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Mr F Cobain
Ms M Gildernew
Sir J Gorman
Mr B Hutchinson
Mr D McClarty
Mr D O'Connor
Mr E ONeill
Mr M Robinson
Mr J Tierney
Mr S Wilson

Mr G Kelly

In Attendance: Mr G Martin Mrs V Artt
Mr D Harkin Mr L Hart
Ms V Surplus

Mr Cobain took the Chair.

1. Chairperson's Opening Remarks

The Chairperson welcomed members and introduced the Clerk and his staff. He emphasised the need for collective responsibility and confidentiality, as well as the importance of prioritisation and compromise, in order to maximise the Committee's effectiveness.

2. Declaration of Interests

The Chairperson declared that, apart from being a Belfast City Councillor, he is on the board of Laganside Corporation. The Speaker has been advised accordingly and legal advice is being sought on the matter.
Ms Gildernew attends the board meetings of Dungannon town's West End Development Association.
Sir J Gorman has no related interests.
Mr Hutchinson is on the Development Committee of Belfast City Council. He is also an unpaid board member of FILOR housing association.
Mr McClarty is a member of Coleraine Borough Council.
Mr O'Connor is a member of Larne Borough Council.
Mr ONeill is a member of Down District Council.
Mr Robinson is a member of Castlereagh Borough Council.
Mr Tierney is a member of Derry City Council.
Mr Wilson is a member of Belfast City Council.

3. Departmental Briefing on Draft Legislation

The following officials joined the meeting at 2.15 pm to brief the Committee on the making of a Departmental Regulation and the coming into force of certain primary legislation.

Mr J Hunter, Permanent Secretary, Department for Social Development

Mr C Radcliffe, Deputy Secretary, Resources, Housing and Social Security Group

Mr J O'Neill, Director, Social Security Policy and Legislation Division

Mr G McCann, Deputy Principal, Policy and Legislation

The officials left the meeting at 2.35 pm.


i. The Committee approved 'The Personal and Occupational Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999.'

ii. The Committee was content with the proposals outlined for Commencement Orders in respect of the Welfare Reform and Pensions (Northern Ireland) Order 1999.

There was unanimous concern among members that, in future, the Committee be given ample advance notice of draft legislation to allow it to fulfil its scrutinising function effectively.

Agreed: The Clerk will liaise with the Department.

4. Draft Press Release

Agreed: The Clerk will modify the draft press notice to include the Committee's remit and membership for its immediate release thereafter.

5. Draft Work Programme

Agreed: The Committee approved the following programme up until 27 January 2000, which the Clerk will arrange:

6. Primary Legislation

The Committee noted annex D to the agenda, which listed some of the legislation for its consideration in the coming months.

7. Handling of Subordinate Legislation


i. While retaining responsibility for examining the policy itself, the Committee is content to delegate the technical scrutiny of the legislation to the Examiner of Statutory Rules, who will report back to the Committee. The Clerk will write to advise the Examiner of the Committee's decision, which accords with the recommendation in annex E to the agenda.

ii. The Clerk will write to the Speaker (who is Chairman of the Assembly Commission) to highlight the Committee's concern that current staffing levels in the office of the Examiner of Statutory Rules will not suffice to meet the tight deadlines for the passage of legislation through the Assembly.

8. Open Discussion

The Committee decided to delay on deciding its priorities until after the presentations by the Department and Agencies which, it was felt, might help to determine them. There was consensus on the need for balance on the focus between urban and rural areas.

9. AOB


i. The Clerk will find out the current position regarding the transfer of the regulation of Housing Associations and the private rented sector from the Department to the Housing Executive.

ii. In the context of Targeting Social Need, the Clerk will report back to the Committee on the differences between Robson and Townsend as indicators of the measurement of social need.

iii. The Clerk will obtain the recent rural housing policy document produced by the Housing Executive.

iv. A Great Britain Green Paper on social housing is due out next spring, which may be used to inform the Committee in its deliberations on housing policy. The Clerk will follow up on this.

10. Date of Next Meeting

The Committee will next meet at 2.00 pm on Thursday, 16 December 1999 in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.


10 December 1999

Menu / 16 December 1999