AT 2.00 P.M. ON THURSDAY, 15 JUNE 2000
1.Minutes of the Last Meeting
2. Matters Arising
3. Subordinate Legislation
4. Belfast City Centre Retail Schemes
5. Any Other Business
6. Date and Time of Next Meeting
Present: Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Ms M Gildernew (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr B Hutchinson
Mr D McClarty
Mr D O'Connor
Mr E ONeill
Mr M Robinson
Mr J Tierney
Mr S Wilson
Sir J Gorman
Mr G Kelly
In Attendance:
Mr G Martin
Mr D Harkin
Mr L Hart
Ms V Surplus
Mr F Cobain took the Chair at 2.08 p.m.
Private Meeting
1. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
- The Chairman has written to the Office of the First and deputy First Minister regarding the cuts in this year's Housing Executive budget.
- As Cherton Enterprise Ltd decided not to avail of the invitation to forward a written submission on the retail development for Belfast city centre, the Clerk did not invite submissions from the remaining three developers.
The Committee considered a paper giving a brief outline of the Department's proposals for statutory rules in respect of the following: The Housing Benefit (General) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000; The Social Security (Bereavement Benefits Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000; The Social Security (Personal Allowances For Children Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000; and The Social Security (Student Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000.
Agreed: As some members would like a fuller explanation of the implications of the proposals, the Clerk will arrange for Departmental Officials to attend next week's meeting to speak to the Regulations.
4. Belfast City Centre Retail Schemes
Panel Members: Mr John Hunter, Permanent Secretary DSD
Dr Jeremy Harbison, Deputy Secretary DSD
Mr George Mackey, Belfast Regeneration Office
Mr Graham Tully, Consultant, Drivers Jonas
The Chairman welcomed the panel to the meeting at 2.30 p.m. Mr Hunter first spoke to a briefing paper that had been copied to the Committee on the background to the proposals, and this was followed by a question-and-answer session, which is summarised in Annex A. The Chairman thanked the panel members, and they left the meeting at 3.50 p.m.
[Mr Tierney left the meeting at 3.31 p.m.]
Agreed: The Chairman will write to the Minister requesting that he take the following points into consideration when making his decision on the preferred scheme.
- The Minister should not necessarily restrict himself to one scheme, and the scope for compulsory purchase should be made available for additional schemes now or in the future.
- The development agreement should encapsulate the principles of Targeting Social Need (TSN) in terms of a commitment to a clear timetable for job creation and pre-recruitment training for the long-term unemployed.
- The development agreement should include a clear timetable for each of the phases. The developer should not be allowed to progress with the more profitable elements to the detriment of other parts.
- Particular attention should be given to the needs of the displaced businesses during the building work, and adequate alternative provision made accordingly.
- Although the scheme must be accessible, the development should not exacerbate traffic congestion in the city centre. Therefore, the provision of suitable public transport is crucial.
- The design and style of the scheme should retain the character of the city and be sympathetic to surrounding buildings and terraces of merit, which must be preserved.
- The design should be such as to allow for the possibility for further future development. There should be linkages from the scheme to other parts of the retail centre.
- Agreed: In response to an invitation from the Chairman of the Finance Committee to identify two areas that would benefit from End of Year Flexibility moneys and the £18m unallocated to N.I. from the March budget, the Committee selected the Housing Executive and urban/rural regeneration as priorities affecting all of Northern Ireland. The Chairman will notify the Finance Chairman in writing and note the Committee's concern at the inadequate timescale given for replies.
- The Committee noted a letter from Down District Council expressing concern about the Housing Executive budget cuts and urging restoration of funds to finance fully the housing programme.
6. Date and Time of the Next Meeting
The Committee will meet next at 2.00 p.m. on Thursday, 22 June in the Child Support Agency Offices, Great Northern Tower, Great Victoria Street, Belfast.
The meeting ended at 4.00 p.m.