Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo



1. Minutes of last meeting
2. Matters arising
3. Statutory Rules
4. Grass Cutting
5. Sustainable Growth and Development

6. Air Links with London hub airports
7. Extension of Pilotage Limits of Londonderry Port and Harbour
8. Inquiry into Titanic Quarter leases
9. AOB
10. Date of next meeting

Present were:
Mr A Maginness (Chairman)
Mr A McFarland (Deputy Chairman)
Mr PJ Bradley
Mr J Byrne
Mr W Hay
Mr R Hutchinson
Mr G Savage

Mr D Ervine
Mr J Wells

Mr D Hussey
Mr P McNamee

In Attendance:
Mr L Barr (Committee Clerk)
Mr S Fay (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mr N Currie (Executive Support)
Mrs S Young (Administrative Support)
Miss J Massey (Administrative Support) Mr H Lowe (Assembly Research Team)

The meeting commenced at 10.33am in public session. Mr McFarland chaired the meeting.

The Deputy Chairman and Committee acknowledged their thanks to Seamus Fay for all the support and help he has given to the Committee and wished him success in his new career.

1. Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 4 July 2001 were agreed.

2. Matters arising

Mr Savage joined the meeting at 10.36am.

(a) Draft Harbour Orders.

The Committee considered responses from the Department regarding Local Council representation on the boards of Harbour Authorities. The Committee welcomed the proposed Code of Practice which will address the liaison arrangements between the Councils and the Harbour Authorities.

Agreed: That the Clerk will write to the Department asking what policies would be put in place to ensure that the Code of Practice is adhered to. That Councils should be encouraged to formally meet the Harbour Authorities at least twice per year.

(b) Welsh Water

The Committee noted the report from Professor Austin Smyth and Jamie Delargey on alternative methods of raising finance for public services including the references to Welsh Water which administers the Water Service in Wales.

The Committee discussed problems with the sewerage system including alleged spread of sediment and waste on farmland.

Agreed: That the Clerk will write to the Department asking if this practice occurs and if it is legal.

(c) Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS)

The Committee noted the revised date of 28 September 2001 for the conference on the RTS.

(d) Regional Development Strategy (RDS)

The Committee noted the letter from the Minister advising that he will table a motion in the Assembly seeking formal agreement of the Strategy.

3. Statutory Rules

The Committee noted a table containing details of Statutory Rules which the Department intends to make but which will not be laid in the Assembly.

4. Grass Cutting

The Committee discussed a letter from Derry City Council which raised concerns about the amount of grass cutting carried out by the Department in rural areas and the implications for road safety and tourism. Members also discussed the letter from the Department on the matter.

Agreed: That the Department's reply will be copied to Derry City Council.

That the Clerk will write to the Department seeking further information on the contracts awarded for grass cutting, the monitoring of those contracts, the roles of District Councils and arrangements for allowing local farmers to carry out grass cutting on roads close to them.

5. Sustainable Growth and Development

Mr Maginness joined the meeting at 11.14am. Mr McFarland continued in the Chair.

The Committee noted an invitation to attend a conference on Sustainable Growth and Development to be held on 27 and 28 September 2001 in Belfast City Hall. Those Members wishing to attend will advise Committee staff who will make the necessary arrangements.

6. Air Links with London hub airports

The Committee considered a letter the General Consumer Council (GCC) raising concerns about the possible reduction in air services between Belfast and London. This followed a report by the States of Guernsey Transport Board which also raised fears of reductions in services between Guernsey and London. The Committee welcomed the involvement of the Department and the First and Deputy First Minister in the matter.

Agreed: That the Clerk will ask the Department to keep the Committee informed of developments.

7. Extension of Pilotage Limits of Londonderry Port and Harbour

The Committee considered a consultation document from the Department which proposes to extend the pilotage limits of Londonderry Port and Harbour.

Agreed: That the Committee will await the outcome of the public consultation exercise and consider the matter further at that time.

The Committee met in closed session.

8. Inquiry into Titanic Quarter leases

The Committee considered a draft report.

Agreed: The Committee agreed the contents of the report and the motion to be tabled in the Assembly.

The Committee thanked the Committee staff for their work in preparing the report.

9. AOB

(a) Car parking fees in Newry.

Concerns were raised about the impact of new car parking charges on traders in Newry Town Centre.

Agreed: That the Clerk will obtain more details on the matter which will be discussed further at the next meeting.

10. Date of next meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 12 September 2001 at 10.30am in room 135, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting closed at 11.36am.

4 July 2001 / Menu / 12 September 2001