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Wednesday 2 nd April 2008

Fred Cobain MLA (Chairperson)
Cathal Boylan MLA
John Dallat MLA
William Irwin MLA
John McCallister MLA
Raymond McCartney MLA
Stephen Moutray MLA
George Robinson MLA
Jim Wells MLA

In Attendance:
Roisin Kelly (Assembly Clerk)
Sinead Nash (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Pauline Devlin (Clerical Supervisor)
Annette Page (Clerical Officer)
Stephanie Galbraith (Researcher)

Willie Clarke MLA
Brian Wilson MLA

The Committee decided to hold the meeting in open session.

The meeting opened at 10.45 a.m. in open session.

1. Apologies.

Apologies were received from Willie Clarke and Brian Wilson.

2. Draft Minutes of the meetings of 12 March 2008.

The minutes of the meetings held on 12 March 2008 were agreed.

3. Matters Arising.

Members noted information supplied by Translink following its briefing on 23 January 2008, and agreed to seek clarification on recent media reports that the Belfast Dublin rail line required investment in the order of £500 million.

Members notedthe position paper on taxis by IMTAC and agreed to forward the paper to the Department for Regional Development for comment.

William Irwin joined the meeting at 10.48 a.m.

Members noted the letter from the Minister for Regional Development on the Accessible Transport Strategy Action Plan. Members agreed to further consider this piece of correspondence as part of their consideration of the draft Action Plan at the meeting of 9 April 2008.

Members noted a press release from the Department of Finance and Personnel regarding a proposed rates revaluation of commercial properties. Members agreed to seek information from the Department for Regional Development on how this may impact on water and sewerage charges.

4. Committee Response to the draft Speed Management Policy.

John McCallister joined the meeting at 11.03 a.m.

Members considered a draft response to the Department on the draft Speed Management Policy, and decided to invite officials to answer Members queries at the meeting of 9 April 2008.

Stephen Moutray joined the meeting at 11.30 a.m.

5. Forward Work Programme April – July 2008.

Members agreedtheir Forward Work Programme to the end of April 2008, and agreed that it be published on the Committee web pages.

Members agreed that, in the allocation of Committee time, priority would be given to issues around water and sewerage services and the ongoing development of ports policy. The Committee decided to schedule quarterly briefing from the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation, the Department and the Northern Ireland Water on regulatory and performance management issues in the provision of water and sewerage services.

Members noted a draft handling plan for their scrutiny of rural transport. Members agreed to initiate preliminary work on an inquiry in the area of environmental impacts of public transport.

6. Proposed Reapportionment of Costs in Northern Ireland Water.

Members noted receipt of the uncorrected Hansard transcripts from the evidence sessions with Department for Regional Development officials, Northern Ireland Water and the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation at the Committee meeting of 12 March 2008.

Members had a number of areas where clarification was sought and Members agreed to seek briefing from the Department for Regional Development officials on these outstanding issues. The Committeeagreed to forward questions to the Committee office for submission to the Department for written response.

7. Subordinate Legislation

Members noted the following new SL1s received:

Having noted additional information received from the Department on the Trunk Road T8 (A31) Magherafelt Bypass Order ( Northern Ireland) 2008, Members indicated that they were content with the following SL1s noted at the meeting of 12 March 2008:

Members noted receipt of the following Statutory Rule which is not subject to any Assembly procedure:

Members noted the following Statutory Rule subject to negative resolution. The Examiner of Statutory Rules will forward his report before the end of the statutory period.

Members noted receipt of the twelfth Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules to the Assembly and the Appropriate Committees, which was published on 12 March 2008. In the absence of any objections, the following questions were put and agreed:

That the Committee for Regional Development has considered 2008/63 The Traffic Signs (Amendment) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2008 and has no objection to the rule.”

All those in favour: Fred Cobain, John Dallat, Raymond McCartney, Cathal Boylan, John McCallister, Jim Wells, George Robinson, William Irwin, Stephen Moutray.

All those against: None

That the Committee for Regional Development has considered 2008/78 The Penalty Charges (Additional Contravention) Regulations ( Northern Ireland) 2008 and has no objection to the rule.

All those in favour: Fred Cobain, John Dallat, Raymond McCartney, Cathal Boylan, John McCallister, Jim Wells, George Robinson, William Irwin, Stephen Moutray.

All those against: None

Members instructed the Clerk to notify the Business Office on the decisions reached by the Committee in considering these Statutory Rules .

8. Correspondence

The Committee noted the following items of correspondence:

Members agreed to forward this letter to the Department for information.

Jim Wells left the meeting at 12.13 p.m.

The Committee noted the following press releases:

10. Any Other Business.

There was no other business.

11. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting.

The next meeting will be at 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday 9 April 2008 in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.17 pm. 

Chairperson, Committee for Regional Development.

12 March 08 / Menu