Proceedings of the Regional Development Committee
Minutes of meeting held in part public/part closed session on Wednesday, 21 March 2001 in room 135, Parliament Buildings
1. Minutes of last meeting
2. Matters arising
3. Strategy 2010
4. Titanic Quarter Leases
5. AOB
6. Draft Harbour Orders
7. Inquiry into Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)
8. Date of next meeting
Present were:
Mr A Maginness (Chairman)
Mr A McFarland (Deputy Chairman)
Mr D Ervine
Mr W Hay
Mr R Hutchinson
Mr P McNamee
Mr G Savage
Mr PJ Bradley
Mr J Byrne
Mr D Hussey
Mr J Wells
In Attendance: Mr L Barr ( Committee Clerk
Mr S Fay ( Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mr N Currie (Executive Support)
Mrs S Young (Administrative Support)
The meeting commenced at 10.36am.
1. Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2001 were agreed.
2. Matters arising
- M1/Westlink Inquiry
- Ring of Gullion.
- Disused Railway Beds.
The Committee discussed correspondence received from Patricia Lewsley, MLA (Lagan Valley), and from the Dunmurry and Finaghy Residents Association about the Inquiry.
Agreed: That confirmation will be obtained that the Inquiry was organised and held by the Department for Regional Development.
That the Chairman will write to the Minister expressing the Committee's concerns about the Inquiry and about the Alconbury case which is to be considered by the House of Lords.
The Committee noted the Department's reply. It will consider all aspects of the case at the next meeting.
The Department's reply is awaited.
3. Strategy 2010
The Committee considered the three recommendations, which were relevant to the Department for Regional Development, from the Enterprise, Trade and Investment (ETI) Committee's draft report on Strategy 2010.
Mr McFarland joined the meeting at 10.46am.
Agreed: That the Clerk will write to the ETI Committee commending the three recommendations.
4. Titanic Quarter Leases
The Committee reconsidered the reply from the Belfast Harbour Commissioners (BHC) which gave details of the leases.
Mr McNamee joined the meeting at 11.06am.
Agreed: That the Chairman will write to BHC asking for clarification on the matter.
That the Chairman will write to the Minister asking for more details about the matter.
5. AOB
- Regional Development Strategy (RDS).
- Port of Belfast.
The Chairman reported to the Committee on his meeting with the Minister about the Committee's response to the final draft of the RDS.
Agreed: That the Committee would accept the Department's offer of a further briefing concentrating on the points of concern raised in the response.
The Chairman reported that the Take Note motion laid by the Committee is scheduled for debate on Tuesday, 27 March 2001.
Mr Hutchinson left the meeting at 11.17am.
The meeting moved to public session
6. Draft Harbour Orders
Mr Robin McMinnis Director, Air and Seaports Division; and
Mrs Barbara Faloona Air and Seaports Division
joined the meeting at 11.15 am. They were accompanied by
Mr Alan Boyd Adviser from McGrigor/Donald Solicitors, Scotland.
They gave a presentation on the draft Harbour Orders proposed for the three trust ports in Northern Ireland explaining that the orders would extend their powers in line with other ports in Great Britain. The Orders are at a preliminary consultation stage but the Department is keen to keep the Committee fully briefed on them as they are developed.
Mr Ervine left the meeting at 11.17am.
The officials answered Members questions on the draft Orders.
Agreed: That the Department will send the Memorandum of Understanding between the Department and the Belfast Harbour Commissioners to the Committee for scrutiny before its completion.
Mr Ervine returned at 11.47am.
The Chairman left the meeting at 11.50am.
Mr McFarland took the Chair.
The officials left the meeting at 12.05pm.
The meeting returned to closed session.
Agreed: That the Department be asked to consider the numbers of Council representatives and the procedures involved in their selection onto the Port Authorities' boards. The Department be also asked to consider the terms and conditions of the Chief Executives for each of the boards.
7. Inquiry into Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)
The Committee considered a letter from the Chairman of the Committee for Finance and Personnel.
Agreed: That permission be given to the Committee for Finance and Personnel to write to the Department to obtain its views and experience of PPPs. That officials from the Department attend a future meeting to brief the Committee on the Department's consideration of PPPs to date.
8. Date of next meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 28 March 2001 at 10.30am. in room 135, Parliament Buildings.
The meeting closed at 12.21pm.