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1. The minutes of the tenth meeting
3. Appointment of Clerk/Deputy Clerks
2. Matters Arising
Simultaneous Translations
5. DFP Cleaners
6. Mount Charles
7. Any Other Business
8. Dates for Future Meetings

Present: Initial Presiding Officer

Mrs E Bell

Mr Coulter

Mr F Molloy (left meeting at 12.25 pm)

Mr P Robinson MP

In the Chair: Initial Presiding Officer

In Attendance: Mr T Evans, Ms G Campbell

Mr Carson, Mr Hunter and Mr O'Reilly attended for part of

the meeting

Apologies: Mr Fee

1. The minutes of the tenth meeting were accepted without change.

3. Appointment of Clerk/Deputy Clerks

Agenda item 3 was taken before Matters Arising.

The Commission agreed to focus initially on the appointment of the Clerk and that all Members should be involved at each stage of the recruitment process. Mr Hunter took Members through a paper detailing the key stages of the recruitment process. It was agreed that the next meeting (8 January) would be used to resolve all the pre-advertisement issues and that Mr Evans would now attend for the duration of all Commission meetings and be the link with CPG.

2. Matters Arising

    1. Car Parking
    2. The Commission agreed that Mr Gudgin, the First Minister's Special Adviser, should have access to the upper level car parks on non-sitting days and Carson's Statue car park on sitting days.

    3. Security
    4. Mr Evans to check if anyone had breached the front of house security arrangements during the plenary on 14/15 December.

    5. Postal Arrangements
    6. Mr Evans circulated a copy of the House of Commons regulations on the use of post-paid envelopes and stationery, which Members agreed should be adapted for the Assembly. Members reported problems with the mail collection and a lack of shredders on the third floor.

    7. Office Cost Allowances
    8. The Initial Presiding Officer reported that the SSRB report is still with the Prime Minister's Office. Mr Robinson asked if remuneration for Members, holding additional posts of responsibility, had been considered by SSRB. Members asked for a breakdown of the Assembly's projected expenditure of £15 million for the next financial year.

    9. Accommodation
    10. Members recognised that accommodation in Parliament Buildings will be at a premium once Ministers and Committee Chairs have been appointed and decided not to accede to NIWC request for an additional room on the second floor. The Initial Presiding Officer to meet NIWC.

    11. Information Technology Training
    12. The Commission received a note on IT training which raised concerns about Members non-attendance. It was agreed that Personnel should continue to liaise with Party Whips on training issues with the notification of individual training places going to the nominated Member.

    13. Information Technology

Two issues were raised by Members, networking of PCs and access to the Internet. Mr Black is exploring the technical and security issues involved in networking Members' PCs, which the Commission were content for him to progress. Members also asked Mr Black to consider, as a contingency, the purchase of a private server to allow corporate access to the Internet.

    1. Library Research
    2. The Initial Presiding Officer introduced Mr Donnelly who has been seconded from NISRA. Mr Donnelly briefly commented on his placement with the House of Commons Research Service and provided initial thoughts on how the Assembly's Research and Information Services could be developed.

    3. Secretariat Restructuring
    4. The Initial Presiding Officer presented a proposal, linking individual Commission Members to each of the Board of Management departments. The following was agreed:

      Committee Office - Mr Molloy

      Finance and Personnel - Mr Robinson

      Keeper of the House - Mr Coulter

      Official Report - Mrs Bell

      Research and Information - Mr Fee

    5. European Dinner
    6. Mr Evans to meet representatives of the Training and Employment Agency and Proteus to discuss arrangements for the dinner scheduled for 23 January in Parliament Buildings.

    7. Stormont Estate
    8. Mr Evans to meet DOE officials on 21 December to discuss how DOE will consult the Commission on plans for the Stormont Estate. Members agreed that the Shadow Commission should respond to the request from the Stormont Area Group for a meeting with the Commission and DOE.

    9. Ministerial Furniture
    10. Mr Waddell has identified a Ministerial suite of furniture in Castle Buildings and will arrange a viewing.

    11. Souvenir Shop

Only one nomination received for the souvenir shop sub-committee - Mrs Robinson. Members agreed that Mrs Robinson should be invited to chair the sub-committee. Members to come back to Mr Evans with nominations.

  1. Simultaneous Translations
  2. Mr Evans tabled a paper on his visit to the Welsh Office. The Initial Presiding Officer explained that he needed to understand contributions spoken in Irish and that the provision of simultaneous interpretation facilities for the Speaker, the Deputy Clerk and Second Clerk at the last plenary in no way pre-empted any decision which the Standing Orders Committee may make. The Initial Presiding Officer stated that a substantive paper, on simultaneous translation facilities in other parliaments, will be prepared for the Commission, which can be made available to the Assembly if formally requested by the Standing Orders Committee.

  3. DFP Cleaners
  4. DFP will be writing out this week to offer the cleaners their original jobs in Parliament Buildings.

  5. Mount Charles
  6. The Initial Presiding Officer tabled a proposal by Mount Charles to open the Press Bar only on sitting days due to the low turnover on non-sitting days. Members agreed that the Commission should look at the Members' bar turnover before taking any decision. An alternative may be to use the basement restaurant staff to cover the press bar. Other issues discussed included the need for a Strangers dining room to provide pass holders with an alternative to the basement restaurant. The Commission also agreed that Members can take guests to the Members dining room for coffee when the coffee lounge is full.

  7. Any Other Business

    1. Legal Counsel
    2. The Initial Presiding Officer informed the Commission that he has met Nick Hanna, Crown Solicitor's Officer who will provide advice on an ad hoc basis. The Commission still need to consider a more permanent arrangement for the provision of legal counsel.

    3. Other Issues

Members agreed that work should go ahead on the audio installation of two committee rooms.

  1. Dates for Future Meetings

Friday 8 January 1999 at 10.00 am in Room 152. The meeting will deal specifically with Stage A of the Appointment of the Clerk. The next full meeting of the Shadow Commission will be on Thursday 14 January at 10.00 am in Room 152.


16 November 1998 / Menu / 8 January 1999