Mrs Carmel Hanna (Chairperson)
Mr Allan Bresland
Mr Francie Brolly
Mr Willie Clarke (Deputy Chairperson)
Rev Robert Coulter
Mr Alex Easton
Mrs Claire McGill
Mr Alastair Ross
Mr Brian Wilson
In Attendance:
Dr Kevin Pelan (Assembly Clerk)
Miss Emma Patton (Assistant Clerk)
Miss Carla Campbell (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Lindsay Dundas (Clerical Officer)
Mr David Hilditch
Mr George Savage
The meeting opened at 12.45pm in public session.
Chairperson’s Introduction
The Chairperson welcomed Members to the twenty fifth meeting of the Committee.
Agreed: Members agreed to hold the meeting in public session and move into closed session at a later stage of the meeting.
1. Apologies.
Apologies are detailed above.
2. Declaration of Interests.
The Chairperson reminded Members of their obligation to declare any relevant pecuniary or other interests before and during each Committee meeting.
3. Draft minutes of the meeting held on 23 rd April 2008.
Agreed: The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting of the 23rd April.
Mr Ross joined the meeting at 12.50pm.
Mrs McGill joined the meeting at 12.50pm.
4. Matters Arising.
The Committee discussed correspondence from the Equality Commission in respect of using the term “Community Relations” or “Good Relations” in the consultation document.
Agreed: The Committee agreed that “Community Relations” should be replaced with “Good Relations” in the consultation document.
The Chairperson referred members to a paper tabled proposing new wording in the Category for Sponsorships.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to the new wording.
Review of the Code and Guide: Draft Consultation Document.
Members considered the Draft Consultation Document
The Committee agreed to place the section on Employment Agreements at the end of Category 2.
Rev Coulter joined the meeting at 1.00pm
The Committee read and agreed Category 5, subject to proposed amendment.
The Committee read and agreed Category 6, subject to proposed amendment.
The Committee read and agreed Category 7, subject to proposed amendment.
The Committee read and agreed Category 8, subject to proposed amendment.
The Committee read and agreed Category 9, subject to proposed amendment.
Mr Wilson joined the meeting at 2.07pm
Mr Brolly left the meeting at 2.25pm
The Committee read and agreed Category 10, subject to proposed amendment.
Mr Brolly rejoined the meeting at 2.30pm
The Committee read and agreed Category 11, subject to proposed amendment.
Mr Clarke left the meeting at 2.32pm
The Committee read and agreed Declaration of Members’ Interests.
Mrs McGill left the meeting at 2.45pm
The Committee read and agreed Rule Banning Lobbying for Reward or Consideration.
The Committee read and agreed The Complaints Procedure.
The Committee read and agreed to inclusion of the proposed Rectification Procedure.
Mr Clarke rejoined the meeting at 2.59pm
Agreed: That a note is included in the consultation document indicating that the Committee is seeking clarification on a mechanism for considering complaints against MLAs in the event that the Assembly is suspended.
Agreed: That the proposed amendments are made by the Clerk and the publishing of the consultation document to proceed as scheduled.
Agreed: That the Press Release announcing the release of the consultation document and Public Notice for the Newspaper be released along with the consultation document.
The meeting moved into closed session at 3.14pm
6. Committee Correspondence.
The Chairperson referred members to Tab B which contained draft responses to correspondence received by the Committee.
Rev Coulter declared an interest in the next item and left the meeting.
Rev Coulter left the meeting at 3.16pm.
Agreed: The Committee agreed the responses to the correspondence received.
7. Any Other Business
The Chairperson referred Members to an issue relating to membership of the All Party Group on Autism. She declared an interest as she is a member of the Group.
The Clerk explained that the Group had differentiated its membership into members and ‘Affiliated Ambassadors’, but at present the guidance does not provide for ‘subsets’ of members of such groups.
Agreed: That Clerk would write to Chairperson of the APG on Autism informing him of the current guidance regarding membership.
The Chairperson referred Members to an application for an All Party Group on Disability which had been tabled.
Agreed: The All Party Group on Disability be registered and placed on the approved list.
8. Date, time and place of next meeting.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 14 th May 2008 at 2.00pm.
The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 3.26pm.