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Proceedings of the Regional Development Committee

Minutes of meeting held in public session on Wednesday, 7 November 2001 in room 135, Parliament Buildings

1. Minutes of last meeting
2. Matters arising
3. Statutory Rules
4. Regi
onal Transportation Strategy Conference
5. Visit to Europe
6. Strathclyde Public Transport Strategy
7. Departure of Mr J Wells MLA
8. European Structural Funds - Presentation
9. AOB
10. Date of Next Meeting

Present were:
Mr A Maginness (Chairman)
Mr A McFarland (Deputy Chairman)
Mr PJ Bradley
Mr D Hussey
Mr P McNamee
Mr G Savage
Mr J Wells

Mr J Byrne
Mr D Ervine
Mr W Hay

Mr R Hutchinson

In Attendance:
Mr L Barr (Committee Clerk)
Mr J Beatty (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Miss J Massey (Administrative Support)
Mr M McCourt (Administrative Support)
Ms S Clavero (Assembly Research Team)

The meeting commenced at 10.41am.

  1. Minutes of last meeting

  2. The minutes of the meeting held on 24 October 2001 were agreed.

  3. Matters arising

  1. Free Travel for War Disabled Pensioners under 65 years old.
  2. The Committee considered letters from Mr McClurg and Mr McCullough.

    (i) To await the outcome of the Ministerial review before deciding on the way forward;

    (ii) To write to Mr McClurg and Mr McCullough.

  3. Desludging of Septic Tanks/Mullaghboy Residents Group
  4. The Committee considered the letter of 5 November 2001 from the Department on these issues.

    Mr Hussey joined the meeting at 10.49am.

    (i) To await the outcome of the current deliberations from the Committee for the Environment;
    (ii) Once this information is received, to discuss the matter at a future meeting.

  5. Family of Settlements Report
  6. The Committee considered a letter of 5 November 2001 from the Department.

    Agreed: To write to the Department to ensure Local Councils are aware of the need to develop brownfield sites and that sufficient, appropriate land is identified within Area Plans.

  7. Visit to Derry City Council.
  8. The Committee discussed the provisional arrangements for the visit.

    Mr Wells joined the meeting at 11.14am.

    (i) The travel, accommodation and meeting arrangements were confirmed;
    (ii) To accept the lunch invitation from Londonderry Port and Harbour Commissioners;
    (iii) To accept the invitation from the Department to view work on Craigavon Bridge; and
    (iv) To invite more representatives from the North West Region Cross Border Group to the dinner on the evening of 27 November 2001.

    The Clerk will continue to make the necessary arrangements for the visit.

  1. Statutory Rules

  1. The Committee noted two Statutory Rules which the Department intends to make, but which will not be laid in the Assembly.
  2. Subordinate Legislation Motion
  3. The Committee considered a Motion relating to the technical examination of Statutory Rules by the Examiner of Statutory Rules and the publication of his Reports. The following Motion was put and Agreed:-

    "The Committee for Regional Development resolves, under Standing order 41, to delegate to the Examiner of Statutory Rules the technical scrutiny of Statutory Rules referred to the Committee under the above mentioned Standing Order.

    The Committee further resolves that in carrying out this function the Examiner shall be authorised to report his technical findings on each Statutory Rule to the Assembly, through the Business Office, and to the relevant Department, as well as the Committee itself and to publish his report."

  1. Regional Transportation Strategy Conference

  2. The Committee discussed a report on the conference.

    Agreed: To call for officials from the Department to attend a future meeting about this matter.

  3. Visit to Europe

  4. The Committee discussed outline arrangements for a 3 - 4 day visit to a number of sites in Europe to examine Best Practice in Public Transport Systems.

    Agreed: (i) To discuss again at next week's meeting when more information will be available on potential sites that better reflect the position within Northern Ireland;
    (ii) The Clerk should now write to the Clerk Assistant to seek formal approval for the visit.

  5. Strathclyde Public Transport Strategy

  6. The Committee considered a copy of the Authority's strategic plan and a briefing paper from the Assembly Research Team.

    Agreed: To post the Research Paper on the Intranet.

  7. Departure of Mr J Wells MLA

  8. Mr J Wells MLA is due to formally leave the Committee next week. Before leaving the meeting at 11.47am he thanked the Chair and the other Members of the Committee.

  9. European Structural Funds - Presentation

  10. Mr Kevin Fearon, European Commission Office in Belfast, joined the meeting at 11.50am and gave a presentation on European Union roles and functions including the Structural Funds. After the presentation, Mr Fearon answered questions from the Members.

    The Chair thanked Mr Fearon and he left the meeting at 12.36pm.

  11. AOB

  12. The Committee considered a letter from the Minister regarding the increase in the number of Belfast Councillors on the Belfast Harbour Commission and were pleased to note that all of the recommendations within the Committee's Report have been accepted.

  13. Date of Next Meeting

  14. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 14 November 2001 at 10.30am in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.

    The meeting closed at 12.41pm.

24 October 2001 / Menu / 14 November 2001