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Thursday, 22 MAY 2008

Mr Gregory Campbell MP MLA (Chairperson)
Mr David Hilditch MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Mickey Brady MLA
Mr Fred Cobain MLA
Mr Jonathan Craig MLA
Ms Anna Lo MLA
Miss Michelle McIlveen MLA
Ms Carál Ní Chuilín MLA

In Attendance:
Ms Marie Austin (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Oliver Bellew (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Mrs Joy Hamilton (Clerical Supervisor)
Mrs Sheila Mawhinney (Clerical Supervisor)

Mr Thomas Burns MLA
Mr Fra McCann MLA
Mr Alban Maginness MLA

The meeting opened at 11.04am in public session.

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

The Chairperson informed Members that Ms Carál Ní Chuilín had replaced Mrs Claire McGill on the Committee.

2. Chairperson’s Business

The Chairperson reminded Members that the motion for accelerated passage and Second Stage of the Mesothelioma, etc Bill was scheduled for Tuesday 27 May 2008 and that he would speak on behalf of the Committee.

3. Draft minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2008

Agreed – The minutes were agreed.

4. Local Housing Allowance Regulations

The following officials from the Department for Social Development joined the meeting at 11.10am:

John O’Neill – Director, Social Security Policy & Legislation Division

Margaret Sisk – Social Security Policy & Legislation Division.

The officials briefed the Committee on the criteria that will be used to monitor the impact of the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) Regulations. This was followed by a question and answer session.

Members noted that under the Discretionary Financial Assistance Scheme, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive would have discretion to pay a top-up if the loss to the claimant was less than £5.00 per week, or to pay a top-up in excess of the £25.00 per week maximum.

The Chairperson thanked the officials for attending the meeting.

Agreed – It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the Department to request updated figures on the current Local Reference Rent and the estimated Local Housing Allowance.

The officials left the meeting at 11.32am.

5. Administration of Disability Living Allowance

The following officials from the Department for Social Development joined the meeting at 11.33am:

John Nevin – Assistant Director of Disability, Incapacity & Benefit Security

Brian Cullen – Head of Disability & Carers Service

Lesley Morgan – Head of the Administration of the Appeals Service (NI).

The officials briefed the Committee on the administration of Disability Living Allowance (DLA). This was followed by a question and answer session.

Agreed – It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the Department to seek further information on the administration of DLA.

The Chairperson thanked the officials for attending the meeting.

The officials left the meeting at 12.38pm.
Mr Cobain left the meeting at 12.35pm.

6. Correspondence

i. The Committee noted the Department’s response to its request for information on the make-up of the Northern Ireland Fuel Poverty Advisory Group and the contribution made by its members.

ii. The Committee noted correspondence from the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment (ETI) regarding its consideration of rising energy costs. The ETI Committee will keep the Committee informed of progress made in relation to its work in this area.

iii. The Committee noted the response from OFMDFM in relation to the Executive’s consideration of primary and secondary parity legislation.

iv. Members noted the correspondence between the Committee for the Office of the First Minister and the Deputy First Minister and OFMDFM in relation to the proposed abolition of the Disability Living Allowance Advisory Board.

v. Members agreed to forward the ‘Diversity Works’ Research Document from the Committee for Employment and Learning to Minister Ritchie.

7. Forward Work Programme

Members noted the Forward Work Programme.

8. Any other business

The Chairperson informed Members that both he and the Clerk had a brief informal meeting with the Personal Assistant to the Mayor of Boston. The Committee’s forthcoming visit to Boston, as part of its inquiry into town centre regeneration, was discussed.

9. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 29 May 2008 at 11.00am in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.45pm.

Mr Gregory Campbell
Chairperson, Committee for Social Development
29 May 2008

15 May 08 / Menu