:
(1)HSS Trust |
(2)No of Children Waiting to be Fostered |
(3)Children Judged to be in Need of Residential
Care(1) |
(4)Children in Need of Care who have not yet
been placed in Residential Care |
Armagh & Dungannon |
19 |
9 |
1 |
Causeway |
10 |
11 |
4 |
Craigavon & Banbridge |
14 |
19 |
6 |
Down Lisburn |
22 |
42 |
15 |
Foyle |
34 |
58 |
13 |
Homefirst |
44 |
42 |
11 |
Newry & Mourne |
6 |
11 |
3 |
North & West Belfast |
14 |
59 |
16 |
South & East Belfast |
86 |
43 |
8 |
Sperrin Lakeland |
31 |
22 |
6 |
Ulster Community & Hospital |
35 |
30 |
4 |
(1) The figures in column (3) comprises the numbers of children
who are in residential care at present and the figures in column (4)
Soláthraíodh an t-eolas sa tábla seo a leanas
ag Boird Sheirbhísí Sláinte agus Sóisialta
le linn na seachtaine a thosaigh Dé Luain 17ú Iúil
(1)Iontaobhas SSS |
(2)Líon na bPáistí atá
ag fanacht le haltramú |
(3)Paistí a meastar Cúram Cónaithe
le bheith de dhíth orthu(1) |
(4)Páistí a bhfuil Cúram
de dhíth orthu ach nár cuireadh faoi Chúram
Cónaithe go fóill |
Ard Mhacha & Dún Geanainn |
19 |
9 |
1 |
An Clochán |
10 |
11 |
4 |
Craigavon & Droichead na Banna |
14 |
19 |
6 |
An Dún/Lios na gCearrbhach |
22 |
42 |
15 |
An Feabhal |
34 |
58 |
13 |
Homefirst |
44 |
42 |
11 |
An tIúr agus na Beanna Boirche |
6 |
11 |
3 |
Béal Feirste Thuaidh agus Thiar |
14 |
59 |
16 |
Béal Feirste Theas agus Thoir |
86 |
43 |
8 |
Sliabh Speirín |
31 |
22 |
6 |
Pobal agus Ospidéal Uladh |
35 |
30 |
4 |
- Cuireann na figiúirí i gcolún (3) san áireamh
líon na bpáistí atá faoi chúram
cónaithe faoi láthair agus cuireann na figiúirí
i gcolún (4)
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