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Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Ms M Gildernew (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr E ONeill
Mr J Tierney
Mr B Hutchinson
Mr M Robinson
Sir J Gorman
Mr D O'Connor
Mr S Wilson
Mr G Kelly

Mr T Hamilton

In Attendance:
Mr S Graham
Mr L McLernon
Mrs Janette Anderson
Miss F Douglas

Private Session

Mr Cobain took the chair at 2.06 p.m.

Public Session

  1. Housing Inquiry (Homelessness) Oral Evidence By Shelter Northern Ireland

The Chairman welcomed representatives from Shelter Northern Ireland to the meeting at 2.09 p.m.

In attendance:
Mr Laurence Moffat - Campaign Officer
Mr Ray Cashell - Committee Member

The representatives from Shelter Northern Ireland made a presentation to the Committee and a question and answer session followed. The discussions are recorded separately in verbatim minutes of evidence.

Mr E ONeill joined the meeting at 2.15 p.m.
Mr M Robinson joined the meeting at 2.15 p.m.
Mr G Kelly joined the meeting at 2.15 p.m.
Mr S Wilson joined the meeting at 2.26 p.m.
Mr D O'Connor left the meting at 2.44 p.m.

The Chairperson thanked the members of Shelter Northern Ireland and they left at 2.51 p.m.

2. Pension Credit Bill

The Chairman welcomed the following officials to the meeting at 2.53 p.m.

DSD Officials:
Mr John O'Neill
Miss Doreen Roy
Miss Marion McKay

Mr O'Neill made a presentation to the Committee and a question and answer session followed. The discussions are recorded separately in verbatim minutes of evidence

The Chairman thanked the officials and they left the meeting at 3.06 p.m.

Private Session

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 7 February and 12 February

The minutes of the meetings were agreed.

Mr M Robinson left the meeting at 3.10 p.m.

4. Matters Arising

Social Security Fraud - Code of Practice

Members noted the amendments to the Code of Practice proposed by the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and agreed the terms of the Committee's response to the draft Code of Practice.

Rent Increases 2002 / 2003

Members noted the terms of the letter from the Minister, dated 7 February, about Rent Increases for 2002/ 2003 and agreed to pursue the question of maintenance programmes in planned discussions on the Service Delivery Agreement.

Housing Bill

Members agreed to review the Department's proposed consultation list and to discuss the matter further at the Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday 21 February.

5. Subordinate Legislation


Agreed:The Committee was content with the Department's proposal to make a Statutory Rule in respect of the following: -

The Social Security Pensions (Low Earnings Threshold) Order.

The Occupational pension Schemes (Minimum Funding Requirements and miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002.

The Social Security (Loss of Benefit) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002

Following discussions on the Social Security (Guardian's Allowances) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002, the Committee asked the Clerk to arrange for Departmental Officials to attend a future meeting of the Committee to provide clarification on a number of aspects of the proposal.


The Committee passed the following Motions, subject to the Examiner of Statutory Rules' Report:
The Social Development Committee has considered the following Statutory Rules:
SR 2002 No. 31 The Social Security (Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance)
(Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002.
SR 2002 No. 14 The Social Fund (Maternity and Funeral Expenses)(General) (Amendment) Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 2002.
and has no objection to the Rules"

6. Any Other Business (a)

Towards Supporting People

Members agreed to defer discussion about 'Towards Supporting People' until the Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday 21 February.

Ms M Gildernew left the meeting at 3.42 p.m.

7. Social Security Parity

The Chairperson invited Gillian Kane, Researcher, to speak to the Research Paper on Social Security Parity.

Members agreed to discuss the matter further at the Committee meeting on 21 February 2002.

Sir J Gorman left the meeting at 3.53 p.m.

8. Any Other Business (b)

Noble Indicators

The Committee agreed the terms of the letter to be sent to the Chairman of the Committee for Finance and Personnel concerning the use of Noble Indicators.

Budget 2002/2003

Members noted the letter from the Minister, dated 12 February, and agreed, in principle, to participate in a half day seminar to discuss spending priorities and the timetable for the Housing Bill.

However, the Committee expressed concern about the status of the meeting and how decisions would be recorded. The Clerk was asked to discuss arrangements with the Department and report back to the Committee in due course.

Housing Inquiry (Homelessness) Written Submission from Newry & Mourne District Council.

The Committee noted the written submission from the Newry & Mourne District Council, dated 11 February.

The Clerk was asked to write to the Newry & Mourne District Council stating their written submission had been received outside the closing date of 14 January, but that it would be included in the written evidence section of the Housing Inquiry (Homelessness) Report.

Child Support Agency

Members agreed the Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday 11 April should be held in closed session at the Child Support Agency. The Clerk was asked to make the appropriate arrangements.

Launch of District Childcare Partnership

Members noted the invitation to the launch of District Childcare Partnership on Thursday 28 February and that it coincided with a Committee meeting at which oral evidence was to be heard concerning the Housing Report (Homelessness).

The Clerk was asked to write to the District Childcare Partnership advising that Members would be unable to attend.

9. Date of Next Meeting

The next Committee meeting will be at 2.00 p.m. on Tuesday 19 February in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.


7 February 2002 / Menu / 19 February 2002